Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


How Turkey and Trump shot down the Australian dollar

How Turkey and Trump shot down the Australian dollar

The Aussie dollar has slumped heavily in the past week. Blame Turkey, its economy and its stoush with the US President.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz


Sydney, stop whingeing - our city's not that bad

Sydney, stop whingeing - our city's not that bad

Our property prices make extortionists feel embarrassed and our nightlife’s still less lively than the Tasmanian tiger. But a new global report card just reminded us how good we’ve got it.

  • by Dom Knight
Why Bunnings has become the new Coles for investors

Why Bunnings has become the new Coles for investors

Now is not a good time for it to lose some of the sales gloss.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Turnbull and Shorten must unite - and silence Abbott

Turnbull and Shorten must unite - and silence Abbott

Ignore all he says and does. Tony Abbott is just for Abbott, hoping to return to the leadership by destroying the PM. And Turnbull should call him out on it - for the sake of the nation.

  • by John Hewson
Bad ratings killed Family Feud – but Pointless is doing even worse
TV & radio

Bad ratings killed Family Feud – but Pointless is doing even worse

Is Ten's new quiz show destined for the chop?

  • by Michael Lallo
'Wreath-gate' may not hurt Corbyn, but that might not be good news

'Wreath-gate' may not hurt Corbyn, but that might not be good news

In the midst of UK Labour's ongoing anti-Semitism debate, Jeremy Corbyn has had new questions to answer over an old scandal.

  • by Nick Miller
Banking Code of Practice offers small business a safeguard
Small business

Banking Code of Practice offers small business a safeguard

The new Banking Code of Practice is good news for small businesses, and shows advocacy works.

  • by Kate Carnell
Motives of old dinosaur Abbott are purely selfish

Motives of old dinosaur Abbott are purely selfish

Former prime minister Tony Abbott doesn't care about power prices or energy security. He cares only about settling scores.

The Asian nation Australia needs to embrace
The economy

The Asian nation Australia needs to embrace

A deeper economic relationship with India would reduce Australia's economic exposure and bolster resilience.

  • by Matt Wade
Domino's Meij commits cardinal sin of under-delivery

Domino's Meij commits cardinal sin of under-delivery

Domino's investors felt betrayed after the company failed to reach its profit guidance and hadn't warned shareholders on the shortfall.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Auditor must shine light on $443m reef gift

Auditor must shine light on $443m reef gift

The dramatic shift on Great Barrier Reef policy raises some big questions.

  • by Editorial
Jeff Kennett's $15bn poker gambit goes horribly wrong

Jeff Kennett's $15bn poker gambit goes horribly wrong

For a person so engaged with the poker machine industry former Victorian premier, Jeff Kennett, doesn't know much about it.

  • by Colin Kruger
Tick for Sydney Modern 'Carwash' would show contempt for critics

Tick for Sydney Modern 'Carwash' would show contempt for critics

Two hundred or more eminent and interested people and organisations have filed objections to the Art Gallery of NSW extension.

  • by Bruce Donald
Courting controversy by casting against 'type'

Courting controversy by casting against 'type'

Another Hollywood casting announcement has sparked another wave of controversy. Is it justified?

  • by Karl Quinn
Orange is the New Black star documents her complicated birth
Health & wellness

Orange is the New Black star documents her complicated birth

Here's why we should follow her lead.

  • by Polly Dunning
In the Herald: August 15, 1945 

In the Herald: August 15, 1945 

Party for peace, birthday present from artist, and Letter to the Editor: Atomic bomb

  • by Stephanie Bull
My boyfriend was ashamed of my weight
Life & relationships

My boyfriend was ashamed of my weight

I’ve spoken to hundreds of fat women who have experienced some version of my story.

  • by Virgie Tovar
How the ATO is nudging Australians to pay more tax

How the ATO is nudging Australians to pay more tax

Behavioural economics is a low-cost approach to getting people to pay more tax. It is having a positive impact on work-related expense deductions and tax debts.

  • by Nassim Khadem
Is your super giving people lung cancer?

Is your super giving people lung cancer?

Being a conscious consumer means knowing where your money is going whether you're spending it, saving it or investing it.

  • by Melissa Browne
Ignorance of credit scoring leaves consumers vulnerable
Planning & budgeting

Ignorance of credit scoring leaves consumers vulnerable

Widespread ignorance of how credit scores work leaves borrowers vulnerable to poor credit scores.

  • by John Collett
The next big skin care accessory

The next big skin care accessory

By claiming they can remove particles that can cause allergies, air purifiers have become the next big things in skin care.

  • by Stephanie Darling
Napoleon would not rate Malcolm Turnbull

Napoleon would not rate Malcolm Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull has all the successful qualities of the barrister he once was, and that’s the problem.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Emotions and resistance running hot ahead of Davis Cup vote

Emotions and resistance running hot ahead of Davis Cup vote

Even in a divided sport with a surplus of governing bodies, there is finally genuine consensus that the Davis Cup needs to change.

  • by Christopher Clarey
Column 8

Column 8

Plumbers show new depth

Abbott isolated in a meeting that put a premium on unity

Abbott isolated in a meeting that put a premium on unity

The immense challenge facing the Turnbull government was put into words by Victorian Liberal MP Sarah Henderson when she urged her colleagues to back the National Energy Guarantee.

