Internet Censorship

The US government, in collaboration with social media companies, is implementing massive restrictions on Internet access. Capitalist governments in Europe and throughout the world are enacting similar repressive policies.

In late April 2017, Google announced the implementation of new algorithms aimed at limiting or blocking access to the WSWS and other left wing, anti-war and progressive websites. Similar measures to deny Internet users access to revolutionary socialist and oppositional information and commentary have been implemented by Facebook and Twitter.

The World Socialist Web Site has taken the lead in exposing this conspiracy to censor the Internet and issued a call for the formation of an International Coalition of Socialist, Anti-War and Progressive Websites to fight back against this attack on freedom of speech and basic democratic rights.

Technology giants use Germany’s Network Enforcement Law to delete tens of thousands of comments

By Christoph Vandreier, 3 August 2018

A review of the cases thus far confirms that this is not a struggle against “hate comments” or “fake news,” but the massive restriction of free speech.

Facebook deletes 87 accounts linked to Brazilian right as WhatsApp restricts messaging

By Miguel Andrade, 3 August 2018

Facebook, acting in deep coordination with the state and US imperialism, aims to legitimize police-state measures against social unrest and political opposition.

Facebook censorship targets the left

By Andre Damon, 3 August 2018

Facebook’s censorship of a major anti-fascist rally is a deliberate effort to repress and criminalize left-wing political views.

Facebook censors anti-fascist rally in Washington

By Andre Damon, 2 August 2018

The campaign to censor the internet, initially presented as a response to alleged Russian “meddling,” is increasingly targeting left-wing political viewpoints.

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress

Free Julian Assange!

2 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held July 22–27.

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

“I say defend Julian, not just because I’m his mother, but as a citizen and someone who believes in democracy and freedom.”

Defend Julian Assange!—Mobilise against threat to WikiLeaks founder!

By Paul Mitchell, 24 July 2018

Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno is in London this week and behind the scenes he is involved in a conspiracy with the British, US and Australian governments to evict WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange.

Open letter to NZ nurses’ Facebook group: Reverse the ban on WSWS articles and criticisms of the union

By Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 12 July 2018

In the lead-up to today’s nationwide strike by health workers, the administrators of “New Zealand, please hear our voice” deleted WSWS articles and many comments criticising the union’s attempt to shut down the movement.

Technology giants hold censorship meeting with US intelligence agencies

By Will Morrow, 27 June 2018

The Washington Post described the meeting as a “new overture by the technology industry to develop closer ties to law enforcement.”

Three months on: Oxford Union refuses to tell truth about why whistleblowing panel debate is censored

By Zach Reed, 26 June 2018

The only explanation for deciding not to publish the video is that ex-CIA operative David Shedd demanded its suppression.

After six years confinement: WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange in great danger

By Mike Head, 21 June 2018

Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson said yesterday his situation is “very difficult” and Ecuador was “under significant pressure from the US” to force him to leave its London embassy.

Assange is being punished for exposing state secrecy and the reality of war

By Linda Tenenbaum, 21 June 2018

SEP national committee member Linda Tenenbaum told the Sydney rally that the event was to initiate an international movement in defence of Assange and basic democratic rights.

The persecution of Assange is an attempt to silence mass anti-war sentiment

By Evrim Yazgin, 21 June 2018

Evrim Yazgin, International Youth and Students for Social Equality president at the University of Melbourne, explained how Assange’s struggle for the truth had politicised a generation of young people.

Educators internationally must stand up for Julian Assange

By Sue Phillips, 21 June 2018

Committee For Public Education national convenor Sue Phillips told the Sydney rally that the defence of Assange is intimately connected to the fight for the democratic and social rights of students, educators and the working class.

Workers at SEP rally in Sydney demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 21 June 2018

“Julian fights for peace and defends democratic rights.”

Protesters at Ecuador embassy vigil in London demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 21 June 2018

The World Socialist Web Site spoke to some of those attending Tuesday evening’s vigil in London for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

This speech was delivered by James Cogan, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in Australia, to a rally organised by the SEP in defence of Julian Assange last Sunday in Sydney.

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

Addressing last Sunday's SEP rally in Sydney, well-known filmmaker and documentarian, John Pilger exposed the role of Labor and Coalition governments, along with prominent journalists and editors in the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange.

More voices from the Sydney rally to free Julian Assange

By our reporters, 19 June 2018

“Freedom of thought and expression is what this kind of rally brings. They’re trying to make an example out of Assange to silence all of us.”

