May 2012
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Month May 2012

Black Star are looking for new members

Black Star PA Collective (Melbourne) are looking for new members. They operate sound equipment. See below.


Black Star PA Collective has been providing live sound to the Activist, Anarchist, and Underground Music scene since 1995. Sound for S11 protests at Crown Casino in 2000, Woomera protests in 2001, Such is Life Punk Festivals, anti-war and peace rallies and countless other benefits and causes are a part of Black Star’s proud history. We are currently looking for new members to keep the collective a sustainable and vital part of Melbourne’s scene.

If you are interested in learning about live sound and want to be involved please email: blackstarpa[at] or subnet69[at]

ASF flyer for Domino’s workers.

Tonight the ASF Melbourne will be handing out flyers in solidarity with their members in Brisbane who have had their pay cut by 19%.

Boss of Yourself

ASF-IWA Brisbane to protest Domino’s Pizza wage cuts

ASF-IWA Brisbane branch will tomorrow defend its members. A 20% pay cut has been inflicted on its drivers by the bosses in cahoots with Fair Work Australia.

Join with the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation and show solidarity to our members and other Domino’s Pizza workers who have lost 19% of their wage on Monday 14th of May, 4pm outside their offices at Level 8, 240 Sandgate Rd, Albion in Brisbane, Queensland.

The majority of unionised workers who work for Domino’s franchisees fall under Australia’s worst excuse for a union, the SDA. The SDA’s national leader Joe de Bruyn is known for using his position in pushing a pro-Catholic, anti-sex agenda over the interests of its workers, leading to former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam to famously quip that “Joe de Bruyn is a Dutchman who hates dykes”.

What Mr De Bruyn is good at, by all reports, is establishing a cosy relationship with the captains of the retail industry. Hopefully he can find a way to use these powers to the benefit of the workers. Other retail workers might be better off joining a fighting union, like the ASF-IWA, than depending on the whims and machinations of a rightwing union like the SDA.

Source: ASF-IWA.

Organise! (Adelaide) on hiatus

Organise!, a small anarcho-communist orientated group in Adelaide, have announced they are on indefinite hiatus due to members moving away (and who can blame anyone for moving away from Adelaide?) and lack of energy to keep it going. Members continue to be active in existing campaigns and coalitions, and have expressed some interest in joining the IWW.

It seems as though Adelaide is now bereft of an explicitly anarchist group. If you’re from Adelaide and interested in anarchism, you might consider posting to the Libcom Oceania forums to talk to other Australian/NZ anarchists. Also, check out our directory of anarchist groups in-and-nearby Australia.