Pause or delete a campaign

You can always pause your Twitter Ads campaign to stop it from spending, however, you can also delete your Twitter Ads campaign entirely. Note that deleting a campaign will erase some of its historic data from your Ads account. 

Pausing a campaign in Ads Manager

If your campaign is in a "Running" status, you'll be able to pause it. You can unpause it at any time. Note that you won't be able to pause campaigns in Expired, Exhausted, Draft, or Halted status, you may only delete them. 

  1. Log into your Twitter ads account
  2. Scroll to the campaign name you wish to pause
  3. If it is in "Running" state, you may (a) click the pause button in the Status column. This will pause your campaign
  4. You may also click the name of the campaign, which will bring you into the campaign view
  5. From here, you may click the pause button in the top right corner

Once paused, the campaign status will show as "Paused" and no longer serve impressions. You may click the play button to unpause it at any time, and it will resume serving.

Deleting a campaign in Ads Manager

Deleting a campaign from your ads account will erase certain data accumulated by the campaign. Note: in order to delete a credit card from your ads account, you must first delete the campaigns that are in "Halted" status. 

  1. Log into your Twitter ads account
  2. Scroll to the name of the campaign you'd like to delete, click the name of the campaign. This action will take you to the campaign view, where you'll be able to see specific metrics for this campaign. Confirm you're in campaign view by checking the top left corner of Ads Manager, where you should see "Campaign:" followed by the name of your campaign.
  3. Once in campaign view, click the "Campaign actions" button in the top right corner 
  4. Choose "Delete campaign"
  5. Click "Delete" when prompted by the confirmation window

You will then see your campaign in your Ads Manager with the status "Deleted". Its past spend, impressions, and engagement metrics will still show, however you might not be able to access detailed Audience metrics.

Pausing and Deleting campaign FAQ's

  • What happens to my campaign after I pause or delete it?
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    When you pause your campaign impressions will immediately stop being served. You'll be able to turn your campaign back on (unpause it) at any time. Targeting and campaign editing will still be available, you can do so by selecting "Quick Edit". 

    When you delete your campaign impressions will immediately stop being served. You will not be able to undelete your campaign. Targeting and campaign editing will not be available. 

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  • I'm seeing spend after I've paused or deleted my campaign
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    When you pause or delete a campaign, it will immediately stop serving impressions. However, if a user was already served an impression from your campaign and takes the billable action, you will still be charged in your campaign. Due to this, you might see a small amount of spend accumulate after you've paused or deleted your campaign. This is expected, and will not be a large amount. 

    Note: for app install or re-engagement objective campaigns, we bill on a 30 day post-engage / 1 day post-view attribution window, which might cause spend to accumulate up to 30 days after you've paused or deleted that campaign. 

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