  • Tunisia: Detainees Denied Right to Counsel

    514 views 1 month ago
    Lax enforcement of a new law in Tunisia granting detainees prompt access to a lawyer has weakened the impact of this landmark legislation, even if detainee rights have improved modestly since the law took effect two years ago today.
    Every year, the police arrest thousands of people across Tunisia. They spend up to four days in police custody, a crucial period for building the criminal case against them before they first see a judge. During this time, they are vulnerable to mistreatment. Show less
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  • Africa Play all

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  • Americas Play all

    • Brazil: People with Disabilities Stuck in Institutions - Duration: 6 minutes, 53 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      Thousands of children and adults with disabilities in Brazil are needlessly confined to institutions, where they may face neglect and abuse. Brazil should make it a priority to provide support for ...
    • Solidarity with the Venezuelan People - Duration: 2 minutes, 21 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      April 19 marks the one-year anniversary of the first mass protest that was brutally repressed in 2017. Please show your support for the Venezuelan people.
      Take Action: www.hrw.org/TodosConVenezuel...
    • Ricardo Montaner and Human Rights Watch Campaign for Venezuela - Duration: 2 minutes, 20 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Latin Americans and their governments should speak out and urge President Nicolás Maduro’s government to recognize and tackle the devastating human rights and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

    • US: The Deported - Duration: 4 minutes, 16 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      A surge in immigration arrests of people living in the United States under the Trump administration is having a devastating impact on long-term immigrants with strong ties to the US, Human Rights W...
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    • Venezuela: Systematic Abuse of Opponents - Duration: 5 minutes, 10 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      The Venezuelan government has systematically used brutal treatment, including torture, against anti-government protesters and political opponents. Security force personnel beat detainees severely a...
    • Peru: Humala Implicated in Atrocities - Duration: 2 minutes, 28 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      New evidence has emerged that credibly implicates former President Ollanta Humala Tasso (2011-2016) in atrocities during Peru’s armed conflict in the 1990s, Human Rights Watch said in a report rele...
    • Peru: New Evidence Implicates Humala in Atrocities - Duration: 61 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      New evidence has emerged that credibly implicates former President Ollanta Humala Tasso (2011-2016) in atrocities during Peru’s armed conflict in the 1990s. The evidence also implicates Humala in t...
    • Venezuela: Video Footage Exposes Brutality of Repression - Duration: 2 minutes, 20 seconds.

      • 11 months ago
      The scale and brutality of violent repression by Venezuelan security forces is evident in video footage shot in recent months. Since early April, tens of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the ...
    • Zika Moms Fight for Help from Brazilian Government - Duration: 4 minutes, 17 seconds.

      • 11 months ago
      Brazil has not addressed longstanding human rights problems that allowed the Zika outbreak to escalate, leaving the population vulnerable to future outbreaks and other serious public health risks. ...
    • Brazil: "One Day I'll Kill You" - Duration: 2 minutes, 52 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Lack of investigation and prosecution of domestic violence cases, and insufficient monitoring of protection orders leave women in the Brazilian state of Roraima at risk of further abuse. The seriou...
    • Venezuela’s Crisis at the OAS - Duration: 66 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      On May 31, 2017, the Organization of American States will carry out a meeting of foreign affairs ministers to address the situation in Venezuela. At the meeting, the region must press the Maduro ad...
    • Guatemala: Thousands Face Needless End-of-Life Suffering - Duration: 4 minutes, 19 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Thousands of patients with advanced illnesses in Guatemala suffer unnecessarily from severe pain because they cannot get appropriate pain medications.

      Guatemala’s drug control regulations – meant ...
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  • Europe & Central Asia Play all

    • Gay Couple Fights for Right to Live in EU - Duration: 2 minutes, 34 seconds.

      • 3 weeks ago
      Today, Adrian and Clai finally have a chance to celebrate. The same-sex couple married in Belgium in 2010, but decided they wanted to live in Adrian’s native Romania (Clai is American). The kicke...
    • Media Freedom in Uzbekistan: Still a Long Way to Go - Duration: 4 minutes, 37 seconds.

