Get advice
For advice about your rights, and the law, from people who are legally trained you should get in touch with one of the following advice agencies:
- Edinburgh Housing Advice Partnership -EHAP provides free, confidential and independent advice on your housing rights and options.
- Shelter Scotland – Shelter offer an advice line for tenants as well as extensive advice pages on their website.
- Citizens Advice Scotland – offer appointments in the various CAB offices across Edinburgh and deal with private tenant issues amongst others.
Landlord breaking the law? You should report them to the Landlord Registration department of the Edinburgh City Council – they work to regulate the practices of landlords, and will take action against bad landlords.
- Private Rented Services, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ
Tel: 0131 469 5293
Of course the best way to improve your lot as a tenant is to work for the advancement of all private tenants, by getting involved and helping us put pressure on politicians, landlords and letting agents to make the system fairer.