Report a trademark issue

Twitter only investigates requests that are submitted by the trademark holder or an authorized representative of the trademark holder. Please see our Trademark Policy for more information.

If this is a counterfeit complaint, please see our counterfeit goods policy to learn how to report your issue.

Your Information
Trademark holder's information

Please provide information about the company, brand, or organization that holds the trademark.

Trademark Information
Please provide the exact registered mark.
Registration number should correspond to an active and officially registered trademark. Pending trademarks are not sufficient. If you don't have a registered trademark, you can file a brand impersonation report using this form.
The agency you registered your trademark with, e.g., USPTO.
If you have a direct link to your trademark record, please provide that URL.
Reported Account
Describe the confusion with your trademark. For more information, please see our Trademark Policy. Please note that you may be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys' fees, if you knowingly materially misrepresent that reported material or activity is infringing. In the event that Twitter is made party to a suit, Twitter will defend its rights vigorously and seek fees and costs associated with such defense.

Required statements
