Case Study

How Oreo showcased its new candy on Oscar night

Key results

The opportunity

Oreo’s () new Oreo Chocolate Candy bars had just hit shelves, and Oreo was looking for ways to increase the world’s appetite for its launch. Enter the IMDb Oscar party live stream. In order to reach millions of hungry viewers and reach a new audience for , Oreo sponsored Twitter's IMDb Live Viewing Party.

The strategy

Twitter worked with Oreo Chocolate Candy Bar to create a campaign that would run before, during, and after the IMDb Oscars live stream. This marked the first time a brand used In-Stream Video Ads to promote their brand. Oreo also dialed up its cultural relevance and added to conversations around the Oscars by creating Moments, capturing highlights from the live-streamed party.

Before the party started, Oreo promoted a 30-second teaser video inviting viewers to the live viewing party and introducing them to its . During the Oscars, Oreo promoted the live stream to a targeted audience to bring new audiences to the show. With a non-skippable pre-roll ad running before the live stream, Oreo raised awareness for .

Your product, live on Twitter.

Twitter is the go-to place when it comes to seeing and reacting to what’s happening. Oreo embraced Twitter’s real-time nature to increase exposure for the .

Twitter can boost your ad spend everywhere.

Twitter isn’t just for stand-alone campaigns. Oreo’s In-Stream Video Ads during the live stream supported its overall launch while raising its brand awareness to a new group during a significant cultural event.

Be what people are talking about.

Today’s Oscars viewers create conversations while bouncing between TV, Twitter, and other digital mediums. Twitter is a key channel for brands to become a part of these conversations.

The success

With more than 39.5 million impressions, the campaign brought attention and excitement to the during a major cultural moment. By partnering upstream and recognizing Twitter as a key distribution platform for live events, In-Stream Video Ads in combination with this live stream delivered Oreo Chocolate to millions of incremental viewers. Overall, the campaign elevated the Oreo Chocolate brand, reached a new audience, and amplified and enhanced IMDb’s live stream all at once.

Twitter was key in driving additional reach to our Oreo Chocolate Oscars campaign and over-delivered our audience expectations.

Ivelisse Roche, Associate Director, Global Media and Consumer Engagement

Solutions used

Creative canvas

Brands on Twitter are connecting with users in unique and creative ways every day. And so can you.

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Audience targeting

You want your message to be heard by the right person. Twitter's targeting capabilities ensure it will be.

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