WordPress News Survey 2018 Report

View the results of the 2018 WordPress News Survey conducted by the WordPress Marketing team, which focuses on how users source WordPress news and updates.View the results of the 2018 WordPress News Survey conducted by the WordPress Marketing team, which focuses on how users source WordPress news and updates.

How do you get your WordPress News?

We would like to thank everyone that participated in the survey! The purpose of this survey was to generate data for the WordPress Marketing team on how WordPress users view and source news and updates related to WordPress. Your input is valuable and much appreciated! The survey was open for approximately two weeks and there were a total 254 participants at the time of this report.

Breakdown of the top results:

  • 55.91% of participants view WordPress related news and updates daily.
  • 32.28% of participants source their WordPress related news and updates from newsletters, while
  • 26.38% source from various websites.
  • 22.22% of participants use wptavern.com as their main source, while 20.40% of participants use torquemag.io. 11.29% of participants use make.wordpress.com.
  • Twitter is the number one social media outlet at 47.00% of the participants reporting as such.

From the results we have determined ways to increase the visibility of WordPress news and updates. ncreasing outreach on Twitter can provide a good platform to increase direct update correspondence and distribution via social sharing. In addition, the results have outlined popular news sources that can be used to distribute information to a wider audience via active collaboration with these sources.

This was the first survey developed by the Marketing team to gain insight into how our users view and source information related to WordPress news and updates. We have learned a great deal as well as how we can improve future surveys. As such, we will be expanding the scope and outreach of the next survey in this series in order to generate more thorough data and to include more of the global WordPress community.

Survey Results

How often do you view WordPress related news and updates?

How often do you view WordPress related news and updates?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Daily, 142, 55.91%
  • Weekly, 95, 37.40%
  • Once a month, 9, 3.54%
  • Other, 8, 3.15%

How do you source your WordPress related news and updates?

How do you source your WordPress related news and updates?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Newsletters, 82, 32.28%
  • Websites, 67, 26.38%
  • Other, 39, 15.35%
  • Social Media, 37, 14.57%
  • RSS or Atom Feeds, 17, 6.69%
  • WordPress dashboard, 5, 1.97%
  • I do not view WordPress related news and updates., 4, 1.57%
  • Auto-update email notification, 3, 1.18%

Which websites do you source your WordPress news from? Select all that apply.

Which websites do you source your WordPress news from?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • wptavern.com, 122, 22.22%
  • torquemag.io, 112, 20.40%
  • WPMUDEV, 70, 12.75%
  • wordpress.org/news, 68, 12.39%
  • make.wordpress.org, 62, 11.29%
  • wpbeginner.com/category/news, 49, 8.93%
  • blog.wordpress.com, 27, 4.92%
  • I do not source WordPress related news and updates from websites., 15, 2.73%
  • vip.wordpress.com/news, 12, 2.19%
  • planet.wordpress.org, 6, 1.09%
  • advancedwp.org, 6, 1.09%

*please note that questions with “select all that apply” will have over 254 totals.*

If you source your WordPress news from social media, which platforms do you use? Select all that apply.

If you source your WordPress news from social media, which platforms do you use?

Response, Total, Percentage

  • Twitter, 133, 47.00%
  • I do not source WordPress related news and updates from social media., 79, 27.92%
  • Facebook, 67, 23.67%
  • Google+, 4, 1.41%

*please note that questions with “select all that apply” will have over 254 totals.*

Survey Analysis

From the results we have determined ways to increase the visibility of WordPress news and updates. Increasing outreach on Twitter can provide a good platform to increase direct update correspondence and distribution via social sharing. In addition, the results have outlined popular news sources that can be used to distribute information to a wider audience via active collaboration with these sources.

This was the first survey developed by the Marketing Team to gain insight into how our users view and source information related to WordPress news and updates. We have learned a great deal as well as how we can improve future surveys. As such, we will be expanding the scope and outreach of the next survey in this series in order to generate more thorough data and to include more of the global WordPress community.

Compiled by Josh Bray (@josh2k5) for the WordPress Marketing Team


Marketing Team Notes – August 8, 2018

Marketing Team Vision

Our vision for the Marketing Team is to be the go-to resource on strategy and content for other WordPress teams. We reiterate our mission each week so that everyone who is new to the team understands what our goals are. This helps with onboarding.

