4 August 2018

US immigration nightmare continues amid media blackout

By Eric London, 4 August 2018

Since the beginning of August, the New York Times opinion page has published eight opinion pieces or editorial board statements relating to allegations of Trump’s ties to Russia or the #MeToo hysteria, but none about the conditions facing immigrants.

Hundreds of asylum seekers face imminent eviction in Glasgow

By Stephen Alexander, 4 August 2018

Serco has already issued six “lock change notices,” giving asylum seekers just seven days to vacate its property.

Separated: Children at the Border highlights the horrific human costs of the bipartisan war on immigrants

German government launches camp system for refugees

More on the attack on immigrants »

Head of German secret service advised far-right Alternative for Germany

By Ulrich Rippert, 4 August 2018

The president of Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution met with then-AfD Chairperson Frauke Petry in 2015 to advise her on how to avoid surveillance by the state.

“The UAW cannot be trusted”
Kokomo Fiat Chrysler workers kept in dark by UAW following strike vote

By Shannon Jones, 4 August 2018

The UAW local is seeking to prevent a struggle over accumulated grievances and deteriorating conditions.

Autoworkers speak out against UAW corruption, voice support for Kokomo Fiat Chrysler workers

Mobilize the working class behind Indiana autoworkers
Kokomo Fiat Chrysler workers: Form a rank-and-file strike committee to fight for jobs and safety!

More on autoworkers struggles »

British Prime Minister May meets French President Macron for Brexit talks

By Alex Lantier, 4 August 2018

It was widely reported that May’s visit was an attempt to convince Macron to back the “soft Brexit” plan she presented last month at her country residence at Chequers.

Hepatitis A outbreak worsens in West Virginia, Kentucky

By Naomi Spencer, 4 August 2018

Over 1,900 people across West Virginia and Kentucky have been diagnosed with Hepatitis A in the past few months, and at least 10 people have died. Hepatitis C and HIV are likewise on the rise.

Ontario’s Tory government slashes welfare benefits, vows further cuts

By Roger Jordan, 4 August 2018

The Ford government has vowed to bring forward a plan to make welfare “sustainable” by further reducing benefits and restricting eligibility.

Sixty dead, over 100 wounded in Saudi air strikes on Yemeni port city

By Alec Andersen, 4 August 2018

The willful bombing of a Hodeidah fish market and hospital by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition is the latest war crime in the near-genocidal onslaught on Yemen.

China threatens tariffs on $60 billion of US goods

By Nick Beams, 4 August 2018

Coming on top of the tariffs already imposed on $34 billion worth of US goods, the new measures would mean that around 85 percent of US exports to China would be covered.

Chinese president under pressure over trade war with US

By Peter Symonds, 4 August 2018

Just months after constitutional changes enabling him to stay in office indefinitely, Xi Jinping is reportedly facing internal criticism from party elders and factional rivals.

Smearing of Corbyn as an anti-Semite prepares right-wing breakaway from Labour

By Julie Hyland, 4 August 2018

The Blairite right wing is openly discussing a “declaration of independence from Corbyn’s Labour” by much of the Parliamentary Labour Party.

What is behind the talk of a Brexit “national emergency”?

Appeal to neo-fascists on police scandal exposes reactionary role of Unsubmissive France

By Francis Dubois, 4 August 2018

Unsubmissive France is advancing out a populist, anti-worker policy compatible with police repression.

Australia: Youth protest racist “African gangs” campaign

By our reporters, 4 August 2018

African-Australian youth rally to denounce divisive hysteria whipped up by the political and media establishment.

New in French

La censure de Facebook dirigée contre la gauche

Andre Damon, 4 août 2018

La censure par Facebook d‘un important rassemblement anti-fasciste est une tentative délibérée de réprimer et de criminaliser des vues politiques de gauche.

New in Russian

Резолюция Пятого национального съезда ПСР (США)
Свободу Джулиану Ассанжу!