UK residents demand release of Julian Assange, support international vigils

By our reporters, 19 June 2018

Leading up to today’s vigil at the Ecuador Embassy in London, the SEP in Britain has been contacted with messages of support, demanding freedom for WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange.

“The media and government want to keep us silent.”

Students and workers in Iowa demand freedom for Julian Assange

By Marcus Day and George Marlowe, 19 June 2018

There is widespread support for Assange and the role he has played in exposing the crimes of American imperialism.

SEP (UK) meetings on war and censorship: “War preparations are powered by lies”

By Julie Hyland, 18 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party (UK) Assistant National Secretary Julie Hyland addressed recent public meetings in England, Scotland and Ireland titled “War, lies and censorship: For the building of a socialist anti-war movement.”

Court sanction of AT&T-Time Warner merger strengthens corporate grip on news and entertainment

By Barry Grey, 13 June 2018

Coming just one day after the termination of net neutrality, the federal court ruling sets the stage for the further consolidation of monopoly control and suppression of oppositional points of view.

University of Michigan Center for Social Media Responsibility provides cover for Internet censorship campaign

By Sam Wayne and Genevieve Leigh, 13 June 2018

The new program has been established to provide the theoretical backing and material resources needed to further the ongoing efforts to censor the Internet.

The end of net neutrality: The US ruling elite escalates campaign of internet censorship

By Andre Damon, 12 June 2018

The move marks a major milestone in the efforts of the US intelligence agencies, technology monopolies, and both political parties to undermine free speech.

Demands grow that Australian government act to free Julian Assange

By Mike Head, 12 June 2018

Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson insisted that the Turnbull government can and must intervene on behalf of the WikiLeaks editor.

Australian public high school teachers support campaign to free Julian Assange

By our reporters, 12 June 2018

Socialist Equality Party member Will Marshall moved a resolution in defence of Assange at Footscray City College.

Australian workers and youth back June 17 Sydney rally in defence of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 12 June 2018

“Assange is a symbol of freedom of speech and justice for ordinary people. It is critical that we free him.”

The pseudo-left stabs Assange in the back

By Andre Damon, 11 June 2018

Despite initially voicing opposition to the attack on Assange, the entire gamut of the middle-class “left” has either ignored, downplayed or supported Assange’s persecution.

Press conference to be held in Sydney ahead of rallies in defence of Assange

By our reporters, 11 June 2018

Canberra must meet its obligations to protect Julian Assange, as it did for Al Jazeera journalist Peter Greste.

Australian government has obligation to protect Julian Assange

By Richard Hoffman, 11 June 2018

The Turnbull government must exercise its discretion to request from Britain the safe passage of Julian Assange to Australia.

Sheila Coombes, Professor Tim Hayward and journalist Vanessa Beeley demand freedom for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 11 June 2018

Three prominent individuals associated with the Media on Trial group have sent statements to the World Socialist Web Site supporting the campaign to free Julian Assange.

Australian officials visit Julian Assange as campaign to free him expands

By James Cogan, 9 June 2018

The meeting occurred within the context of a growing international campaign to defend the WikiLeaks’ editor.

Professor Stuart Rees, former director of the Sydney Peace Foundation, calls for Assange’s liberty

9 June 2018

“Julian Assange has worked tirelessly to support free speech and to expose abuses of power by governments.”

Anti-“fake news” bill gives French state unchecked Internet censorship powers

By Alex Lantier, 8 June 2018

Judges will be allowed to force service providers to take down material posted on the Internet simply by asserting that they believe it to be “fake news.”

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges endorses June 17 Sydney demonstration in defense of Julian Assange

8 June 2018

Assange’s “defense is the cutting edge of the fight against government suppression of the most fundamental democratic rights,” said Hedges.

US activist Kevin Zeese calls for demonstrations against the persecution of Julian Assange

6 June 2018

“Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is being defined by the treatment of Julian Assange.”

Facebook security officer: Not all speech is “created equal”

By Andre Damon, 5 June 2018

Facebook’s censorship apparatus is targeting people promoting “radical politics” because they “feel they have been ignored or oppressed,” the Facebook official told a military conference last week.

Ecuadorian foreign minister asserts treatment of Assange is “not censorship”

By James Cogan, 5 June 2018

Assange is not only being censored, but faces imminent danger of being forced into the hands of his persecutors.