      • 3 months ago
      Politically motivated prosecutions and censorship keep Uzbekistan’s media outlets, journalists, and other government critics self-censoring and under pressure, despite an improved landscape for ope...
    • Media Freedom in Uzbekistan: Still a Long Way to Go - Duration: 4 minutes, 37 seconds.

      • 3 months ago
      Politically motivated prosecutions and censorship keep Uzbekistan’s media outlets, journalists, and other government critics self-censoring and under pressure, despite an improved landscape for ope...
    • Russia: Human Rights Group Under Attack - Duration: 106 seconds.

      • 5 months ago
      On January 17, 2018, masked arsonists torched the Ingushetia office of Memorial, Russia’s leading human rights organization. The attack came days after authorities in Chechnya arbitrarily arrested ...
    • Russia: Crackdown on Social Media Users - Duration: 2 minutes, 21 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      Russia has introduced significant restrictions to online speech and invasive surveillance of online activity and prosecutes critics under the guise of fighting extremism. Since 2012, Russian author...
    • Trapped: Asylum Seekers in Lesbos, Greece - Duration: 7 minutes, 7 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      Lesbos, a postcard-perfect vacation island in the northern Aegean Sea, is a haven for people fleeing war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. It symbolizes the hope that somewhere in Europe there is ref...
    • Aquarius: A Rescue Ship in the Mediterranean Saving Lives - Duration: 3 minutes, 50 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      Since 2014, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have filled a deadly gap in maritime rescue operations, patrolling in international waters close to the 12-nautical-mile line that marks Libyan terr...
    • Spain: Police Used Excessive Force in Catalonia - Duration: 40 seconds.

      • 8 months ago
      Spanish police engaged in excessive force when confronting demonstrators in Catalonia during a disputed referendum, using batons to hit non-threatening protestors and causing multiple injuries, Hum...
    • Syrien: Erste Prozesse wegen Gräueltaten in Europa - Duration: 2 minutes, 40 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      Es gibt erste Erfolge dabei, die Verantwortlichen für Gräueltaten in Syrien vor europäische Gerichte zu bringen, insbesondere in Schweden und Deutschland, so Human Rights Watch in einem heute veröf...
    • Syria: Justice Has a Chance, War Crimes Tried in Europe - Duration: 61 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      Efforts to bring those responsible for atrocities in Syria before European courts are starting to bear fruit, notably in Swedish and German courts. While various authorities in Europe have opened i...
    • Usbekistan –Weltbank steht in Verbindung mit Zwangsarbeit - Duration: 5 minutes, 15 seconds.

      • 11 months ago
      Die Weltbank finanziert in Usbekistan Landwirtschaftsprojekte mit einer halben Milliarde Euro, die im Zusammenhang mit staatlich verordneter Zwangs- und Kinderarbeit stehen. Obwohl es die Aufgabe d...
    • Greece Should Protect Lone Migrant Kids - Duration: 3 minutes, 33 seconds.

      • 11 months ago
      Flawed and inadequate procedures leave unaccompanied migrant children on the Greek island of Lesbos housed with unrelated adults, vulnerable to abuse, and unable to access the specific care they ne...
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  • Asia Play all

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  • Health and Human Rights Play all

    • United States: Oversedation in Nursing Homes - Duration: 6 minutes, 39 seconds.

      • 5 months ago
      Nursing homes across the United States routinely give antipsychotic drugs to residents with dementia to control their behavior, despite regulatory prohibitions on this misuse of drugs as “chemical ...
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    • Florida Needs Syringe Exchange - Duration: 4 minutes, 22 seconds.

      • 5 months ago
      In 2016, more than 6,000 Floridians died of an opioid overdose, a 35 percent increase from the year before. Governor Rick Scott has declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency, and is prom...
      • CC
    • Venezuelan Crisis Spills Over to Brazil - Duration: 2 minutes, 27 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is spilling across its borders, Human Rights Watch said today. Latin American governments need to apply strong pressure on the Maduro administration to address sever...
      • CC
    • Drones in the Service of Human Rights: Using Robotic Technology to Research Waste Burning in Lebanon - Duration: 2 minutes, 21 seconds.

