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David Leyonhjelm

David Leyonhjelm: 'when I step out of my suite, it’s game on'

David Leyonhjelm: 'when I step out of my suite, it’s game on'

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is not my work colleague; she is my opponent.

  • by David Leyonhjelm


Hanson-Young's lawsuit could set back the cause of women everywhere

Hanson-Young's lawsuit could set back the cause of women everywhere

In arguing Leyonhjelm’s remarks were injurious to her reputation, Hanson-Young affirms the misogynist notion that a sexually adventurous woman is a bad woman.

  • by Julie Szego
ACT wouldn't rush through euthanasia laws, if Andrews Bill scrapped

ACT wouldn't rush through euthanasia laws, if Andrews Bill scrapped

Attorney-General Gordon Ramsay has hit out at claims the ACT would rush to legalise assisted dying, if restrictions were eased.

  • by Katie Burgess
'They want me up there in Longman': Latham flirting with One Nation and LDP
David Leyonhjelm

'They want me up there in Longman': Latham flirting with One Nation and LDP

The former Labor leader has outraged his onetime colleagues in the ALP with his intervention in the crucial Longman campaign. But his ambitions may go further.

  • by Deborah Snow
Hanson-Young's case against Leyonhjelm a first for sitting politicians
David Leyonhjelm

Hanson-Young's case against Leyonhjelm a first for sitting politicians

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young is set to become the first sitting Australian politician to sue a fellow parliamentarian under national defamation laws.

  • by Michaela Whitbourn
'He's the most harmless individual': Senator defends Leyonhjelm amid sexism row
Parliament House

'He's the most harmless individual': Senator defends Leyonhjelm amid sexism row

When David Leyonhjelm sees Jane Hume in Parliament, he greets her: "G'day, hot chick." She thinks it's wonderful.

  • by Michael Koziol
Leyonhjelm stoush isn't good for anybody ... except maybe Leyonhjelm

Leyonhjelm stoush isn't good for anybody ... except maybe Leyonhjelm

Senator David Leyonhjelm is accumulating the sort of name recognition money can’t buy.

  • by Tony Walker
Leyonhjelm has ignited outrage that is years overdue

Leyonhjelm has ignited outrage that is years overdue

Senator David Leyonhjelm has had some inadvertent successes.

  • by Stephanie Dowrick
The upside to David Leyonhjelm's comments
David Leyonhjelm

The upside to David Leyonhjelm's comments

It's hard to believe but there is one.

  • by Jacinta Tynan
Why David Leyonhjelm must offend and cannot apologise
Sarah Hanson-Young

Why David Leyonhjelm must offend and cannot apologise

It's not only in cases of freedom of speech where Leyonhjelm shows his libertarian wares.

  • by Waleed Aly
Hanson-Young gives Leyonhjelm one week to pay compensation or face lawsuit
Sarah Hanson-Young

Hanson-Young gives Leyonhjelm one week to pay compensation or face lawsuit

Legal letter alleges David Leyonhjelm imputed Sarah Hanson-Young "is a slut, shagging men indiscriminately" on six occasions.

  • by Michael Koziol