
[EN/FR] 36 Druze women, children kidnapped by IS in Syria’s Sweida – 36 femmes et enfants druzes enlevés par l’EI en Syrie

[EN] The Islamic State kidnapped dozens of Druze women and children, a religious minority, during attacks in Syria’s southern province of Sweida, a monitor said Monday. At least 36 Druze women and children were abducted after the attacks. Raids and suicide bombings carried out by IS in Sweida province killed more Read more…

By Shengal Admin, ago

[EN/FR] Journée d’action internationale contre le féminicide – International Action Day against Feminicide

[FR] Ce vendredi 3 août, le Conseil européen des femmes Yezidies appelle toutes les femmes du monde à soutenir la Journée internationale d’action contre le féminicide commémorant le génocide de Sinjar et en réponse aux massacres de l’Etat turc. Lire l’article Bruxelles : Rendez-vous le vendredi 3 août à 17 heure Read more…

By Shengal Admin, ago

(DE/EN/FR) Hand in Hand mit der Frauenrevolution – Hand in Hand with the Women’s Revolution – Main dans la main avec la Révolution des femmes

Die Frauen der Internationalistischen Kommune Rojava haben eine feministische Delegation nach Rojava eingeladen, um vor Ort die Frauen der Revolution und der multi-ethnischen Gesellschaft kennen zu lernen. Fünfzehn Frauen und nicht-binäre Menschen aus den USA, Kurdistan und verschiedenen Regionen Europas folgten dem Aufruf. Hier ist ihr Bericht. Women of the Read more…

By Shengal BE, ago

Rojava: a women’s revolution

We are sharing the personal stories of some women who have witnessed the social changes brought about by the social revolution in Rojava as mothers, reported by Firat Riha and Bêritan Sarya: “Women’s Defense Units YPJ became the face of the revolution of Rojava. These predominantly young women have forced their Read more…

By Shengal BE, ago