Facebook expands censorship of news organizations with restrictions on political ads

By Marcus Day, 4 June 2018

Facebook’s new restrictions on political ads have begun to affect news and media organizations, including the World Socialist Web Site.

Papua New Guinea government plans to block access to Facebook

By John Braddock, 4 June 2018

The threatened month-long ban is part of a shift toward more authoritarian forms of rule, aimed at suppressing opposition to austerity measures and official corruption.

Singer-songwriter Roger Waters calls for defence of Assange

By our reporters, 4 June 2018

Waters emailed the World Socialist Web Site last month to convey his support for international action to defend Julian Assange.

YouTube removes “drill” music videos at request of London’s Metropolitan Police

By Robert Stevens, 1 June 2018

On the basis of a few isolated cases, an entire musical genre is being targeted on the basis that it is responsible for what is described as a “surge” in knife crime in London.

Facebook blocks ads in midst of US primary elections

By David Moore—SEP candidate for Senate in California, 1 June 2018

As part of the campaign against “Russian influence,” Facebook implemented new advertising rules that heavily favor established candidates.

“Government propaganda and the war on terror from 9/11 to Syria”

Journalists and academics expose UK’s criminal actions in the Middle East

By Julie Hyland, 31 May 2018

Despite media smears and government censorship, Media on Trial held an important and successful event exposing the connection between press propaganda and government warmongering.

Break the silence on the danger facing Julian Assange

By James Cogan, 31 May 2018

A profound shift has taken place among a layer that previously postured as “liberal,” “left” and even “socialist.”

“The government is after him because he’s telling the truth”

Detroit autoworkers call for Julian Assange’s freedom

By Will Morrow, 31 May 2018

Workers opposed the persecution of Assange and the broader drive to silence political dissent and censor the Internet.

Amazon, Microsoft and Google compete for Pentagon Cloud warfighter project

By Will Morrow, 30 May 2018

The technology giant that secures the contract will administer the US military’s global operations.

Oxford Union panel speaker Heather Marsh confirms debate was censored to protect CIA

By Zach Reed, 30 May 2018

It appears that reference to the CIA as an “organized crime syndicate,” and listing a portion of its crimes, were grounds for censorship.

Demand freedom for Julian Assange! Join the demonstration in Sydney on June 17!

By James Cogan, 29 May 2018

Assange’s situation stems directly from the Australian government’s refusal to protect one of its citizens.

John Pilger endorses June 17 Sydney demonstration in defence of Julian Assange

29 May 2018

“Julian is a courageous editor persecuted for exercising a right enshrined in the United States Constitution.”

Mark Zuckerberg testifies in Brussels as European Union and Facebook intensify internet censorship

By Johannes Stern, 25 May 2018

Under the guise of fighting “fake news” and Russian interference in elections, Facebook is carrying out a vast programme of internet censorship

A curious incident involving the Oxford Union’s Whistleblowing Panel

By Zach Reed, 25 May 2018

According to an anonymous submission to the World Socialist Web Site, a “Whistleblowing Panel” event at the Oxford Union has been censored, with no account of the meeting made available and no transcripts or a video published of it as is standard.

Oppose Google’s collaboration in US war crimes!

By David Moore—SEP Candidate for Senate in California, 25 May 2018

The collaboration of tech firms like Google with the US military and intelligence agencies poses a direct threat to democracy around the world.

German Green Party leader Joschka Fischer promotes militarism and war

By Johannes Stern, 24 May 2018

Fischer is leading the campaign for a massive increase in the German defence budget and an aggressive imperialist foreign policy.

Google, drone murder and the military-intelligence-censorship complex

By Andre Damon, 19 May 2018

The publication of this week’s open letter by leading technology academics protesting Google’s role in drone murder exposes the partnership between the major technology giants and the US military/intelligence complex.

Music streaming service Spotify initiates censorship against R. Kelly and XXXTentacion

By Zac Corrigan, 19 May 2018

Spotify inaugurated its “Hate Content & Hateful Conduct” policy by censoring the two singers based on allegations of “sexual violence.” Competitors Apple Music and Pandora Radio followed suit.

Academics protest Google’s role in drone murder

By Andre Damon, 18 May 2018

Three prominent technology scholars have published an open letter, which has now received over 900 signatures, condemning Google’s collaboration with the Pentagon’s illegal “targeted killing” program.

Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung fuels the campaign against Julian Assange

By Peter Schwarz, 18 May 2018

The German daily has joined the campaign to justify handing over the WikiLeaks founder to British and American authorities.