We’d love you to join the Marketing Team. If you have any questions or feel lost (all of us do at some point), please feel free to ping any of us in Slack. We’re here to help guide and mentor you. xoxo ~ Bridget (@gidgey on Slack)

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. And, yes, you can add yourself to any Trello Card you’d like to work on.

Today’s Meeting

Slack Timestamp

Today’s notes taken by: @jesse

Meeting attended by@mcdwayne, @maedahbatool, @abhanonstopnews, @harryjackson1221, @cjross, @gidgey, @brenneradams, @jesse, @rachelpage, @westcounty.media


How to Get Help on WordPress Marketing?

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/HSPTIU1j/147-how-to-get-help-for-wordpress

Task-Lead: @cjross

To Be Publish

Follow up with News Survey Results

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/wo6A2VJ4/187-follow-up-with-news-survey-results

Task Lead: @gidgey

  • What is going well? Drafted — @zetaraffix is working on a featured image.
  • What is at risk? None!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Differences Between WP.com and WP.org Better

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/4cXuaTeB/79-differences-between-wpcom-and-wporg-better

Task Lead: @bseekins/@gidgey

  • What is going well? Drafted  – @zetaraffix is working on a featured image.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Needs Approval

Menn-Neuralab Case Study

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/5fc6FzWt/163-menn-neuralab-case-study

Task-lead: @brenneradams

  • What is going well? @gidgey needs to review. @harryjackson1221 noted that the conclusion to the results section could use some additional embellishment.
  • What is at risk? Needs an image, @brenneradams can we confirm that the request has been made?
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

In Progress

Create a Style Guide + Brand Book for Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/eEjbgIGl/87-create-a-style-guide-brand-book-for-marketing

Task Lead: @gidgey/@jayman

  • What is going well? @zetaraffix to provide an image, font pairings, and colors that she is using for featured images.
  • What is at risk? @gidgey needs to work on the voice.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Survey for /Download Page

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ZAzzDRzj/186-survey-for-download-page

Task Lead: @chanthaboune, @miker, @Todd Robinson

  • What is going well? Currently waiting on a UI/UX review with @josepha20 as the point person.
  • What is at risk?  Plan for future surveys needs to be done.
  • How can a new member help with? Once this review process is done, we’ll be running more surveys. We need to be thinking about what we want to be asking, sounds like a great opportunity for a new person.

Video Interviews on WP Marketing

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ke8Uq4jV/166-video-interviews

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk

  • What is going well? Progressing well.
  • What is at risk? Need volunteers with video editing experience.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? Great opportunity for new people with video editing experience. DM @abhanonstopnews if ready to jump in.

Creating a Social Media Plan for WordCamps

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/Z9uQJlQk/21-creating-a-social-media-plan-for-wordcamps

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk  Formerly: @DustinNay

  • What is going well? Waiting on confirmations from WordCamp Central and info on new features. More detailed info now in from some of the social media channels. Only six main queries raised by organizers remain which is great. It will ready for a second editorial pass by @gidgey scheduled from 4/9/18 so then onto publication once any changes discussed and made. So third week of September if this fits the publication schedule @mcdwayne.
  • What is at risk? None!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

End-User Persona Doc on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/xOu9de8h/75-end-user-persona-doc

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? None!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress.TV Potential Marketing Videos

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/N7me1xaT/145-wordpresstv-potential-marketing-videos

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnews

  • What is going well? This resource is going to be a real credit to the marketing team. It is a pleasure to see the ongoing responses coming in, suggestions from WordCamps across the world, and volunteers joining the team on this. You are all doing a great job! 21 suggested videos have been reviewed in detail in the last few weeks. We have had another eight videos which are useful suggested and are available for review.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? Great opportunity for new people to help with reviewing, all you need is google sheets access and a Google log-in, video player and the Internet’ At WordCamp Brighton in mid-August, the contributor day marketing group will work on a list of videos @abhononstopnews is working on with @alexdenning.