3 августа 2018 г.

Эта резолюция была единогласно принята съездом Партии Социалистического Равенства США, который состоялся 22-27 июля 2018 года.

New in German

US-Senat beschließt Militärhaushalt von 708 Mrd. Dollar

Patrick Martin, 4. August 2018

Mit 87 zu 10 Stimmen hat der US-Senat einen Militärhaushalt in Rekordhöhe verabschiedet. 41 Demokraten und 46 Republikaner stimmten mit Ja.

Facebook-Zensur zielt auf Linke

Andre Damon, 4. August 2018

Facebook zensiert eine große antifaschistische Kundgebung, um linke politische Ansichten zu unterdrücken und zu kriminalisieren.

Mittelmeer: Illegale Massenrückführung von Flüchtlingen nach Libyen

Martin Kreickenbaum, 4. August 2018

Ein italienisches Handelsschiff hat in Kooperation mit der italienischen Regierung 108 aus Seenot gerettete Flüchtlinge illegal nach Libyen zurückgebracht.

Italien: Salvinis rassistische Politik mobilisiert rechte Schlägerbanden

Marianne Arens, 4. August 2018

Die Koalition aus Lega und Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung greift Geflüchtete und Migranten systematisch an und weist ihnen die Schuld an der verheerenden sozialen Krise zu. Gleichzeitig wächst der Widerstand dagegen in der Bevölkerung.

Internationales Komitee der Vierten Internationale
Socialist Equality Party (USA) hält 5. Parteitag ab

4. August 2018

Der Parteitag war sowohl vom Inhalt als auch von der Form her ein wichtiger politischer Meilenstein für die amerikanische SEP und das Internationale Komitee der Vierten Internationale.

New in Spanish

La censura se dirige contra la izquierda

Por Andre Damon, 4 agosto 2018

La censura de Facebook de una manifestación antifascista constituye un esfuerzo deliberado para reprimir y criminalizar los puntos de vista políticos de izquierdas.

El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad (EUA) celebra su V Congreso Nacional

4 agosto 2018

El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad en Estados Unidos realizó su V Congreso Nacional entre el 22 y 27 de julio en el sureste de Michigan.

Resolución del V Congreso Nacional del PSI (EUA)
¡Liberen a Julian Assange!

4 agosto 2018

Esta resolución fue adoptada de forma unánime por el Congreso del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad, celebrado entre el 22 y 27 de julio.

Senado de los Estados Unidos respalda autorizar $708 mil millones en gastos militares

Por Patrick Martin, 4 agosto 2018

Cuarenta y seis republicanos se unieron a los 41 demócratas en la aprobación del proyecto de ley asignando un gasto record de guerra, que ahora va a la Casa Blanca para la firma del presidente Trump.

El sindicato Teamsters mantiene a 240.000 trabajadores de UPS en sus puestos de trabajo con un contrato expirado

Por Will Morrow, 4 agosto 2018

El sindicato es consciente de que hay una amplia oposición al acuerdo e intenta ganar tiempo para agotar a los trabajadores e imponer el contrato exigido por la compañía.

Los gigantes de la tecnología usan la Ley de Cumplimiento de la Red de Alemania para borrar decenas de miles de comentarios

Por Cristoph Vandreier, 4 agosto 2018

Una revisión de los casos hasta el momento confirma que esta no es una lucha contra “comentarios de odio” ni “noticias falsas”, sino la restricción masiva de la libertad de expresión.

La policía de inmigración lanza ataque político contra alcalde de Portland por apoyar protestas anti-ICE

Por Kayla Costa, 4 agosto 2018

Con base en la absurda afirmación de que los manifestantes anti-ICE atentaban contra los agendes migratorios federales, los empleados de ICE le enviaron una carta de cese y desista al alcalde.

"El sindicato esencialmente es una marioneta de la compañía"
¿Cómo es la vida de un trabajador a tiempo parcial de UPS?