      • 6 months ago
      Human Rights Watch released a report that included, for the first time in our history, photographic evidence collected with an autonomous robotic plane, commonly called a drone.
      Built by Sensefly...
    • Lives At Risk: Open Burning of Waste in Lebanon - Duration: 5 minutes, 16 seconds.

      • 7 months ago
      The lack of action by authorities to end open burning of waste across Lebanon is posing serious health risks for nearby residents, violating their right to health. People living near open burning r...
    • #BreakTheChains: End Shackling in Ghana - Duration: 43 seconds.

      • 8 months ago
      In Ghana people with mental health conditions are often considered as being possessed by evil spirits or demons. Due to these beliefs and the lack of local mental health services, some families and...
    • UN: Compensate Kosovo Lead Poisoning Victims - Duration: 4 minutes, 5 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      The United Nations’ failure to compensate victims of widespread lead poisoning at UN-run camps in Kosovo has left affected families struggling to care for sick relatives who were exposed to the con...
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    • UN Should Compensate Victims of Lead Poisoning in Kosovo - Duration: 56 seconds.

      • 9 months ago
      The United Nations’ failure to compensate victims of widespread lead poisoning at UN-run camps in Kosovo has left affected families struggling to care for sick relatives who were exposed to the con...
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    • Guatemala: Thousands Face Needless End-of-Life Suffering - Duration: 4 minutes, 19 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Thousands of patients with advanced illnesses in Guatemala suffer unnecessarily from severe pain because they cannot get appropriate pain medications.

      Guatemala’s drug control regulations – meant ...
    • US: Substandard Medical Care in Immigration Detention - Duration: 2 minutes, 59 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      New evidence has emerged of dangerously subpar medical care in United States immigration detention at a time when the Trump administration is seeking to increase its use, Human Rights Watch and Com...
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    • Trump’s „Global Gag Rule” gefährdet die Gesundheit von Frauen weltweit - Duration: 82 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      Human Rights Watch fordert Regierungen weltweit dazu auf, politische und finanzielle Unterstützung für globale Gesundheitsprogramme zuzusichern, um der „Global Gag Rule“ der USA entgegenzuwirken.
    • US: "Miracle Drug" Naloxone Saves Lives - Duration: 6 minutes, 23 seconds.

      • 1 year ago
      The US federal and state governments are taking insufficient action to ensure access to the life-saving medication naloxone to reverse opioid overdose, resulting in thousands of preventable deaths....
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  • LGBT Rights Play all

    • Indonesia: Anti-LGBT Crackdown Fuels Health Crisis - Duration: 3 minutes, 10 seconds.

      • 2 days ago
      Indonesian authorities are fueling an HIV epidemic through complicity in discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. The government’s failure to halt arbitrary and...
    • Gay Couple Fights for Right to Live in EU - Duration: 2 minutes, 34 seconds.

