Students of the Tirana Institute of the Deaf are learning a profession in the newly rehabilitated workshops.The acquired vocational skills will enable them to find a job in the labor market as either carpenters, shoemakers, or tailors. The rehabilitation of the workshops was supported by UNDP " Social inclusion program" with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
This initiative intends to assist and strengthen the national and local capacities to respond to emergencies, and spillage of oil and other hazardous substances into the marine environment. It focuses on pollution risk prevention of the marine environment. It will build the knowledge and skills of the involved actors.
Elda Media, a 9-year old Roma girl from Lezha takes pride at the dress she has designed and made herself with recyclable materials. She is one of 300 children from Roma and non-Roma communities who attended the summer camps organized with the support of ‘Leave No One Behind’ programme this July.
The reconstructed nursery No. 7 in the neighborhood Donika Kastrioti in Berat opened its doors today to 30 children of the age of 0-3-year-old half of whom are from the Roma and Egyptian communities, while 30 other children are expected to enroll.
Albania has an estimated 260 sunny days/year thus representing a great potentials for renewable energy. Studies indicate that over 70% of domestic hot water needs of the household and service sector in Albania is supplied by electric boilers, while the energy demand for hot water in Albania is projected to grow.
Meet Ermira who has an appeal: Break the silence, report domestic violence

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