
قمت بحظر @itsyourxyz

هل أنت متأكّد أنك تريد عرض هذه التغريدات؟ عرض التغريدات لن يلغي حظر @itsyourxyz

  1. قبل ساعتين

    Labor wants to open the floodgates to millions of elderly migrants. Didn't we need mass migration to boost the economy or something? It's your XYZ.

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  2. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    New post: Deep State Decree – ANTIFA Are “Courageous” And Cool

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  3. قبل ١٨ ساعة

    An interview with Bruce Stevens, the number 1 Victorian Senate candidate for Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party. It's your XYZ.

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  4. ١٣ مايو

    "The Left have taken the mask off, they are now showing the world exactly what they are and what they really want." It's your XYZ.

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  5. ١٢ مايو

    It's time to play "Let's all make fun of Ben Shapiro." It's your XYZ.

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  6. ١٢ مايو

    New post: The Uncuckables: Ep. 7 Billy and the BushPig

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  7. ١١ مايو

    "The fight for Western civilisation is ultimately a spiritual struggle of good vs evil." It's your XYZ.

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  8. ١٠ مايو
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  9. ١٠ مايو

    "One Nation has placed the LNP second, Labor third, the Socialist Equality Party fourth, the United Australia Party fifth and Fraser Anning’s CNP sixth." It's your XYZ.

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  10. ١٠ مايو

    New post: One Nation is preferencing Socialist Equality Party & Labor ahead of Anning’s CNP in Oxley

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  11. ٩ مايو

    New post: How to Vote and Help Our Side

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  12. ٩ مايو
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  13. ٨ مايو

    "Just remember how viciously the white refugee advocates in Melbourne fell over themselves to reject white South African refugees who were facing violent genocide." It's your XYZ.

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  14. ٨ مايو

    New post: Food For Thought – Keep Klowning Klownworld

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  15. ٨ مايو
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  16. ٧ مايو
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  17. ٧ مايو
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  18. ٧ مايو

    New post: XYZ Live #66 – Major Parties take on Free Speech while Donald Trump is “monitoring” tech companies!

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  19. ٦ مايو

    Defund the arts, and defund universities. "Independent ventures compete against publicly funded entities in a market so distorted that we have almost no thriving arts industries at all." It's your XYZ.

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