Por Will Morrow, 4 agosto 2018

El World Socialist Web Site habló con Sean, un trabajador de 32 años de tiempo parcial de almacén de UPS, que describió las condiciones para los trabajadores de UPS, el abuso de los trabajadores por parte de la gerencia, y la complicidad del sindicato de los Teamsters.

El 40 por ciento inferior de estadounidenses tiene un ingreso neto negativo

Por Gabriel Black, 4 agosto 2018

Un informe de Reuters muestra que casi la mitad de la población de EUA no gana suficiente dinero para cubrir los gastos y depende cada vez más de los niveles insostenibles de deuda para sobrevivir.

New in Turkish

Alman sağı, nükleer “kitle imha silahları” talep ediyor

Johannes Stern, 3 Ağustos 2018

Almanya’daki sağcı koalisyon hükümetinin askeri harcamaları geniş çapta arttırma planını duyurmasından sadece haftalar sonra, büyük bir ulusal gazete, bir nükleer silah cephaneliği oluşturma çağrısı yaptı.

Mısır’daki askeri cunta darbe karşıtı 75 protestocuyu ölüme mahkum etti

Chris Marsden, 3 Ağustos 2018

Cumartesi günü, bir Kahire mahkemesi, 75 sanığı, asılarak idam edilmelerini onaylaması için Mısır’ın büyük müftüsüne sevk etti.

ABD İran’a karşı rejim değişikliğine ve savaşa hazırlanıyor

Peter Symonds, 3 Ağustos 2018

ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı John Bulton, İran’ın üstüne gitme yönündeki ABD planlarını tartışmak için üst düzey katılımlı bir toplantı düzenledi.

Yunanistan’daki orman yangını felaketinin toplumsal ve siyasal arka planı

Katerina Selin, 3 Ağustos 2018

Sorumlular, Yunanistan toplumunu son yıllarda yağmalayıp mahveden ve sanık sandalyesinde olması gereken suçlular olan hem AB, Syriza ve tüm eski hükümet partileri hem de büyük şirketler ve bankalardır.

SEP (ABD) Beşinci Ulusal Kongre Kararı
Julian Assange’a özgürlük!

3 Ağustos 2018

WikiLeaks’in ve Julian Assange’ın ABD’nin askeri, diplomatik ve istihbarat dosyalarını yayınlaması, bir suç değildir.

Ekvador devlet başkanı, Julian Assange’ın ABD’ye iade edilmesine izin vermeye hazır

Mike Head, 3 Ağustos 2018

Assange, güvenli bir ülkeye iade edilme hakkından yararlanma şöyle dursun, Britanya’dan, onu talep eden tek ülkeye (ABD) iade edilme olasılığı ile karşı karşıya kalacak.

New in Arabic

المجلس العسكري المصري یمد حالة الطوارئ ويسيطر على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعیة

٢٢ تموز يوليو ٢٠١٨

بعد خمس سنوات من الانقلاب العسكري الذي وقع في 3 یولیو / تموز 2013 ضد الرئیس الإخواني محمد مرسي والمذبحة التي راح ضحیتها أكثر من 1000 تابعا له في شوارع القاهرة ، یقوم النظام العسكري للدكتاتور عبد الفتاح السیسي ، المدعوم من القوى الغربية ، بتكثیف إرهابه المعادي للثورة.

New in Italian

Cos’è la “nostra democrazia”?

Eric London, 31 luglio 2018

Al centro dell'isteria anti-russa guidata dal Partito Democratico è l'affermazione che la Russia e il suo presidente, Vladimir Putin, minacciano la “nostra democrazia”.

Other Languages


Class exploitation and the market: The secret of the $1 trillion corporation

4 August 2018

Apple, awash in profits extracted from workers all over the world, has become the first corporation to officially reach the $1 trillion milestone.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Committee of the Fourth International

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

This report was delivered by David North, the national chairperson of the Socialist Equality Party (US), to open the Fifth National Congress of the SEP, held July 22-27, 2018.