UK meetings against war, lies and censorship: Free Julian Assange!

18 May 2018

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) and the International Youth and Students for Social Equality are holding a series of meetings titled: War, lies and censorship—Free Julian Assange!

Spain: Facebook to install its “Ministry of Truth” in Barcelona

By Alejandro López, 14 May 2018

The 500 new employees in Barcelona will join Facebook’s 20,000 censors working for the company’s “security” and “moderation” departments.

Ecuador hints it may hand over Julian Assange to Britain and the US

By James Cogan, 12 May 2018

There is almost universal and reprehensible silence on the part of organisations and individuals that once claimed to defend Assange and WikiLeaks.

Google, Amazon assist in blocking encrypted communications

By Will Morrow, 10 May 2018

Google and Amazon are assisting authoritarian governments in the Middle East aligned with Washington to censor the Internet and prevent the use of encrypted communications by their populations.

Socialism and the struggle against Internet censorship

By Andre Damon, 9 May 2018

The following speech was delivered by Andre Damon, a leader of the Socialist Equality Party in the US.

Facebook censors Arizona educators’ rank-and-file committee group

By Jerry White, 7 May 2018

Facebook has disabled the Arizona Educators Rank and File Committee group, which provided a forum for teachers to oppose the betrayal of their struggles by the unions.

Socialist Equality Party holds meetings in Australia on Internet censorship

By our reporters, 5 May 2018

The meetings reviewed the history of the persecution of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, including the calls by US politicians for his assassination.

Australian workers and youth speak after public meetings

“Julian Assange took an enormously courageous stand”

By our correspondents, 5 May 2018

Participants at the public meetings spoke out against Internet censorship and the persecution of Julian Assange.

US election meddling in the age of the Internet

How Google, Facebook and Twitter are manipulating the Mexican presidential elections—Part 2

By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, 1 May 2018

The US military-intelligence apparatus is integrating the largest technology and Internet companies to tighten the US stranglehold over Latin America.

Arizona Educators United Facebook group censors teachers, WSWS

By Will Morrow, 30 April 2018

The censorship is a clear indication that a sellout by the union and AEU is imminent.

US election meddling in the age of the Internet

How Google, Facebook and Twitter are manipulating the Mexican presidential elections—Part 1

By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, 28 April 2018

The United States is now engaged in advanced efforts to exploit data on every voter in the country, as well as user data from Google and the social media companies, to influence the elections of its southern neighbor.

Facebook codifies its censorship regime

By Andre Damon, 25 April 2018

The social media monopoly made clear that it would not let users know their content is being blocked from distribution as “fake news” because such censorship is a “sensitive issue.”

Workers, students speak out against war, censorship and inequality at Detroit meeting

By Tom Hall, 24 April 2018

The World Socialist Web Site spoke with several of those attending the meeting “War, the Class Struggle and the Fight Against Internet Censorship,” held at Wayne State University on Sunday.

The CIA Democrats vs. Julian Assange

By Patrick Martin, 23 April 2018

The lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee is an attack on the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech and the press.

SEP and IYSSE hold meeting on war, the class struggle and the fight against Internet censorship

By our reporter, 23 April 2018

Several workers addressed the conference and expressed the growing opposition among broad layers of the working class to capitalism and the pro-corporate trade unions.

Australian meetings to call for Julian Assange’s freedom

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 20 April 2018

The Australian political and media establishment bears major responsibility for the outrages perpetrated against Julian Assange.

Russian government blocks messaging app Telegram

By Clara Weiss, 17 April 2018

The attack on encrypted communication is part of the international drive by governments to censor the Internet and expand mass surveillance.

Indian Trotskyists hold public meeting in Chennai against Internet censorship

By our correspondents, 16 April 2018

Speakers explained the connection between the attack on free speech, the drive to war and the rising struggles of the working class.

US Department of Homeland Security compiling database of world’s journalists

By Will Morrow, 14 April 2018

The Trump administration is collecting and monitoring the “sentiments” and personal information of journalists and “media influencers” around the world.

Meeting in Brisbane May 20: Organise Resistance to Internet Censorship! Free Julian Assange!

14 April 2018

The silencing of Assange coincides with Washington’s escalation of war in Syria and preparations for confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia.

War, lies and censorship

By Andre Damon, 13 April 2018

The New York Times, Washington Post and other mainstream news outlets function not as journalists, but as propagandists for the US/NATO war drive against Syria.

