Let the world know you’re open for business with Twitter Ads. Our robust targeting options can connect you to the global marketplace.

Whether you want to stay local or reach an overseas audience, you can choose the markets, countries, regions, metro areas or postal codes that are the most relevant to your business. You can also refine your targeting by language to ensure that no matter where they call home, your potential customers can understand your ad.

To restart the campaign, click the play icon.

 Country-level targeting

 Granular targeting (by region, city, metro, postal, or zip code)

Learn more about our robust geo-targeting options and refining your audience by language.

5 best practices for going global with Twitter

  1. Emphasize your region’s specialty

    Appeal to a global market by reinforcing the quality or distinction of your products being produced in a specific region. Such as “maple syrup from Canada” or “Swiss watches.” With Twitter Ads, potential customers from all over the world can now learn about and purchase your specialty products. 

  2. Align with global events

    Twitter happens in real time, with natural spikes of conversation occurring around everyday moments and special events. These are often organized around specific hashtags or keywords, which marketers can use to enter relevant, global conversations. Search.twitter.com can help you uncover cultural touch points unfolding across regions, such as Small Business Saturday (in the US & UK), the Eurovision song contest (European markets) and Giving Tuesday (globally).

  3. Segment campaigns by proximity or language

    For instance, you may group the United States and Canada together for one campaign representing North America and then group the Nordic countries in another campaign. This will help you stay organized and understand exactly where your campaigns are the most impactful. 

  4. Tailor your content to the market

    No matter what you’re selling, one size doesn’t always fit all. Once you’ve segmented your campaigns by regions or languages, consider the unique culture or interests of each group and adjust your images, Tweet copy, or offering appropriately. This is the time to analyze and experiment! 

  5. Make your Twitter presence as international as your audience

    Your company may be global, but you may have a single Twitter handle and only Tweet in one or two languages. Consider Retweeting users from different countries to highlight the international scope of your community and add some diversity to your timeline. Or, if you have the resources to create distinct Twitter accounts for your largest markets, consider creating tailored content for each account to help reflect the unique tone of their region. 

Choose your objective 

Twitter Ads campaigns are designed to help you hit your business goals, from anywhere in the world.

Learn how different businesses use Twitter to connect with a global audience

Ready to advertise on Twitter?