Are Blair Cottrell and the United Patriots Front (UPF) really Nazis?

Originally published January 22, 2018. There are few individuals who have been slandered by the media more than Chairman of the United Patriots Front, Blair Cottrell. He’s been slammed as an “extremist”, a “racist”, a “neo-Nazi”...

Sky Cucks On Blair Cottrell

The left has a knack for picking their future opponents. They are better at it than most conservatives. Like sheep catching the scent of a wolf, they can spot a man on the right...

Quote of the Day: Socialism in a nutshell

The following quote was seen somewhere on the internet. It is spot on: ‪Socialism in a nutshell, ‪You noticed that economic growth creates inequality, ‪so you raise the minimum wage, ‬ ‪but this creates unemployment and higher prices,‬ ‪but...

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux speak at rally for white South Africans in Sydney

Last Saturday, July 28, a rally was held in Sydney for persecuted white South Africans. The third rally to date, following those in Perth and Brisbane, over 300 people (AAP falsely claimed only 50)...

Book Review: First Love (1860) by Ivan Turgenev

Nathaniel Lucas First Love (1860) by Ivan Turgenev Sixteen year old Vladimir Petrovich lives in the country outside Moscow with his nervous mother and distant, overbearing father. It is the summer of 1833, and an impoverished...

Murdoch Murdoch: Skydaddies Being and Time

It's late on a Saturday night, and the greatest show of all time, Murdoch Murdoch, has a new episode out. As usual, the satirical shenanigans are hilariously edgy, and it is best not to...

The left are hate-fuelled fanatics

Observing the educated chattering class and certain voices in the mainstream media, one might assume that Australia has an issue surrounding extremism and the polarisation of political factions, as being seriously problematic and a...

Stan Grant takes on the Sport Gender Pay Gap

Stan Grant is really dumb. So is the idea that women should get paid as much as men for playing sport. Women are not as good as men at sport, and not as many people...

Official Land Expropriation Moves Closer In South Africa

Emma Eros RT reports: "South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has said the ruling African National Congress must initiate a parliamentary process to enshrine in the constitution a proposed amendment, paving the way for land grabs without...

The destruction of your nation and the death of your people

Alf Stuart Many XYZ readers will already be well versed on the symptoms of the World War on "Whiteness". It's a topic that deserves to be covered at every possible opportunity because even now, many...

Men are attracted to youth and beauty, not careers and power

The continuing disaster that plagues so-called “educated” women is the discernible and disturbing lack of any men willing to put up with their shit. A “new study” supposedly proves what those of us in...

Tommy Robinson alive and free

Tommy Robinson has survived his time in prison and has been released on bail. We'll leave the honours to Breitbart: "The British Court of Appeal has released street organiser and citizen journalist Tommy Robinson from prison...

Great Britain says no to Syrian Christians

Globalists have produced a glut of documentaries and advertisements about the "diversity" of the Middle East which transmit the message, either explicit or implicit, that to view the Middle East as an unrepentable mess...

Jordan Peterson’s psychobabble

This article was originally published at on July 24, 2018, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. Vox Day links to an article about Jordan Peterson’s deceitful tactic of...

Manchester Bomber rescued by Royal Navy from Libya

This is why they should just be left in the sand pit. From the Daily Mail: "The Manchester suicide bomber was rescued by the Navy from war-torn Libya three years before his pop concert atrocity, the...

XYZ Live #27: Lauren Southern kicked out of Lakemba and other things, like Tanks!

In last night's livestream, David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life discussed the following topics: Lauren Southern's exposure of the sharia law in operation in Lakemba. The Super Saturday results and the latest Newspoll figures...

Antifa terrorists bash Unshackled journalist after Southern, Molyneux event in Brisbane

Individualism might be great at getting your room clean but when you get jumped by a pack of masked Antifa terrorists in a park at night, the collectivists are going to win. Every time. Even...

Australian Left using Super Saturday results to sabotage the economy

The Super Saturday results, in which five bi-elections were held as a result of the citizenship fiasco in the Australian parliament, has provided a public boost for the ALP. The Federal Coalition had been...

The Politics of Dumb intentions

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about New Zealand if I’m honest. To me it’s just a loose amalgamation of Air New Zealand memes, a team that’s far too good at rugby...

Thought for the Day: Lauren Southern on our governments’ betrayal

Last Friday, July 20 at the speaking event in Melbourne's north, Lauren Southern responded to a question on why our governments are giving foreign aid to countries when farmers can't afford fuel to transport...