Launch WordPress.org surveys on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/PlDVWfy7/175-launch-wordpressorg-surveys
Task-Lead: @gidgey

  • What is going well? Archived!
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Gutenberg “Hype Video” on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/6xMbMj55/130-gutenberg-hype-video

Task Lead: @miker, @cjross

  • What is going well? None!
  • What is at risk? @miker no longer involved, moving off the card @cjross needs help to connect with admins at WordPress.tv Needs a new name.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress Survey Brand Standards: Running Small Form, Single Page Surveys

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/wSm20Uwm/142-wordpress-survey-brand-standards-running-small-form-single-page-surveys

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? None!
  • What is at risk? @mcdwayne mentioned how long it’s been since an update, is it still progressing?
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Include links to Meetups, WordCamps & Contributor Day Resources on https://make.wordpress.org Page

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/IRCgZU8N/189-include-links-to-meetups-wordcamps-contributor-day-resources-on-https-makewordpressorg-page

Task Lead: @westcounty.media

  • What is going well? None!
  • What is at risk? Requires higher level buy-in @westcounty.media brought it to @chanthabourne’s attention which is at WordCamp for Publisher’s atm.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Read and Format Survey Answers on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ZnT2LCjn/58-read-and-format-survey-answers

Task-Lead: @harryjackson1221, @siobhanseija

  • What is going well? Only one case-study left.
  • What is at risk? There is nothing at risk currently.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Notes: The following are the Case Studies currently being worked on, and could use some additional copy, and/or editorial suggestions.  There are currently 5 to work on in docs, so feel free to jump in wherever!

Contributor interviews WCEU18

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/f0oPWl4K/190-contributor-interviews-wceu18

Task-Lead: Dushanthipiek1


  • What is going well? Video editing by @Yashwardhan Rana is done. @dushanthi is going to review and submit to WordPress.tv
  • What is at risk? Subtitles for accessibility, should we do them?
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Open Discussion

  • @joelobo pitched the idea of site-type building tutorials.
    • how to create a WordPress business website.” Essentially a step-by-step walkthrough from creating a domain name right up until adding the content itself.
  • @mcdwayne asked about where it might live
    • We discussed .org and make.
    • @jesse had a similar idea to pitch on content but pitched the idea of housing links to the documents in the Dashboard and Welcome widget
  • New Cards:

Closemarketing & Java Traveler – WordPress Case Study

The highly personalized nature of the Travel Industry makes WordPress the perfect Content Management System to choose.The highly personalized nature of the Travel Industry makes WordPress the perfect Content Management System to choose.

The Project

Web developer Andry Tan of Closemarketing was tasked with creating a website for Java Traveller that allows users to freely customize tour packages for Java Traveller Indonesia, PT.

The Challenge

Java Traveller was looking to transform the level of customization that vacationers could use to tailor their online bookings. They were in the market for features such as the ability to select extra days, tour guides, add late pickups and other items, like an extra bed. This is an important factor for travel agencies who offer FIT (Fully Independent Travelers).

Andry knew WordPress was flexible enough to provide all of the technical requirements while remaining a simple Content Management System with huge community to support it. However there were no plugins that did all or enough of these custom actions available.

Why WordPress?

Thanks to the open architecture and experience with plugin development, Andry was able to custom develop all the requested user actions and integrate them into Java Traveller’s global pricing system. These include: twin sharing, extra bed, child not needing a bed, late pickup, upgrade options like a candlelight dinner and hiking, as well as tips from tour guides and more.

Given the tremendous amount of new content required in the travel industry, WordPress enables the staff to easily add new content, trip updates, and more to meet the needs of their global customers.

The Results

The resulting customization and quick ability for Java Traveller to update images and copy has enabled them to more efficiently target land tours, honeymoon trips, various cruises, general leisure trips, religious excursions, and more.


Marketing Team Notes – August 1, 2018

Marketing Team Vision

Our vision for the Marketing Team is to be the go-to resource on strategy and content for other WordPress teams. We reiterate our mission each week so that everyone who is new to the team understands what our goals are. This helps with onboarding.

