Credit limits for ads accounts

A "credit limit" is the daily maximum balance we allow an ads account to spend before halting its campaigns. 

You can find your Ads Account's credit limit in the "Billing history" tab, where you will see:

  1. Your total credit limit
  2. How much of your credit limit you've reached

The picture on the right shows a credit limit of $200.00

Billing frequency

How often you are billed depends on your Ads Account's credit limit, and how quickly your campaigns hit 25% of it. For example, if your credit limit is $200, 25% of your credit limit is $50. 

We automatically bill according to three scenarios:

  1. You spend 25% or more of your credit limit in a single day. Here, you will be billed immediately for that day. For example, if your credit limit is $200, and your campaigns spent $50 or more in a day, you will be charged immediately that day for the amount you spent. 
  2. You spend less than 25% of your credit limit in a single day. Here, you will be billed every 7 days. For example, if your credit limit is $200, and your campaigns spend $0.00-49.99 in a day for seven days in a row, you will be charged on the seventh day for that total spend of Days 1-7. 
  3. Your spend varies by day.  For example, if your credit limit is $200, and on Day 1 your campaigns spent $49.99 (under 25% of credit limit). Then, on Day 2 your campaigns spend $55 (over 25% of credit limit). You will be billed immediately on Day 2, for your total spend on Day 1 + Day 2 ($104.99 + tax). 

Unfortunately we do not offer the option to choose when you are charged, it happens automatically by our systems per the above rules. 

Each time you are Invoiced is called a "billing period". You can see all the billing periods you've been Invoiced on the Billing History page, where you'll see each transaction in your account. You can verify the exact date range of your charges by referencing this page, it is also available on the PDF invoice on the same page.

Credit Limit FAQ's

  • How can I tell what my credit limit is?
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    To view your account's credit limit, log into your ads account and navigate to the Billing History tab. 

    There, you will be able to see your (1) credit limit and (2) how much of your credit limit you have reached on the most left hand box. 

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  • How can I raise my credit limit?
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    Twitter automatically increases credit limits based on certain conditions. However, if you need your credit limit increased before this is automatically applied, you can  file a Support Case inquiry at Our Twitter Ads Support team can process the request provided your account meets certain criteria.

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  • Why are my campaigns showing as Halted?
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    When your campaigns reach your credit limit, they will show as "Halted" until you are billed, and the charges are paid. To unhalt your campaigns, simply pay your charges on your credit card statement. 

    Twitter automatically increases credit limits based on certain conditions. However, if you need your credit limit increased before this is automatically applied, you can file a Support Case inquiry at Our team can process the request provided your account meets certain criteria.

Looking for more billing info and FAQ's?

Check out our other payment pages:  Billing basics with Credit Cards | VAT tax | Advertiser Coupons | Ads Currency

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