Europe | Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald



Drivers cheat death on Italian bridge as cars ahead plunge into the void

Drivers cheat death on Italian bridge as cars ahead plunge into the void

Antonio Rubino slammed on the brakes of his car just short of the point at which the bridge in Genoa collapsed.

  • by Nick Squires & Andrea Vogt


Westminster car attack was 'poorly-planned copycat raid'

Westminster car attack was 'poorly-planned copycat raid'

A terror suspect is believed to have travelled through the night from Birmingham before mowing down cyclists outside the Houses of Parliament.

  • by Hayley Dixon & Izzy Lyons
'Wreath-gate' may not hurt Corbyn, but that might not be good news
Jeremy Corbyn

'Wreath-gate' may not hurt Corbyn, but that might not be good news

In the midst of UK Labour's ongoing anti-Semitism debate, Jeremy Corbyn has had new questions to answer over an old scandal.

  • by Nick Miller
Swedish prime minister livid after youths torch more than 100 cars

Swedish prime minister livid after youths torch more than 100 cars

 In the Swedish city of Gothenburg, plumes of smoke rose above the shells of burned cars as fire engines raced to put out a string of blazes.

  • by Siobhán O'Grady
Fox News depicts Denmark as socialist dystopia, draws swift response

Fox News depicts Denmark as socialist dystopia, draws swift response

A Fox Business item characterising Denmark as a socialist dystopia has drawn an angry response from politicians from the Nordic country.

  • by Tasneem Hanfi Brögger
'Immense tragedy': Motorway bridge collapse in Italy leaves dozens dead

'Immense tragedy': Motorway bridge collapse in Italy leaves dozens dead

At least 30 people are dead after a motorway bridge collapsed in the northern Italian port city of Genoa, a deputy minister says.

Psychiatric report finds accused child sex abuser Malka Leifer ‘fit to face extradition hearing'

Psychiatric report finds accused child sex abuser Malka Leifer ‘fit to face extradition hearing'

Leifer, who is wanted in Australia to face dozens of counts of child sex abuse, will face another hearing in three months' time.

  • by Gabrielle Weiniger
'It looked intentional': Driver arrested on suspicion of terror offences

'It looked intentional': Driver arrested on suspicion of terror offences

 A man has been arrested after a car crashed into security barriers outside Britain's Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

  • by Jenny Noyes & Latika Bourke
Jamie Oliver says Malcolm Turnbull is a 'laggard' on childhood obesity
Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver says Malcolm Turnbull is a 'laggard' on childhood obesity

The celebrity chef has notched up wins in the UK where a sugar tax has been introduced and a ban on junk-food advertising on London's public transport is proposed.

  • by Latika Bourke
Oh, Vienna. Beautiful, cultured, and officially better than Melbourne

Oh, Vienna. Beautiful, cultured, and officially better than Melbourne

As long as you don't mind pork, strudel and nude saunas, there's a lot to love in Ultravox's favourite European destination.

  • by Nick Miller
Heathrow passport queues more than two hours
Air travel

Heathrow passport queues more than two hours

The Border Force missed its 45-minute or less target for passport check wait times for 95 per cent of visitors from outside Europe.

  • by Sarah Young