We’d love you to join the Marketing Team. If you have any questions or feel lost (all of us do at some point), please feel free to ping any of us in Slack. We’re here to help guide and mentor you. xoxo ~ Bridget (@gidgey on Slack)

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. And, yes, you can add yourself to any Trello Card you’d like to work on.

Today’s Meeting

Slack Timestamp

Today’s notes taken by: @brenneradams

Meeting attended by: @westcounty.media, @harryjackson1221, @mcdwayne, @dushanthi, @machielle, @westcounty.media, @danieltj, @miker, @maedahbatool, @abhanonstopnews, @cjcross, @gidgey.

Needs Approval

Follow up with News Survey Results

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/wo6A2VJ4/187-follow-up-with-news-survey-results

Task Lead: @gidgey

  • What is going well? Tons of responses.
  • What is at risk? Waiting on the image.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

How to Get Help on WordPress Marketing?

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/HSPTIU1j/147-how-to-get-help-for-wordpress

Task-Lead: @cjross

  • What is going well: Ready to publish, got the image. Created a new drive folder in Creative ASSETS, WordPress Article Content for images.
  • What is at risk? None!
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Close Marketing Case Study

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/qGqAA6G5/165-closemarketing-case-study

Task-Lead: @brenneradams

  • What is going well? Done ready to publish, lots of help from @harryjackson1221
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Differences Between WP.com and WP.org Better

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/4cXuaTeB/79-differences-between-wpcom-and-wporg-better

Task Lead: @bseekins/@gidgey

  • What is going well? Final review in process.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? Need a tech and non-tech reviewer, new to marketing would be great.

In Progress

Create a Style Guide + Brand Book for Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/eEjbgIGl/87-create-a-style-guide-brand-book-for-marketing

Task Lead: @gidgey/@jayman

  • What is going well? Zetaraffix from design helping on colors/font. Due 9/30, this tool is for internal team.  
  • What is at risk? Voice flesh out.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Survey for /Download Page

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ZAzzDRzj/186-survey-for-download-page

Task Lead: @chanthaboune, @miker, @Todd Robinson

  • What is going well? Added updates, in UX review, once done it will move forward.
  • What is at risk? None!
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Video Interviews on WP Marketing

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ke8Uq4jV/166-video-interviews

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk

  • What is going well? All is well.
  • What is at risk?  Needs due date based on estimates.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Creating a Social Media Plan for WordCamps

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/Z9uQJlQk/21-creating-a-social-media-plan-for-wordcamps

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk  Formerly: @DustinNay

  • What is going well? None!
  • What is at risk? No update, connectivity issues?
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

End-User Persona Doc on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/xOu9de8h/75-end-user-persona-doc

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? 2nd round of testing, starting 3rd.  
  • What is at risk? Moving due date out a week. Need to generalize results. McDwayne has been doing this a long time.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress.TV Potential Marketing Videos

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/N7me1xaT/145-wordpresstv-potential-marketing-videos

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnews

  • What is going well? Connect issues but will update soon, lots of great info.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Policy on 3rd Party Links

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/j2fmbtnY/188-policy-on-3rd-party-links

Task-Lead: @miker, @jenblogs4u

  • What is going well? Draft added, no links, share on showcase as linked.  Will go in the handbook as policy, moving to approval.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Launch WordPress.org surveys on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/PlDVWfy7/175-launch-wordpressorg-surveys
Task-Lead: @gidgey

  • What is going well? Done definition added, start to finish completed once + framework.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Gutenberg “Hype Video” on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/6xMbMj55/130-gutenberg-hype-video

Task Lead: @miker, @cjross

  • What is going well? Corrections to the title(SEO, shortened) and credits (Tim Hengeveld) in the works.
  • What is at risk? Cjross needs help with WPTV and intros.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress Survey Brand Standards: Running Small Form, Single Page Surveys

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/wSm20Uwm/142-wordpress-survey-brand-standards-running-small-form-single-page-surveys

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Include links to Meetups, WordCamps & Contributor Day Resources on https://make.wordpress.org Page

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/IRCgZU8N/189-include-links-to-meetups-wordcamps-contributor-day-resources-on-https-makewordpressorg-page

Task Lead: @westcounty.media

  • What is going well? Doc setup, sharing updated, lots of gratitude, so much love on this team!
  • What is at risk? None!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Read and Format Survey Answers on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ZnT2LCjn/58-read-and-format-survey-answers

Task-Lead: @harryjackson1221, @siobhanseija

  • What is going well? @harryjackson1221 3 more need to be started, card and doc, quick to publish.
  • What is at risk? There is nothing at risk currently.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Notes: The following are the Case Studies currently being worked on, and could use some additional copy, and/or editorial suggestions.  There are currently 5 to work on in docs, so feel free to jump in wherever!

