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We need to talk about black violence

Since the Western Marxists captured our campuses in the late 60's, the seeds of an identity cult of hatred against whites have been sown...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 123 – Tactical Twitter Trap

A technical term trademarked by a certain transnational organisation founded by a certain agent who worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence turned New...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 115 – Sputum Over The Spectrum

Organised Jewry have begun producing fallacious reports drawing upon anonymous Shabbos goy pseudo White Nationalist social media profiles likely run by Federal agents and...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 114 – Khazar Corona Containment

As many people continue to conflate China with the cause of the current contagion, a growing amount of observers are noticing a certain pandemic...

Things the Right Thinks About Way Too Much

Some ideas go around and around, both good ideas as well as bad ideas. The Right being no different in that regard. The big...

Triggernometry Explained

Granny Annie I have always sat on the fence with the JQ and the inevitable comments I read on both sides of politics. However a...

Winston Churchill on Jews

My attention has been drawn recently to an article by Winston Churchill, the Winston Churchill, published on February 8, 1920 in the Illustrated Sunday...

Not only is Jordan Peterson not an alpha male, he’s a...

On the latest episode of The Greasy Pole podcast I discussed with The Great One the claim that Jordan Peterson is an alpha male...

The Hidden Marxism of Anti-Semites

Readers, please take note that this article is a collaboration between Micaiah and Jael the wife of Heber. Any resulting abuse in the comment...

A few comments on comments

Regular readers and dedicated posters at The XYZ will have noted that on Friday, The XYZ's commitment to free speech abruptly ended. The decision...