TOTW: The medium and the message

  • Posted on: 6 August 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Since it is often said that if you can't say anything nice you shouldn't say anything at all... I've been standing mute for some time. I'm sick of it but I am exhausted by all the hate and all the different permutations of how my words can be, and usually is, misrepresented by the listening audience. But I get it, attempts at humor are best landed to a very sympathetic audience and snark never sounds good if you don't agree with the snarker...

Volano, Italy : Repeater burnt, writings in solidarity with the anarchists of Operation ”Scripta Manent”

  • Posted on: 8 August 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

by actforfreedom

We learn from the local media that in the first light of dawn on Saturday 4 August an incendiary attack destroyed the Wind and Vodafone repeater near the railway underpass of Volano in Trentino.

Animal-loving anarchists set fire to French zoo

  • Posted on: 8 August 2018
  • By: thecollective

From The Local FR

Anarchists have claimed responsibility for setting fire to a zoo in central France.

Anarchists calling zoos 'prisons' have said they were behind a blaze that destroyed several ticket booths at the Peaugres Safari park in the Ardèche region on August 1, France Bleu reported.

PM Press: Ten Years of Literary Molotovs

  • Posted on: 7 August 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
PM Press: Ten Years of Literary Molotovs

From Fifth Estate, Summer 2018.

PM Press celebrated its tenth anniversary of publishing in May with a bang-up party in Oakland, Calif., where staff, authors, and various well-wishers howled at political sketch comedy, smashed a captured Amazon delivery drone, and danced the night away to good old punk rock.

Imagining a world with no bullshit jobs

  • Posted on: 7 August 2018
  • By: thecollective

Is your job pointless? Do you feel that your position could be eliminated and everything would continue on just fine? Maybe, you think, society would even be a little better off if your job never existed?

If your answer to these questions is “yes,” then take solace. You are not alone. As much as half the work that the working population engages in every day could be considered pointless, says David Graeber, Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and author of Bullshit Jobs: A Theory.

Far-right politician Jacob Rees-Mogg gets a home-visit by crazed anarchist vandals

  • Posted on: 7 August 2018
  • By: thecollective

How many people would love to tell Jacob Rees-Mogg to go and fuck himself? Well, last night we did so in joyful fashion. We paid a little visit to the countryside just outside of Bristol, to his mansion called Gourney Court in the quiet village of West Harptree.