Socialist Equality Party (US) holds Fifth National Congress

3 August 2018

The Socialist Equality Party in the United States held its Fifth National Congress July 22-27 in Southeast Michigan.

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
Free Julian Assange!

2 August 2018

Preface to the Russian edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky

By Vladimir Volkov, 2 August 2018

Understanding the role Leon Trotsky played in the twentieth century is fundamental to the revival of the heritage of Marxism in the countries of the former Soviet Union, and to the fight to build the International Committee of the Fourth International.

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Notes from the campaign trail
SEP establishes Ann Arbor election campaign committee for Michigan’s 12th congressional district

By Niles Niemuth, 4 August 2018

The campaign of Niles Niemuth for Congress established its first election committee in Ann Arbor this week and announced its first round of public meetings across the district.

No challenge filed to Socialist Equality Party candidate’s nominating petition in Michigan

By our reporter, 3 August 2018

Socialist candidate for Congress Niles Niemuth submits thousands of signatures for ballot access in Michigan

By our reporter, 19 July 2018

Notes from the campaign trail
SEP volunteers in Michigan speak on powerful support from workers for a socialist perspective

Socialist Equality Party to run Niles Niemuth for Michigan’s 12th Congressional district

NHS Fightback

NHS trade unions’ “best deal in eight years” revealed as a fraud

By Ajanta Silva, 4 August 2018

Health workers are expressing outrage as the truth about the latest union sellout comes to light.

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Australia) holds public meetings opposing “foreign interference” laws

By our reporters, 4 August 2018

The meetings were the only events to warn of the anti-democratic implications of the legislation, and place it in the context of the preparations for war with China.

SEP (Australia) holds Sydney meeting against new “foreign interference” laws

Sri Lankan SEP member Mohamdiramlage Chandrasiri (1955–2018)

By Wimal Fernando, 19 July 2018

SEP in Sri Lanka holds powerful 50th anniversary meeting

By our correspondents, 27 June 2018

Workers Struggles

GlaxoSmithKline workers in Bangladesh protest factory closure; Philippines police arrest picketing workers outside NutriAsia
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

4 August 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

4 August 2018

Some 10,000 footwear workers in south Africa are in the third week of a bitter strike over wage demands.

“The union is essentially a puppet for the company”
What is life like for a permanent part-time UPS worker?

By Will Morrow, 3 August 2018

Teamsters union keeps 240,000 UPS workers on the job as contract expires

Teamsters union blames opposition to sellout contract on “internet trolls”

The way forward for UPS workers

More on the struggle at UPS »

Following IAWV exposure at Texas warehouse
More Amazon workers speak out against atrocious working conditions

By Evan Cohen, 3 August 2018

New Zealand nurses express frustration, anger in union broadcast

By our reporters, 2 August 2018

New Zealand Defence Force nurses deployed during strike

After nationwide strike: The way forward for New Zealand health workers

Five months after strike, West Virginia teachers say “nothing has changed”

By Nancy Hanover, 31 July 2018

Lessons of the West Virginia teachers strike

More on US teachers struggles »

Ryanair’s mass sacking threat raises need for globally coordinated struggle of airline workers

By Steve James, 2 August 2018

Washington, D.C. metro union seeks to bury members’ strike vote

By Nick Barrickman, 2 August 2018

Arts Review

#MeToo turns deadly
Opera singer Anne Sofie von Otter blames #MeToo witch-hunt for her husband’s suicide

By David Walsh, 3 August 2018

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?—A new documentary about Fred Rogers and his television program

By Hiram Lee, 2 August 2018

Ronan Farrow’s latest #MeToo “bombshell,” directed against Leslie Moonves of CBS

By David Walsh, 1 August 2018

Geoffrey Rush’s lawyers argue newspaper’s allegations “motivated to harm” the actor

