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June ZMag
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Being Left

Vincent Emanuele interviews Michael Albert Activism and vision

Spanish activist David Marty interviews Albert on : Being Left

Belgian activist Paulo Rodriquez interviews Albert on: Thoughts and Deeds


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Most Recent: Global Weirding 37.7 Seconds: Feminist Reader We Own The World: Intl Reader Fanfare for the Future Occupy Theory / Vision / Strategy

Highlighted Content for Activists

Rasmus: Financial Imperialism?
Corbett: End ‘Modern Day Slavery’
Yepe: Progressive Preaching
Shiva: Kerala wake-up call
Avez Gomes: Why I’m striking
MacLeod: Facebook Censoring 
Owliaei: Taxi Workers Win
Loach:  Class Struggle
Hedemann: David McReynolds
Fisk: Uri Avnery
Stedile: A way out for Brazil
Greenwald: Regulating Speech?
Pithouse: New Frame
Prado: Commune solution
Chomsky: Hopes and Anxieties
Davis: Aretha Franklin
Prashad: War Machine Ramp Up
Bond: Samir Amin (1931-2018)
Levine: Anti-Authoritarian Doctors?
Monbiot: Age of obesity
DiMaggio: Defend Immigrant Workers
Albert: Socialism?!
Cohen: Party of the People?
Owliaei: Beating Prisons
Malmgren: Challenge Silicon Valley
Olson: Secondary Psychopaths
Chomsky: Elections
Prashad: Death of a Marxist
Hartung: Gunrunner for Hire
Falk: Future of NATO
Bennis: A Bold Foreign Policy
Aronoff: DSA’s dramatic ascent
Hart-Landsberg: US militarism 
Prashad: Confrontation in Dhaka
Gessen: Barcelona Experiment
Males: Myth of Immigrant Crime
Brown: A New Standing Rock?
Pepper: Building the Future
Villanueva: The Riots of Chile
Walters: Kentucky Campaign
Kucik: Trump’s trade war
Daniels: Ronald V. Dellums
Brooks: Workers Resist Separation
Prashad: Trump Russian Hand
Riley: World of Film
Russom: LA educators all in
Eisikovits: Walking Off Over AI
Giroux: Neoliberal Fascism
Falk: Palestine, Israel...
Scipes: I Read the News Today
Escalona: The Rumble of Campesinos
Institute: Talk About Climate Change
Jackson: Michigan Nurses
Cerullo: Heroes of Their Own Story
Albert: Second reply to Burke
Burke: Response to Albert
Desan: A Time to Be Bold
Resistance: Prisoner-Led Organizing
Rasmus: Currency War?
Bacon: Iraq’s Oil Union
Bradbury: Taking On Two-Tier
Chomsky: Survival at Risk
Jaffe: Graduate Students Organize
Chomsky: Brutal and Sadistic
Albert: Burke, why not?
Burke: Why We Don’t
Erlich: Trump Trade War 
Baker: Trump’s tariffs
Mackey: Power of CD
Caucus: The People’s Budget
Chomsky: Resurgent Authoritarianism
Glass: Oil, Spies and Audiotape
Chávez: A Progressive Democrat
Gray: Want a Revolution?
Hallinan: Re-Examine NATO
Howell: Remembering Vincent
Kelly: God Only Knows
Zeese: Violent Coup Fails
Prashad: The Hersh Method
MacEwan: Interest Rates?
Glick: Strategy for Power 
Nussbaum: Working Class
Albert: Replying to Scipes
Feffer: Trump’s Assault
Anderson: Undocumented Nannies
Choudhury: Stop-and-Frisk 
Swanson:Intelligence Community
Levine: Politics and Psychiatry
Karp: 2018 Teacher Strikes
Shiva: FSSAI’s labelling
Hunziker: Trump Kills Science
Wallerstein: Two Cheers AMLO
Elk: ‘We’re militant again’
Hing: Abolish ICE?
Zeese: Movements Take Power
Greenwald: Twitter Degrades 
Carney: The Teacher Paradox
Rampy: Nurses Red-For-Med
Henderson: Poor White Pessimism
Santos: Open Veins of Nicaragua
Monbiot: Grassroots Movements
Scipes: Practical Utopia
Shupak: AMLO Victory
Albert: Socialism?!
Dorfman: Human Zoos
Isbell: White Man’s World
Grossman: Chicken Games
Gutman: Voice of Argentina
Early: A Call Center Coup
Flanders: Jeff Sessions
Ramirez-Rosa: Midwesterners
Wittner: Democratic Socialism
Ellner: López Obrador’s Moment
Greenwald: MSNBC Fabricates
Pilger: Hidden history
Davis: Sex and gender diversiity
Rosenberg: Antidepressants
Corcione: Occupy ICE
Prashad: Governing Socialist?
Daniels: Final Lecture
Fletcher: Race and Labor
Zeese: Nationwide Protests
Ackerman: Mexico’s Changes
Aguayo: Change to Mexico
Glick: November 6 is coming
Cohn: Muslim Ban
Latour: Labor History Matters
Sawant: Amazon Tax Betrayal
Erlich: Leftist Wave Mexico
Swanson: Ocasio-Cortez’ Platform
Bobilin: Ocasio Effect
Gray: Why Ocasio-Cortez W0n?
Koeppel: Regime Change Toolbox
Polychroniou: “Kiss of Death”
Graves: Thousands march
Harnecker: Venezuela?
Chomsky: Anatomy of Trumpocracy
Chomsky: What’s Wrong
Albert: How We Failed

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