  • by David Crowe
How we can better help women in startups
Small business

How we can better help women in startups

Events are one way to provide women with peers and role models in starting a business.

  • by Holly Stephens
Turnbull government security bill threatens online privacy

Turnbull government security bill threatens online privacy

If you create a weakness in encryption for one person, there is no way to stop hackers, malicious actors, or even foreign agents from exploiting that same weakness for other ends.

  • by Denelle Dixon
Perfect storm wringing the growth out of banks' earnings
Banking & finance

Perfect storm wringing the growth out of banks' earnings

NAB's trading update reflects the tougher settings and the damage to their brands the major banks are experiencing.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Downward spiral: Turkey's toxic situation has markets spooked

Downward spiral: Turkey's toxic situation has markets spooked

The famous Dornbusch's Law of financial crises is that they take longer to hit than you think, but then unfold much faster than you ever thought possible.

  • by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The market is infatuated with Musk - but there are some things that it won't tolerate

The market is infatuated with Musk - but there are some things that it won't tolerate

If you decide to just tweet your every random thought without consulting anyone, then any errors are kind of on you.

  • by Matt Levine
APA's Mick McCormack gave a XXXX about our gas network

APA's Mick McCormack gave a XXXX about our gas network

Our east coast gas pipeline grid was designed on the back of a beer coaster, that might explain a lot.

  • by Colin Kruger
High-profile NAB exec escapes with superficial wounds
Banking & finance

High-profile NAB exec escapes with superficial wounds

It’s rare the royal commission gets to line up a high-profile target. So the pressure was on to inflict maximum injury on Andrew Hagger.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Population growth stunted by dry and unliveable land

Population growth stunted by dry and unliveable land

The Australian landmass is large, but the area available for productive agriculture and for networks of viable cities is quite small.

No special deal for Packer's casino

No special deal for Packer's casino

Crown should not have a veto on building around its tower.

  • by Editorial
Much at stake as nice and nasty face off

Much at stake as nice and nasty face off

A tweet from an inoffensive source has escalated into a test of Western values.

  • by Peter Hartcher
'Catfishing' is more common than you think
Life & relationships

'Catfishing' is more common than you think

People don't need lessons on how to avoid catfishing, they need lessons on how to be wiser in love.

  • by Kerri Sackville
Why supercoach Wayne Bennett will not go quietly

Why supercoach Wayne Bennett will not go quietly

The Broncos coach is being managed out of the club he helped build and is unlikely to be there beyond next year.

  • by Andrew Webster
Andrew Bolt, your shameful hypocrisy is not welcome here
Life & relationships

Andrew Bolt, your shameful hypocrisy is not welcome here

Newsflash Bolt - women like me do oppose this behaviour. But when we speak out against it, we are met with disdain from people like you.

  • by Clementine Ford
Why it's so hard to get kids' attention, according to science
Life & relationships

Why it's so hard to get kids' attention, according to science

And what to do about it.

  • by James Paterson
In the Herald: August 14, 1834

In the Herald: August 14, 1834

In a fit of a ‘phrenzy’, the ship news, and John is fond of fish

  • by Brian Yatman
Why Coles misjudged the plastic bag backlash
Consumer affairs

Why Coles misjudged the plastic bag backlash

The plastic bags fiasco was doomed from the start - it was a major renegotiation of their bargain with customers and their role in our lives.

  • by Lisa Hagan
Column 8

Column 8

Neanderthals have had a gutful!

Doctor, doctor, (don't) tell me the news

Doctor, doctor, (don't) tell me the news

Dropping the cancer label from some low risk conditions could reduce men's anxiety about seeing a GP.

  • by Jenna Price
Why I'm voting 'no' on the assisted suicide bill: Seselja

Why I'm voting 'no' on the assisted suicide bill: Seselja

I oppose assisted suicide. And if this Bill passes, I have no doubt assisted suicide will become law in the ACT.

  • by Zed Seselja
Nimble JB Hi-Fi keeps one step ahead of Amazon

Nimble JB Hi-Fi keeps one step ahead of Amazon

The retailer is one of the most adaptable, dealing with the continual shifting of the mix of sales in electronic goods and software and the various tides of competition.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
If this is the price for curing Sydney's congestion, I won't pay it

If this is the price for curing Sydney's congestion, I won't pay it

The future looks grim for those for whom cars mean freedom.

  • by Charles Purcell
In the Herald: August 13, 1866

In the Herald: August 13, 1866

A dangerous country, donated specimens and news in brief

  • by Brian Yatman
Footballers get second chances, why not filmmakers like Matthew Newton?

Footballers get second chances, why not filmmakers like Matthew Newton?

If footballers can be forgiven for their crimes and encouraged to play fair in the future, why not those who break the rules off the field?

  • by Tom Ryan
'He has no idea how markets work': Turkey's stubborn president set to create more financial turmoil

'He has no idea how markets work': Turkey's stubborn president set to create more financial turmoil

A solution to the current crisis requires either a gesture from the Trump administration or a humiliating reversal by the Turkish president. Neither looks likely.

  • by Benjamin Harvey & Omur Anut
Why West Coast may possess the magical mystery potion for AFL success

Why West Coast may possess the magical mystery potion for AFL success

Former Bulldogs captain Robert Murphy spoke of it recently when analysing his side's history-breaking 2016 premiership. Now it seems West Coast has its hands on the magic potion that leads to AFL premierships.

  • by David Prestipino