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(monkeh)Tweet Twitter API
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Author: Matt Gifford aka coldfumonkeh (All RIAForge projects by this author)
Last Updated: March 26, 2014 7:42 AM
Version: v1.4.5
Views: 130,388
Downloads: 21,572
License: Apache License, Version 2


monkehTweet is a custom-written ColdFusion wrapper to interact with the Twitter RESTful API.

The interface is managed through the single monkehTweet facade object, which contains over 70 methods to interact and manage updates/queries through Twitter.

Developed to be as easy to use as possible, monkehTweets provides the ability to return the response data in either XML (default), JSON, RSS or Atom feeds (where applicable / permitted by the calling method).

== Debugging ==

The monkehTweet facade object accepts a third non-required parameter to toggle the format of the response output.
This allows the response to be output as a string or as structural information through the use of XmlParse() or DesrializeJSON() (depending on the output format)

== Changelog ==

26/10/2012 - Version 1.4.0

- changed to API v1.1
- getAllLists method endpoint changed from lists/all to lists/list
- ALL methods now go through the authentication process, as required in the v1.1 documentation
- ALL methods now return JSON format only (no more XML). Make sure to update your applications accordingly if you use XML.
- DELETED a butt-load (official terminology) of methods that have been removed / deprecated in v1.1 API.

28/05/2012 - Version 1.3.2

- addition of new functions:

- getOEmbed (GET statuses/oembed) to return information allowing the creation of an embedded representation of a Tweet on third party sites
- destoryAllListMembers (POST lists/members/destroy_all) to remove multiple members from a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.

05/01/2012 - Version 1.3.1

- addition of @Anywhere functionality for front-end enhancements (hovercards, linkifying users, tweet box and authentication login)

22/11/2011 - Version 1.3

- inclusion of (amongst others) the update_with_media function to send a photo / image as part of the status update
- addition of new arguments and parameters to many of the functions to keep inline with Twitter documentation and updates
- resolved a minor issue in the search method to allow for hashtag searching. Thanks to Andrew Myers for finding that one.
- removed deprecated methods - Please check https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api#deprecated to see what has been removed and which function to now use instead
- organisation of methods and functions to enable quicker updates and maintenance for future revisions
- revised error handling for JSON requests as well as fixing a small issue with CF8.01 and the XML error handling. Thanks to David Phipps for spotting that.

Some argument names have been changed in the 1.3 release to match the native counterparts.
Please check your argument names and amend if required.


08/08/2011 - Version 1.2.9

There was an issue with rate limits not increasing to the allowed 350 per hour when running authenticated requests through OAuth, but instead sticking to using the standard 150 per hour of unauthenticated requests. This has been resolved.

- rate limit through authenticated requests issues resolved with revision of request handling and parameters being sent in URL query string
- addition of checkHeader argument to the majority of functions to assist in debugging headers
Thanks to Gary Stanton and Ray Majoran for finding the issue with the rate limits on authenticated requests.

29/06/2011 - Version 1.2.8

- revised error message handling and output (thanks to Joel (cajunJoel) for the suggestion)

10/06/2011 - Version 1.2.7

- resolved issue with getUserTimeline() 401 error


- resolved authentication issue with getFollowersIDs() method


- additional methods added
   - getRetweets()
   - retweetedBy()
   - retweetedByIDs()
   - geoSearch()
   - geoSimilarPlaces()
   - addMemberToList()
   - deleteListMember()
- resolved minor authentication issues with getUserTimeline() and friendshipExists() methods
- revised spelling mistake in geoReverseGeocode() method name

10th September 2010 - OAuth authentication added to replace removed Basic Authentication.

16th June 2010 - amended functionality to ensure format parameter is being passed through in lowercase. This does not affect the main facade object, and so interruption to the user is null and void.

Last Update:

26/03/2014 - Version 1.4.5

- fixed an issue with the geo functions that were passing to a non-existant request method as they now need authentication. Thanks to Allan Schumann for finding this.


ColdFusion 8 +

Issue Tracker:

12 Special characters not encoded when using postUpdate function Open 02/13/17 5:46 AM
11 JSON parsing failure: Unexpected end of JSON string Open 01/30/14 2:32 AM
8 Unhandled Exception in base.cfc when cfhttp returns "Connection Failure" Closed 01/17/14 4:52 AM
10 Places & Geo are not working Open 01/15/14 2:34 PM
9 Could not authenticate you error Closed 01/15/14 2:29 PM

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