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Scheduled Tweets

Twitter Ads allow you to schedule both organic and promoted-only Tweets to "go live" at a specific date and time. You can schedule Tweets within your ads account, up to a year in advance, and add them to new and existing campaigns. This feature is great for Tweets that need to be published on the weekend, evenings, or other busy times when you may not have time to tweet manually.

How to create scheduled Tweets

First, log into your Twitter ads account. You can do this by going to

  1. Once in your ads account, navigate to the "Creatives" < "Tweets" tab.
  2. Click the "New Tweet" button in the top right corner.
  3. You'll be redirected to the Tweet Composer, where you can create your Tweet. Add your Tweet copy, images, videos, and cards from here. 
  4. Choose Promoted-only or not. Ticking the Promoted-only box will only deliver your Tweet to users if they are targeted in a Promoted Tweet campaign, not organically to your followers. Untick this box in order to schedule an organic Tweet. Note: only when logging in as the @handle of the ads account will you be able to unselect Promoted-only. More on multi-user login.
  5. Once you add text, you can select the down arrow button next to "Tweet".
  6. Choose "Schedule" from that drop down menu.
  7. Select the date and time you'd like your scheduled tweet to go live. 

Your tweet will not be discoverable on Twitter or any data partners until the date and time you have scheduled.

Don't see the Creatives tab in your Ads Account? Scroll down this page to our FAQ.

How to manage scheduled Tweets

First, log into your Twitter ads account. You can do this by going to

  1. Once in your Ads Manager, click the Creatives < Tweets tab. In this view, you can view and create promoted-only, scheduled, organic, or all Tweets in your campaigns. 
  2. To view your scheduled tweets, toggle the drop down button that says "Promoted-only Tweets" and change it to "Scheduled Tweets". You will now see all Tweets that are currently scheduled. All management, including editing and deletion, of scheduled Tweets is done through this view.
  3. To edit your scheduled Tweet, click the "Edit" button on the right-hand side. Then edit your Tweet content, delivery, promotion, and/or scheduling details. Click the "Update scheduled Tweet" button to save your changes.
  4. To delete a scheduled Tweet, check the box next to the scheduled Tweet and click the "Delete selection" button in the top right corner of your tweet list.
  5. To add or remove your scheduled Tweet from campaigns, check the box next to the Tweet and click "Add to camapaigns". Select or remove the campaigns you'd like, and save.

Don't see the Creatives tab in your account? Scroll down this page to the FAQ.

Scheduled Tweet's FAQ's

  • I can’t find the “Creatives” tab
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    If you do not see the Creatives, Campaigns, or Tools tab, this is likely because your account does not have a credit card on file. The Creatives tab and Tweet scheduling will appear after entering a credit card, there is no spend required when you add a credit card.

    After adding a credit card, you will have access to all cards (website, mobile app promotion, etc.), conversion tracking, audience manager, and also the ability to schedule and manage Tweets through the “Creatives” tab.

    To set up a credit card, please click on your account name on the top right and navigate to “Add a new payment method” from the drop down menu.

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  • What timestamp will my tweet have when it goes live?
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    Your scheduled tweet will go live at the date and time you have specified. Your new live tweet will have the timestamp of that specified time. 

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  • Why does the tweet ID change after the tweet goes live?
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    When you create a scheduled Tweet, that Tweet is not yet "live" meaning that it does not appear anywhere in Twitter (except for your ads account). We give scheduled Tweets before they go live "Scheduled Tweet IDs" so that our systems have a record of them. When your Tweet goes live at your specified date and time, it will be generated a new Tweet ID, just as all Tweets on Twitter have. 

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