Device, carrier, and new mobile user targeting


  • Device, carrier, and new mobile user targeting overview
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    Reach Twitter’s highly mobile user base with relevant, timely messaging targeted to users by the type of mobile device they use, the operating system for their device and/or the user’s carrier. You also have the option to target only users with new devices.

    To add these targeting criteria to your campaign, expand the menu by clicking Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen.

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  • Target users by device or OS
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    To set up device specific targeting, click Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen. Within the expanded menu, you’ll see the option to select which devices, platforms, and carriers you wish to target. 

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  • Target specific OS Versions within iOS and Android
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    You can further customize your campaign based on device by clicking on Limit targeting to specific devices or platforms.  To access these options, click Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen. Within the expanded menu, you’ll see the option to select which devices, platforms, and carriers you wish to target. 


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  • Target WiFi users
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    For Android and iOS we also offer advertisers the ability to target users connected to WiFi. This is useful for brands looking to reach mobile users with a high speed connection to drive app downloads or access to high bandwidth content such as videos or livestreams.

    To target users on WiFi, first click Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen. In the expanded configuration menu, click iOS/Android connection type options and select Limit to iOS/Android devices connected on Wi-Fi only.


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  • Target users by mobile carrier
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    Twitter offers advertisers the ability to target users by the mobile carrier associated with their profile. This is a great tool for mobile carrier advertisers who want to target or exclude their existing customers from their campaigns on Twitter. 

    To set up carrier targeting, first click Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen. The Select mobile carriers section within the expanded configuration menu, gives you the option to search for a specific mobile carrier or to browse carriers. If you choose to browse carriers, you will be able to select carriers by country. 

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  • Target new mobile device users
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    New mobile device targeting allows you to target users who have recently used Twitter on a new device. This targeting type can be another powerful way to target mobile users on Twitter. 

    To set up new device targeting, click Device, carrier or new mobile user targeting in the campaign edit screen. In the expanded configuration menu, choose to target users based on when they first used Twitter on a new device or carrier. From there, you can select the timeframe for new devices that you wish to target or exclude.

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  • Tips and best practices
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    • Segment based on device: Want to target iOS users to let them know about your new iPhone app? Or get feedback from Android users for an upcoming release? Create separate campaigns for each type of device so that you can adjust bids independently and optimize for efficiency.
    • Offer an optimized experience: Make sure your website or landing page is optimized for mobile if you plan to use device targeting. If you don’t yet offer a mobile experience, you can still capture leads on mobile by using a Lead Generation Card in your Tweets rather than a traditional landing page.
    • Target by mobile carrier: If you are a mobile carrier advertiser, consider using carrier targeting to create more efficient campaigns by targeting your customers or customers on other networks.
    • Reach users with new devices to reach users who are most likely to be interested in new apps or services for their device. Remember, narrowing your campaign by device, carrier, or new mobile device targeting can limit reach: It’s a good idea to have multiple campaigns running - one applying more niche criteria at a higher bid and another with broader targeting and lower bid. 

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