Antifa terrorists bash Unshackled journalist after Southern, Molyneux event in Brisbane


Individualism might be great at getting your room clean but when you get jumped by a pack of masked Antifa terrorists in a park at night, the collectivists are going to win. Every time.

Even if they are gender-confused, cat-obsessed, degenerate toad chicks.

After attending the Free Speech event with Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux on Sunday evening, citizen journalist for The Unshackled Martin Hartwig decided to track down the Antifa terrorists who had been wailing and gnashing their teeth outside the event.

Big mistake.

Just as Lauren showed that Lakemba mosque in Sydney is a sharia zone, Martin showed that Musgrave Park in West End is an AIDS zone.

Martin did it though by receiving a broken eye socket, broken hand, multiple traumas and being urinated on. That’s right. After kicking him in the head while he was on the ground, the vermin pissed on him. According to Martin, the ringleader of the attackers was a female.

toad chick
Anyone with information on toad chick’s identity should contact West End police on 07 3840 9100

Martin has since been released from hospital and is recuperating at home. It will be a while, however, before he can return to work; something Antifa terrorists wouldn’t ever have to worry about.

Unshackled Martin Hartwig
Martin has contributed to fellow free speech outfit, The Unshackled

If you’re expecting that these political terrorists will be questioned by police, charged and convicted for their vicious crimes, think again. That never happens. The reason these Antifa scum act the way they do is because they know they are protected by sympathetic judiciary and police who share their far left, globohomo ideology.

Antifa can even physically attack a mainstream conservative with impunity in the current year.

Police later told Bolt they could not identify his attackers. Sure.

Anyone who spends five minutes investigating knows exactly who these people are. They’re not rocket scientists, after all. They post all over social media inciting violence against evil Nazis, i.e. people who own things.

The violence perpetrated against Martin in South Brisbane on Sunday was the result of a concerted incitement campaign by Antifa bloggers whose job is to whip a mentally unstable mob into a frenzy and intimidate free-thinkers.

Antifa Brisbane Incitement


Antifa Brisbane threats

The people who run these pages and write the blogs are usually academics and fake news journalists at outlets like The Guardian, the Fairfax Channel 9 outlets and Their ABC. It is not hard to find evidence of this. When former Brisbane Antifa member Shayne Hunter came out opposing the group, Media Watch was quick to jump to their defence.

They’re not even subtle about it. It is a network of fringe activists, academics and commie journalists who co-ordinate to intimidate, smear and physically assault anyone who stands up to the tyranny of neo-Marxist political correctness.

slackbastard incitement


Tofu Tom
What tofu can do to a man. #TofuTom



And they use the extremely corrupt builders unions to recruit footsoldiers for their political violence.

Union Thugs

All with the support of a sympathetic state bureaucracy and political class. That’s what we’re up against. That’s why events like Southern and Molyneux’s Free Speech tour are so important, and provoke such a crazed response from the deep state’s pet political terrorists. If everyday people start to see that saying 2 + 2 = 4 in public won’t lead to financial and personal ruin, they’ll start doing it. And then the whole edifice of mind control which has been erected in the West by people who hate us begins to fall apart.

In the final analysis, this is all about power. Those who have it in our society today know that it rests upon the public accepting their ideological control grid. As people begin to think for themselves more and more, the prestige of groups like Antifa will disappear even further. And that’s why they lash out.

And that’s why hyper-indvidualist clean penisism is a good place to start, but it’s not enough. We must stand, and stand together. Collectively.

This is Sparta!

  • Alex

    Has the average IQ of Australia’s young dropped so far? I’m sure my dog is smarter than these idiots.

    • John Sheppard

      Not just the young unfortunately. Most of the “adults” I know would support the shutting down of Lauren and Stefan. It is very depressing to see intelligent people display such stupidity.

      I am in my mid-30’s and have been a conservative thinker/voter my whole life. I have never understood how people on the left can come to the conclusions they reach, and support such totalitarianism when we have historical evidence full of it always ending in bloodshed.

    • Daniel Watts

      Like the quote goes- ‘Think about how stupid the average person is- and then realise they’re smarter than half the population.’

      Assualted San Jose Trump marchers have just been given the green light to go after the mayor and police for breach of 1st amendment rights- you know free speech and stuff.

      While in the UK, 90% of reported crime ends up with no charges being laid. Ironically, someone reporting on crime (looking at you Tommy Robinson)- finds oneself, charged, trialled, sentenced and on the inside of a cell in a matter of hours.