John Pilger and Julian Burnside denounce silencing of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange

By Niles Niemuth, 12 April 2018

The WikiLeaks founder and publisher has been cut off from all access to the outside world for more two weeks by the Ecuadorian government under pressure from the United States and its allies.

Facebook CEO presents plans for mass censorship at Senate hearing

By Andre Damon, 11 April 2018

The vast and sweeping dangers to democratic rights posed by Facebook’s censorship measures were universally cheered by all the Democratic Congressmen.

Two weeks since WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange silenced by Ecuador

By Niles Niemuth, 11 April 2018

It is no coincidence that Assange has been shut off from any form of communication with the outside world as the US and its allies prepare for an escalation of war in Syria and beyond.

Facebook intensifies censorship ahead of congressional testimony by Zuckerberg

By Andre Damon, 9 April 2018

Zuckerberg announced Friday that his company will “require people who manage large pages to be verified,” i.e., they must provide the company, and by extension the US government, with their real names and locations.

Capitalism and the artificial intelligence revolution

By Andre Damon, 6 April 2018

Google’s collaboration in the US government’s drone murder program expresses how the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology—with its vast potential for the enrichment of humanity—is being corrupted under capitalism.

Ahead of Mexican elections, social media companies, corporate press launch censorship operation

By Alex González, 5 April 2018

The #Verificado2018 campaign was launched to allegedly protect voters from Russian meddling in the upcoming July 1 general elections.

Google workers demand end to company’s involvement in drone murder

By Andre Damon, 5 April 2018

Over 3,000 Google employees have signed a letter condemning the company’s participation in the criminal operations of the US military and the “business of war.”

Palantir Technologies: A “CIA-backed startup”

By Julie Hyland, 3 April 2018

Palantir’s clients include a disproportionate number of US military, state and intelligence agencies, among them the CIA, NSA, FBI and Homeland Security.

The New York Times takes on the social media “hordes”

By Andre Damon, 3 April 2018

Times columnist Farhad Manjoo demanded in a recent article that the government do something to “fix” social media to keep the online “herd” from voicing their opinions.

April 8, public meeting in Chennai, India

Oppose Internet censorship! Defend freedom of speech!

By the supporters group of the ICFI in India, 3 April 2018

The supporters group of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) in India will hold a public meeting in Chennai on April 8 against Internet censorship.

Journalists, filmmakers, artists demand end to persecution of Julian Assange

2 April 2018

Writers, journalists, artists, film-makers and activists have called on the Government of Ecuador to restore Julian Assange’s right to free speech and end the isolating blockade it has imposed on him in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.

ICE uses Facebook data to locate and track suspects

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 29 March 2018

A report in the Intercept documents the extensive use of data derived from social media to pursue immigrants.

PayPal blocks sale of WSWS pamphlet

By Will Morrow, 29 March 2018

The company, citing US government policy, has refused to process purchases of Mehring Books’ recently released pamphlet, The Struggle Against Imperialism and for Workers’ Power in Iran.

Ecuador cuts off Julian Assange’s access to the outside world

By Mike Head, 29 March 2018

Julian Assange’s confinement in the Ecuadoran embassy increasingly resembles that of a prisoner.

Amid censorship drive, Facebook CEO to testify before Congress

By Andre Damon, 28 March 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, facing a media onslaught that has wiped out $80 billion from the company’s share value, has acquiesced to demands that he appear before Congress.

US Congress passes FOSTA law attacking internet freedom

By Will Morrow, 28 March 2018

The bill sets a precedent for prosecuting internet platforms based on the content published by users.

The truth about Cambridge Analytica-SCL: Psy-ops by UK-US deep state actors

By Julie Hyland, 26 March 2018

Cambridge Analytica and SCL were not acting as proxies for the Russian state but rather for significant sections of the US/UK military and intelligence apparatus.

Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon, 23 March 2018

The media, working with the intelligence agencies and leading congressional Democrats, is using the scandal as a cover for a crackdown on political opposition on the world’s largest social network.

"They want you to feel if you speak up you'll be called a traitor or a Russian.”

Detroit autoworkers denounce effort to censor the Internet

By a reporting team, 23 March 2018

Workers at Fiat Chrysler’s Warren Stamping Plant asserted their right to read whatever news sources they wanted without interference by the government and tech giants.

Google sets up “news initiative” to censor political opposition and promote mainstream media

By Andre Damon, 22 March 2018

Google announced its latest censorship initiative as Facebook came under pressure from the media and Congressional Democrats to crack down on political opposition.