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SSL Certificates

The key to secure Internet communication

SSL certificates guarantee the authenticity of a website identity through a specific validation process executed by a certification authority. They increase the confidence of visitors in the credibility of your website.

The certified SSL encryption assures that information is kept private between your server and the clients' browsers. SSL certificates demonstrate that you have incorporated high security standards in the Internet communication.

Which certificate suits you best depends on the intended use and how sensitive the data is, that needs to be encrypted. We provide different certificates signed by world leading certification authorities in four categories:

Certificates by Security

Good and Favorable

Good and Favorable

These SSL certificates are low-priced entry-level certificates. The issuance is relatively quick and easy. They are recommended if high-levels of authentication are not a priority to you. Instead, they are specialized on the encryption of basic transactions.

These certificates are particularly suitable for the encryption of transactions for intranets, mail servers, and other web-based applications that are not so much at risk for phishing or fraud.

Provider / Name Validity Price / year *
SSL123Validity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 32.76
Quick SSL PremiumValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 58.81
RapidSSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 21.60
Comodo Instant SSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 37.56€ 21.00
Comodo Positive SSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 7.56€ 4.19
High Security

High Security

These certificates offer full organization validation and up to 256-bit encryption. The certificate Secure Site Pro is additionally SGC enabled providing 128-bit minimum encryption.

Our high security certificates are recommended if your company is in a highly competitive industry where brand association and consumer trust are important differentiators. You should consider certificates with the SGC feature if it is imperative for you to protect sensitive information transferred online, such as financial, personal and e-commerce data.

Provider / Name Validity Price / year *
SSL Web ServerValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 75.62
Secure SiteValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 314.28
Secure Site ProValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 772.26
True Business IDValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 73.10
Comodo Premium SSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 58.82€ 29.40
Green Address Bar

Green Address Bar

All these certificates offer Extended Validation SSL, the highest level of authentication. In high-security browsers, the address bar turns green and displays the name of the Extended Validation (EV) certificate owner and the authority that issued the certificate.

Certificates with EV are recommended if you want to increase consumer confidence and reduce transaction abandonment on your site. You are able to display prominent indicators that your website is safe, data is kept secure and that your customers are protected from phishing and other online fraud. The security status bar shows that the transaction is encrypted and the organization has been authenticated according to the most rigorous industry standard.

Provider / Name Validity Price / year *
SSL Webserver with EVValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 168.06
Secure Site with EVValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 603.77
Secure Site Pro with EVValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 1,178.14
True Business ID with Extended ValidationValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 138.65
Comodo Extended Validated SSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 124.36€ 81.50


Wildcard certificates allow to secure multiple subdomains on one server with a single certificate. Regarding security, these wildcard certificates provide full organization validation or domain authentication with up to 256-bit encryption respectively.

Unlike all other certificates which secure only one domain per certificate, you get high levels of encryption and authentication for unlimited hostnames on an unlimited number of servers, all with one wildcard certificate.

Provider / Name Validity Price / year *
SSL Web Server WildcardValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 218.48
True Business ID WildcardValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 306.71
RapidSSLWCValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 130.25
Comodo SGC Wildcard SSLValidity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 168.07
Comodo Positive SSL (Wildcard)Validity: 12 - 24 monthsPrice / year:
€ 84.03€ 44.53

* Price excl. VAT, Home country: Outside the EU.
