Launch something new with video

Rock the timeline with our First View takeover.

When you need to launch a product or ad campaign, our First View takeover gets you mass awareness within a targeted country. Gain exclusive, 24-hour ownership of our most valuable real estate: the first ad slot at the top of the timeline.

First View

Your video will be what consumers see at the beginning of their Twitter session. Recent research from IPG shows that First View was the most effective video execution over a competing video platform takeover, with nearly double the aided brand and message recall. In fact, First View outperforms competing platforms on video viewing time by 1.4X. Bank of America used First View for its launch of Pay Back a Friend Day, which celebrated becoming ​​​​by paying each other back in the Bank of America Mobile Banking app.

Grab the attention of consumers who might miss a traditional TV ad, too. One brand ran a campaign during a global sporting event and used First View and a Promoted Trend. The brand saw 22% incremental reach on Twitter on top of their TV ad campaign. Go big and cut through the noise.

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Launch on Twitter

Launch on Twitter

Find out how and why to launch something new on Twitter. Gain mass exposure, boost your brand metrics, and reach an audience that’s eager to discover and engage.
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