A Drupal to WordPress Migration and a New Digital Culture of Creation

Moving from Drupal 7 to WordPress made sense for a business user like Capgemini, freeing free up much of the technical overhead and complexity surrounding content publishing and more.

Moving from Drupal 7 to WordPress made sense for a business user like Capgemini, freeing up much of the technical overhead and complexity surrounding content publishing and more.

The Project

Human Made helped Capgemini enable a new digital culture of creation with a robust, usable, and intuitive CMS to support them in delivering their business objectives and empowering their global network of teams to do their jobs effectively.

The Challenge

In 2012, Capgemini launched a series of websites using the Drupal 7 CMS platform. As the organization evolved, the demands on the platform increased significantly and their marketing & communications team experienced blockers at almost every stage of the publishing process.

Capgemini realized they outgrew their publishing platform. Because of this, it had become increasingly complex for the both the marketing & communications team and web operations team to manage.

Why WordPress?

Approaching the project, Capgemini had concerns that were centered around investing in a platform that could grow and evolve with their business through any future transitions and periods of growth. They wanted a CMS that had low barriers to entry for their users. This prevents a long and laborious onboarding period for publishers and their web operations team. WordPress ticked the box on almost every front; possessing a native capacity to publish content in a simple, easy-to-use dashboard, while also promoting a user-friendly experience for new users.

“We needed a system and a piece of technology that would force a reckoning of our team members to actually learn what digital publishing is, and what digital marketing means today, in a bunch of different cultures, languages, and markets.” Parker Ward, Director, Content Marketing and Communications

The Solution

The first thing the team did was enable editorial users to actually edit, modify, and update content on the website directly. WordPress does this natively — its inherent publishing capacity and the baked-in capabilities it has to facilitate editorial workflows were instantly impactful. This significantly improved the way in-house teams worked. The cost-effectiveness of migrating to WordPress was also a bonus. As a result, many of the publishing challenges Capgemini faced were instantly addressed without any additional need for a bespoke build.

The Results

Due to its popularity and usability, there was little in the way of a learning curve for the team to start using WordPress, enabling them to make the most of their new platform immediately. It also freed up their development team to tackle more difficult engineering problems and enabled more people across the organization to use and publish content from the site.

For business users like Capgemini, and for an organization of their size, WordPress has the capacity to free up much of the technical overhead and complexity surrounding content publishing, allowing content creators, editors, and developers to complete tasks much easier and achieve the results they require faster.

By the end of the project, a large portion of the Capgemini network had been moved from Drupal to WordPress, undergoing a complex migration of 38 sites and content syndication across their local and main sites, as well as rebuilding their entire platform architecture.

Other highlights include adding 1,400 new users to the platform and publishing over 20,000 pages which have impacted all their websites, spanning over ten languages.


Network Rail: A WordPress Case Study

Network Rail A WordPress Case Study, submitted by Wholegrain Digital, a London based Web Design Company.A WordPress Case Study, submitted by Wholegrain Digital, a London-based Web Design Company.

The Project

Network Rail owns and operates the entire railway infrastructure in the United Kingdom, managing 18 of the largest stations in England, Scotland and Wales. Network Rail delivers 4.5 million journeys a day for its customers, managing rail timetabling by working with several different partners across the UK. This project took place during the biggest upgrade of the network in 150 years and it’s aim was to similarly upgrade the website to make it easier for users to find the service they are looking for.

The Challenge

The challenge with this project was the number of different types of visitors to the website, who all arrive seeking different information to meet their needs. The website needed to appeal to all users, from employees (and potential employees!) to business partners, as well as those who are seeking up-to-date information on the ongoing upgrade works.

