Nassim Khadem | The Sydney Morning Herald
Nassim Khadem

Deputy Editor, BusinessDay. Reporting on tax and regulation.

Our $130 billion super giant is starting to throw its weight around

Our $130 billion super giant is starting to throw its weight around

Cut-throat takeover battles and a portfolio flush with trendy Silicon Valley tech stocks. What is AustralianSuper up to?

  • by Nassim Khadem & Ruth Williams


Healthscope's woes deepen with NSW nurses planning rally

Healthscope's woes deepen with NSW nurses planning rally

The consortium behind a $4.1 billion bid for Healthscope will be looking to highlight troubles the group is facing with the state's nurses.

  • by Nassim Khadem
'Step one': More action needed from AMP, say major investors

'Step one': More action needed from AMP, say major investors

Investors in AMP want more of the company's board members to step aside, and more executives to have their pay docked for misbehaviour.

  • by Nassim Khadem & Clancy Yeates
The man with one of the toughest jobs in Australian business

The man with one of the toughest jobs in Australian business

Mike Wilkins established a reputation for integrity during a long career in the financial services industry.

  • by Nassim Khadem
AMP under pressure on executive pay, as Brenner tipped to go

AMP under pressure on executive pay, as Brenner tipped to go

AMP chairman Catherine Brenner is expected to announce her resignation on Monday, as calls grow louder for the company to claw back executive pay.

  • by Nassim Khadem
Discrimination isn't just a cultural problem; it's an economic one

Discrimination isn't just a cultural problem; it's an economic one

Until we stamp out discrimination in pay and ensure women move into the highest ranks of corporate and political life, we cannot end toxic workplace cultures.

  • by Nassim Khadem
Want to boost the economy by $60b? Get more women into jobs, says KPMG

Want to boost the economy by $60b? Get more women into jobs, says KPMG

Improving workforce participation rates for women could boost the country’s economic growth by $60 billion over the next 20 years, according to a KPMG report.

  • by Nassim Khadem
'Can they do what they wish?' UN heavyweight warns on Facebook's power

'Can they do what they wish?' UN heavyweight warns on Facebook's power

Francis Gurry, who heads the United Nation’s World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), wants greater privacy when it comes to personal data.

  • by Nassim Khadem
When money goes missing on the way to the ATO

When money goes missing on the way to the ATO

They paid their tax to their accountant, or gave their correct TFN. But the tax office is saying 'tough luck, cough up' anyway.

  • by Nassim Khadem
Uber drivers complain about ATO's approach to gig economy

Uber drivers complain about ATO's approach to gig economy

Uber drivers caught by a GST ruling are among those complaining about the tax office's treatment of workers in the sharing economy.

  • by Nassim Khadem
Credit ratings could be 'trashed' under proposed new laws, hearing told

Credit ratings could be 'trashed' under proposed new laws, hearing told

Australians could have their credit rating trashed unless there are proper safeguards in place, says the Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi.

  • by Nassim Khadem