    • 9x19parabellum

      I’ve thought the same and mentioned it to someone, of which they replied, Melbournians are actually smart because they all have university degrees.

  • entropy

    XYZ should stop pretending it believes in free speech.

    • Jennifer is that you?

      • entropy

        Hiscox, is that you?

        Ease up, Moses, this isn’t about you. Unless you can tell us how many people XYZ has stealth banned recently.

        No doubt, as a free speech advocate, you share my concerns.

        • Mattys Modern Life

          Hiscox has banned Nazi Larping and rightly so, people are still free to make arguments.

          They come, they spam, they ruin the site.

        • All this time I hadn’t made that connection. If you’re being shadowbanned you should get in touch with our Executive Editor in Tel Aviv. He makes all the big decisions. Lovely guy.

  • So a Matt Forney impersonator went after a group of disgusting kikelings who glory in the violent revolutions of the past, and got beaten up.

    I’m guessing he’s not very bright.

  • Minging

    Is there any footage of the attack and any other information (well a more sanitised version) that I can pass along to a few connections on Sky News Aus political channel that will have no qualms bringing this up as a story? Also there should be some sort of GoFundMe set up for the guy.

    • It will likely come out soon.

    • John Sheppard

      I had a quick look and was unable to find any other news story on this attack apart from that of the XYZ. You can bet if an ABC journalist was assaulted in such a manner covering a right-wing protest you would never hear the end of it (and rightly so, that sort of attack deserves condemnation regardless of your political affiliation).

  • James Mccavitt

    Here in Canada, feminists got together to mirror the American NOW organization, (national organization of women) they got lots of publicity, and press, and of course financial support from government. The fatal flaw was that it was run by white Liberal women. It was a flaw because eventually the argument was how white women could understand what it is to be a black woman. Election infighting, a black woman won, and then replaced by a Marxist black woman and well etc.
    You have WHITE Antifa kids fighting for the Muslems,…….eventually they will be replaced by Muslems, and you will still be paying taxes for it.

  • James

    People believe what they read in the paper and what they see on the evening news because they read it in “the paper” and watched it on “the evening news”.
    We don’t have a Donald Trump figure calling the propaganda merchants out. Sad.

    Just short of thirty years ago opening morning of the duck season in Tassie we watched an ABC journalist arrive with her camera guy. They got out, wandered around chatting to a few individuals including myself then packed up and went. Across the water in the still air we heard what she said clear as day. “There’s nothing going on here. Let’s get out of it.”
    Got a portable tv going on 12v that evening to see the ABC news and what they showed and said was nothing at all what they saw.
    That was the moment I got red pilled with the propaganda merchants.

    The hooliganism and thuggery of the left and the abrogation of duty by the police happens and can happen because the truth won’t be told by the established news outlets.
    At least today and for now we’ve got the internet and social media.
    The trick is getting the truth out calmly so the deceived can permit themselves to absorb it.

    • Daniel Watts

      Just think about the term ‘national security’ to stop transparency from governments. To this day just one snippet of footage is available of the 9/11 (11/9) attack on the Pentagon, one of the most (if not the most) secure and surveilled buildings on the earth. Yeah, media and government got credibility issues.

  • Jamie Blank

    Go to Facebook and report these terrorists pages under “credible threat of violence”.

    • Mattys Modern Life

      Facebook don’t care about Leftist incitement to violence, they only care about non-Left arguments that are too strong to refute.

      • Jamie Blank

        The AI algorithms behind Facebook are trained by users who click. By clicking and reporting, you are training these algorithms. Facebook is to big to be a monolithic structured program, it’s a large collection of trained AI networks… and its very difficult to bluntly manipulate. Even if you think nothing is happening, it is. It is very important that we all report these groups. By clicking and reporting we help to remove leftist bias from Facebook. The same can be said about Google.

        • 9x19parabellum

          By all means do so, I’ve been flagging youtube videos such as queer kid stuff. But remember, Facebook’s AI algorithms are written by humans and are proprietary and closed source. Its very reasonable to assume networks are weighted towards some inputs over others or pre-programmed with unlearned state, Ie a left wing globalist bias.

  • Panadechi Santiago

    Everything is reduced to only three words: Power, money and control (Zionism).
    The establishment is scared. (The 1% of the 1% that controls and has everything).

  • Dave Satterthwaite

    ‘We must stand, and stand together. Collectively.’



  • 9x19parabellum

    Antifa have jobs – they are employed by Zionists to create as much chaos as possible. Chaos and destabilization is a prerequisite for the transition to the NWO.