Why WordPress?

WordPress was the obvious choice for this project, being the best choice for enterprises and large organizations. The ability to create custom user roles was key in this project, as the site needed to be simple to use for the many people who would be managing it. This would ensure the content caters to a wide and varied audience.

The Obstacles

To address the challenge of ensuring the new site would appeal to a wide audience, a series of UX sessions were held with the client. This resulted in several user personas to ensure a full understanding of those who would be using the site, before approaching the design.

The Solution

The page templates were based on the defined users and then a custom theme based on these templates was created. To make sure the theme worked for Network Rail, several plugins and widgets were developed, including:

  • A custom career loader plugin to pull job opportunities through to the website
  • A feed loader plugin to automatically fetch and publish articles from Network Rail’s media partner
  • Several custom SiteOrigin widgets, in order to give content editors the ability to easily add specific styled content on any post, page or custom post type
  • A custom ‘approve posts’ plugin to allow specific user roles to suggest edits to posts and other user roles to approve and publish them
  • A custom ‘scheduling posts’ plugin to allow specific user roles to schedule changes to a post without affecting the live post.
  • Box and the SiteOrigin widget have been integrated in the site via a custom plugin. This allows editors to display folders and files from Network Rail’s Box account.

The Result

The new theme that was developed greatly improved the UX of the site and the various custom user roles make it much easier for Network Rail to manage them internally. The new design layout is also far easier for users to navigate and the site is now responsive across all mobile devices.

Marketing Team Notes – July 25, 2018

Marketing Team Vision

Our vision for the Marketing Team is to be the go-to resource on strategy and content for other WordPress teams. We reiterate our mission each week so that everyone who is new to the team understands what our goals are. This helps with onboarding.

We’d love you to join the Marketing Team. If you have any questions or feel lost (all of us do at some point), please feel free to ping any of us in Slack. We’re here to help guide and mentor you. xoxo ~ Bridget (@gidgey on Slack)

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. And, yes, you can add yourself to any Trello Card you’d like to work on.

Today’s Meeting

Slack Timestamp

Today’s notes taken by: Machielle Thomas

Meeting attended by: @brenneradams, @machielle, @mcdwayne @rounakahmed, @jenblogs4u, @maedahbatool, @yvettesonneveld, @newyorkerlaura, @Yashwardhan Rana

Needs Approval

How to Get Help on WordPress Marketing?

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/HSPTIU1j/147-how-to-get-help-for-wordpress

Task-Lead: @cjross

  • What is going wellContent is complete.
  • What is at risk?  Waiting for design to finish an image
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Close Marketing Case Study

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/qGqAA6G5/165-closemarketing-case-study

Task-Lead: @brenneradams

  • What is going well? Move to needs approval – waiting on @gidgey final approval. Hero image was added.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Human Made Case Study: Capgemini

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/RJqX0JfQ/182-human-made-case-study-capgemini

Task-Lead: Task-lead: @mcdwayne; All work was actually done by @anafransilva

  • What is going well? Work is complete. Waiting on final editorial review by @gidgey.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? @brenneradams will take an editorial pass.

Differences Between WP.com and WP.org Better

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/4cXuaTeB/79-differences-between-wpcom-and-wporg-better

Task Lead: @bseekins/@gidgey

  • What is going well? Should be published soon. Waiting on an update from @gidgey.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

In Progress

Create a Style Guide + Brand Book for Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/eEjbgIGl/87-create-a-style-guide-brand-book-for-marketing

Task Lead: @gidgey/@jayman

  • What is going well? No updates that we can see.  Again leaving the thread open to let others comment if needed.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

Survey for /Download Page

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ZAzzDRzj/186-survey-for-download-page

Task Lead: @chanthaboune, @miker, @Todd Robinson

  • What is going well? Lots of response from social, but still waiting on final numbers.
  • What is at risk? There is no set task lead, waiting on three involved to decide.
  • How can a new member help with? None!