By Richard Phillips, 1 August 2018

Annie Swynnerton—a Victorian artist rediscovered but misinterpreted
An exhibition at the Manchester Art Gallery

Unexpectedly restrained: Matteo Garrone’s Dogman
Based on a horrific 1988 murder in Rome


Facebook censorship targets the left

By Andre Damon, 3 August 2018

Technology giants use Germany’s Network Enforcement Law to delete tens of thousands of comments

UK Parliament “fake news” report demands sweeping internet censorship

More on internet censorship »

US Senate backs $708 billion military authorization

By Patrick Martin, 3 August 2018

Bottom 40 percent of Americans have a negative net income

By Gabriel Black, 3 August 2018

Financial parasitism and the American oligarchy

Amid trial of former campaign chairman, Trump urges attorney general to end Russia probe “right now”

By Barry Grey, 2 August 2018

California’s burning: The social and political background of the deadly infernos

By David Brown, 1 August 2018

Trump plans a $100 billion tax bonus for the rich

By Niles Niemuth, 1 August 2018

As US workers’ wages continue to fall
Oracle CEO pockets $250 million after Trump tax cut

Seven months after Trump’s tax cut
Corporate tax collection rate at historic low

$3,000 per second for Bezos, poverty wages for Amazon workers

German right demands nuclear “weapons of mass extermination”

By Johannes Stern, 31 July 2018

Far-right Identitarian movement attempts to disrupt IYSSE meeting in Dresden

Acquittal for right-wing extremist Identitarian movement in Austrian court

Politics in bad faith: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaigns in Michigan

By Andre Damon, 31 July 2018

Ocasio-Cortez, DSA seek to give “left” cover to right-wing Democratic Party

Defend Julian Assange!

Julian Assange’s lawyer: Australian government has a “duty” to protect him

By Mike Head, 2 August 2018

Jennifer Robinson said the WikiLeaks editor wants to exercise his right to return to Australia, provided he is protected from extradition to the US.

Ecuador’s president ready to allow Julian Assange to be extradited to US

By Mike Head, 31 July 2018

Julian Assange and the betrayal of Latin America’s “left”

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

Protest in London against Ecuadorian President Moreno’s persecution of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 25 July 2018

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

25 years ago: Clinton declares war on social spending programs

In a nationally televised speech, US President Bill Clinton declared war on what he called the “politics of entitlement,” reaffirming his pledges during the 1992 election campaign to “end welfare as we know it.”

More »

50 years ago: Bratislava Declaration is signed in Czechoslovakia

Six representatives from the Communist parties of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland met with the leaders of Czechoslovakia and signed what became known as the Bratislava Declaration.

More »

75 years ago: Uprising at Treblinka extermination camp

Prisoners at the Treblinka extermination camp launched a heroic uprising against their Nazi jailers, which shook Third Reich forces and inspired workers and youth engaged in the struggle against fascism across Europe.

More »


100 years ago: French Socialist Party opposes anti-Bolshevik intervention

The national congress of the Section Francaise de l’Internationale Ouvriere rejected intervention by the imperialist Allies against the Bolsheviks in Russia.

More »

Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

Twenty-five years since the death of Joy Gardner

By Julie Hyland, 28 July 2018

Behind the actions of the police officers involved, Joy’s killing was the result of deliberate government policy.

The killing of Joy Gardner: A Workers Inquiry is needed

By the International Communist Party (July 1 1995), 28 July 2018

The World Socialist Web Site is republishing here the July 1, 1995 statement by the International Communist Party—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)—calling for the formation of a Workers’ Inquiry into the death of Jamaican mother Joy Gardner.

Featured Video

Coby Day: Hundreds memorialize fallen Detroit autoworker Jacoby Hennings

Friends and family of Jacoby Hennings (1995 - 2017) want answers about the circumstances surrounding the young autoworker's death at Ford's Woodhaven stamping plant.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.