      • 3 weeks ago
      Today, Adrian and Clai finally have a chance to celebrate. The same-sex couple married in Belgium in 2010, but decided they wanted to live in Adrian’s native Romania (Clai is American). The kicke...
    • Hamed, Lebanon - Duration: 59 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      How @HamedSinno overcame homophobic bullying to become a Lebanese rockstar. Hear more: www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Dalia, Egypt - Duration: 59 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Dalia came out to her conservative father. His reaction surprised her. Hear more stories of struggle and acceptance:
    • Khalid, Jordan - Duration: 52 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Khalid thought being gay was haram. Then he came out to a friend. Hear more surprising stories of solidarity and acceptance: https://www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Elie, Lebanon - Duration: 60 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      "I'm a normal person, I'm just attracted to members of the same sex."
      For more stories of self-discovery from LGBT activists across the Middle East and North Africa: www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Norma, Lebanon - Duration: 64 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Growing up, Norma loved to play with Barbies. She developed a "thick skin" from all of the taunts she heard.
    • Abdellah, Morocco - Duration: 59 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Moroccan author @AbdelahTaia: “LGBT people are not from Mars.” Hear more stories of courage and connection: www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Hajar, Morocco - Duration: 51 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Marrying a man didn’t make Hajar straight.
      Hear more LGBT voices from countries in Middle East and North Africa: https://www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Rashed, Jordan - Duration: 61 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      How Rashed realized his dream: To be himself.
      Hear more stories from LGBT people from countries in Middle East and North Africa: https://www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • No Longer Alone - Duration: 6 minutes, 38 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      LGBT rights activists from across the Middle East and North Africa bring you on a journey of self-discovery, solidarity and strength.
    • Ghana: Discrimination, Violence against LGBT People - Duration: 5 minutes, 1 second.

      • 5 months ago
      Ghanaians who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) suffer widespread discrimination and abuse both in public and in family settings. While some Ghanaian officials have publicly called ...
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  • Middle East & North Africa Play all

    • Syria: Mass Graves in Former ISIS Areas - Duration: 2 minutes, 59 seconds.

      • 2 days ago
      A local group working to uncover mass graves in the area of northeastern Syria once controlled by the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) needs international support and technical assistance to pres...
    • Tunisia: Detainees Denied Right to Counsel - Duration: 2 minutes, 21 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      Lax enforcement of a new law in Tunisia granting detainees prompt access to a lawyer has weakened the impact of this landmark legislation, even if detainee rights have improved modestly since the l...
    • #WorldCup2018 - Duration: 18 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      This is no time to obscure the plight of Syrians. World leaders should abstain from attending the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Moscow, on June 14, 2018, unless the Kremlin takes meaningful ...
    • Egypt: Army Building Demolition in Southern Rafah, Sinai - Duration: 11 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      The Egyptian army has vastly expanded widespread destruction of homes, commercial buildings, and farms in the North Sinai governorate since February 9, 2018, as part of its military campaign agains...
    • Gaza: Over 100 Palestinians Fatally Shot by Israeli Forces - Duration: 110 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      (May 16, 2016) - In the last 6 weeks, Israeli forces have fatally shot more than 100 Palestinians inside Gaza.

      Thousands more have been wounded, many with life-changing injuries.

      Israeli soldie...
    • Israel Orders Human Rights Watch Official Deported - Duration: 2 minutes, 12 seconds.

      • 1 month ago
      Israeli authorities on May 7, 2018, revoked the work permit for Omar Shakir, the Human Rights Watch Israel and Palestine director, and ordered him to leave Israel within 14 days. The government sai...
    • Jordan: Children of non-Jordanian Fathers Deprived of Basic Rights - Duration: 2 minutes, 7 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Children born to Jordanian mothers and non-Jordanian fathers struggle to get basic rights and services in Jordan. Due to a law that denies women the right to pass citizenship to their children on a...
    • Iraq: Officials Hide Potential War Crime Evidence - Duration: 91 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      An incident on March 29, 2018, in which government workers removed about 80 bodies from a damaged house, raised suspicions of a cover-up of killings of possible Islamic State (also known as ISIS) s...
    • Hamed, Lebanon - Duration: 59 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      How @HamedSinno overcame homophobic bullying to become a Lebanese rockstar. Hear more: www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Dalia, Egypt - Duration: 59 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Dalia came out to her conservative father. His reaction surprised her. Hear more stories of struggle and acceptance:
    • Khalid, Jordan - Duration: 52 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      Khalid thought being gay was haram. Then he came out to a friend. Hear more surprising stories of solidarity and acceptance: https://www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
    • Elie, Lebanon - Duration: 60 seconds.

      • 2 months ago
      "I'm a normal person, I'm just attracted to members of the same sex."
      For more stories of self-discovery from LGBT activists across the Middle East and North Africa: www.hrw.org/no-longer-alone
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  • USA Play all

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