End-User Persona Doc on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/xOu9de8h/75-end-user-persona-doc

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? Potentially stalling – waiting on feedback from @RachelPage and @gidgey.
  • What is at risk? Stalled project.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Read and Format Survey Answers on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ZnT2LCjn/58-read-and-format-survey-answers

Task-Lead: @harryjackson1221, @siobhanseija

  • What is going well? No current updates, @siobhanseija will update next week.
  • What is at risk? There is nothing at risk currently.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Notes: The following are the Case Studies currently being worked on, and could use some additional copy, and/or editorial suggestions.  There are currently 5 to work on in docs, so feel free to jump in wherever!

  • Network Rail Case Study (To Do)
    • https://trello.com/c/Iwe9WmVY/162-network-rail-case-study
    • Task-lead: @siobhanseija
    • What is going well? Ready for the third round of edits Then it is ready for promotion to Needs Approval so we can queue and publish it. @gidgey will take care of that next if she doe does not need anything else. 
    • What is at risk? Nothing!
    • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Video Interviews on WP Marketing

Trello Linkhttps://trello.com/c/ke8Uq4jV/166-video-interviews

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Creating a Social Media Plan for WordCamps

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/Z9uQJlQk/21-creating-a-social-media-plan-for-wordcamps

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk  Formerly: @DustinNay

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress.TV Potential Marketing Videos

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/N7me1xaT/145-wordpresstv-potential-marketing-videos

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnews

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Policy on 3rd Party Links

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/j2fmbtnY/188-policy-on-3rd-party-links

Task-Lead: @miker, @jenblogs4u

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Launch WordPress.org surveys on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/PlDVWfy7/175-launch-wordpressorg-surveys
Task-Lead: @gidgey

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Gutenberg “Hype Video” on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/6xMbMj55/130-gutenberg-hype-video

Task Lead: @miker, @cjross

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

WordPress Survey Brand Standards: Running Small Form, Single Page Surveys

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/wSm20Uwm/142-wordpress-survey-brand-standards-running-small-form-single-page-surveys

Task Lead: @RachelPage

  • What is going well? No updates this week.
  • What is at risk? Nothing at present!
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? None!

Marketing Team Notes – July 18, 2018

Marketing Team Vision

Our vision for the Marketing Team is to be the go-to resource on strategy and content for other WordPress teams. We reiterate our mission each week so that everyone who is new to the team understands what our goals are. This helps with onboarding.

We’d love you to join the Marketing Team. If you have any questions or feel lost (all of us do at some point), please feel free to ping any of us in Slack. We’re here to help guide and mentor you. xoxo ~ Bridget (@gidgey on Slack)

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. And, yes, you can add yourself to any Trello Card you’d like to work on.

Today’s Meeting

Slack Timestamp

Today’s notes taken by: Machielle Thomas

Meeting attended by:  @mcdwayne @harryjackson1221 @jenblogs4u @brenneradams @cjross @miker  @westcounty.media @gidgey @vishalmukadam

Done 7/11/18

We published the survey about where people get news.

We put the accessibility section in the handbook.

Needs Approval

How to Get Help for WordPress  

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/HSPTIU1j/147-how-to-get-help-for-wordpress

Task-Lead: @cjross

  • What is going well? @cjross said that he reached out late to Design for an image, but once that is complete, this can be pushed forward.

Close Marketing Case Study

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/qGqAA6G5/165-closemarketing-case-study

Task-lead: @brenneradams  

  • What is going well? Waiting for final review and @GIDGEY took on the task of getting a design image from the screenshots.

Human Made Case Study: Capgemini

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/RJqX0JfQ/182-human-made-case-study-capgemini

Task-Lead: Task-lead: @mcdwayne

    • All work actually done by: @anafransilva
      • What is going well? @harryjackson1221: Made an editorial pass and added some suggestions – needs a couple of other eyes on it, but this is wrapping up nicely
      • What can someone new in Marketing help with? @gidgey: Offered to take a final pass and @harryjackson1221 dropped in a screenshot as the featured image.

