When families experience conflict over inheritances the strength of their familial bonds can suffer, and this can be particularly disastrous in Uzbekistan’s family-centric culture. As part of the nation’s on-going legal reform process, targeted public engagement initiatives have helping citizens resolve succession issues in a more civil and mutually-beneficial way.
During 10-11 July 2018, UNDP jointly with the Ministry for Foreign Trade and the SME’s Export Promotion Fund conducted two-day training on how to use advanced trade analysis tools and prepare market profiles for export promotion.
The National Human Rights Center, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Uzbekistan, in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR ROCA and the UNDP Office in Uzbekistan, hosted a webinar with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein with students from more than 20 higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan.
Climate Box - an interactive learning toolkit on climate change for schoolchildren was presented today for methodologists and teachers of the Republican Center of Education under the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, school teachers of Tashkent, specialists of Uzhydromet, representatives of civil society and academia.
Mr. Yukio Takasu, the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General for Human Security, visited Uzbekistan to attend the Central Asian International Environmental Forum: "Strengthening cooperation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development" and the International Conference: "Joint actions to mitigate the consequences of the Aral catastrophe: new approaches, innovative solutions, investments".
A new ‘Invest in Karakalpakstan’ guide for investors has been published in Uzbekistan. The publication is a unique guide for investors showcasing investment opportunities of Karakalpakstan with up-to-date data on the region.
The Parliament of Uzbekistan has adopted a roadmap on the Government’s actions to implement the recommendations made by the UN expert of freedom of religion or belief following his visit to the country last year.

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