In Progress

Differences between WP.com and WP.org better

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/4cXuaTeB/79-differences-between-wpcom-and-wporg-better

Task Lead: @bseekins  / @gidgey

  • What is going well? @gidgey: Taking over as the task lead since Alex is busy. @mcdwayne updated the Trello card.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? Needs approval

Create a Style Guide + Brand Book for Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/eEjbgIGl/87-create-a-style-guide-brand-book-for-marketing

OWNER: @gidgey / @jayman

  • What is going well? @gidgey: I’m not sure if @Jayman has the bandwidth for fonts and colors but I’m fine with anyone contributing to that section. Also, I need to write out (or am open to help with) the brand voice section. The SEO section is done. Quite a lot is actually done. But I will be at WordCamp Nijmegen’s Contributor Day along with Jen and Yvette so if it’s still not done August 30, we’ll spend time working on it there, too.
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? @Gidgey: I’d love some color and font suggestions. Anyone can suggest that.

Survey for /download page

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ZAzzDRzj/186-survey-for-download-page


  • What is going well? @miker: I think we resolved the confusion on this card, and will hopefully be moving forward today.  I posted an update on the card, but we will get the poll daddy account set up today. @harryjackson1221 will create the account – if it doesn’t current exists (as we believe).  He’ll share it within the marketing lead channel. I messaged @chanthaboune yesterday to say hello and talk about it a little.

Video interviews on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ke8Uq4jV/166-video-interviews

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnewsuk

  • What is going well?

Creating a social media plan for WordCamps

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/Z9uQJlQk/21-creating-a-social-media-plan-for-wordcamps

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnews Formerly: @DustinNay

  • What is going well? Still need some help with subtitling. Work ongoing on editing the video. Many thanks to the team. We are waiting on video files fron WordCamp London. Had 20 emails with lot more video practice interviews. We are also sending responses for video spec and draft questions to all WordCamps or attendees who have requested it. Fabulous response. Thank you
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with?
  • Awaiting answer from WordCamp Central as highlighted previously. Will all be resent on Friday. Google and Facebook have come back on three of the questions. One answer opens up a second question on sponsorship mentions on community pages. @gidgey depending on the answer I may appreciate a quick chat with you. Instagram new info is being incorporated. Thanks to all my colleagues who have assisted in gaining answers to queries raised from WordCamps, Meetups and reviewers of the document.

End-User Persona Doc on WP Marketing

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/xOu9de8h/75-end-user-persona-doc

Task Lead: @RachelPage / @gidgey

  • What is going well? There are some corrections and removal of specific companies etc
  • What is at risk? @RachelPage is out sick and was working on an office expansion last week. Not much has been completed. She will be on PTO next week so not expected to have much change over the next few weeks.

WordPress.TV potential marketing videos

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/N7me1xaT/145-wordpresstv-potential-marketing-videos

Task-Lead: @abhanonstopnews

  • What is going well? @abhanonstopnews : I have received 25 new video suggestions in non English language. Would someone on the marketing team who is fluent in Spanish could help with some of these, this would be very good and can be a standalone sub task? Do any of the volunteers from the last few weeks of meetings need any help with the videos they are reviewing? If so, please get in touch. Please do add you
  • What can someone new in Marketing help with? It will be really helpful if reviewers can sign into Google or add their slack id to videos you are reviewing. It also means we can thank you and add you to the list of marketing team contributors. In the last two weeks, an additional 10 videos have been reviewed as useful by volunteers and 4 suggested for potential follow up areas. Thank you.

(ADDED) Launch WordPress.org surveys on WP Marketing
Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/PlDVWfy7/175-launch-wordpressorg-surveys
Task-Lead: @gidgey

  • This is the parent ticket for implementing surveys to .org via the Polldaddy account

Read and Format Case Studies (from Survey Answers)

Trello Link: https://trello.com/c/ZnT2LCjn/58-read-and-format-case-studies-from-survey-answers

Task-Lead: task-lead: @harryjackson1221 @siobhanseija @brenner22

@harryjackson1221 if you are looking for something to help with

Individual Case Studies


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This WordPress News Survey is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback about how you view and source news and updates related to WordPress.

This WordPress News Survey is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback about how you view and source news and updates related to WordPress.

The information collected in the survey is used to make informed decisions about improvements across the WordPress project, so your answers are incredibly valuable and help shape the future of the platform.

Take the survey here.




X-post: Revised Gutenberg Landing Page

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/meta: Comment on Revised Gutenberg Landing Page