ADG PI - INDIAN ARMYAkaun disahkan


Additional Directorate General of Public Information, IHQ of MoD (Army),

New Delhi, India
Menyertai Februari 2013


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  1. 12 jam lalu
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  2. 13 jam lalu
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  3. 13 jam lalu

    23 सितम्बर 1973 आपकी वीरता अनुकरणीय है नायब सूबेदार गुरनाम सिंह ने असीम शौर्य और उत्तम युद्ध कौशल का परिचय दिया व अपने कर्त्तव्य का निर्वाह करते हुए वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए I सम्मानित (मरणोपरांत)

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  4. 22 Sep

    Retiring Officers’ Seminar was conducted today. Due to COVID protocols, Officers posted in Delhi only attended. General MM Naravane commended all retiring Officers for their service to the Nation & bid them adieu. The Officers will be superannuating on 30th Sep 2020.

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  5. 22 Sep

    22 सितम्बर 1965 आपकी वीरता अनुकरणीय हैं लान्स दफेदार उधन सिंह ने असीम शौर्य और उत्तम युद्ध कौशल का परिचय दिया । सम्मानित (मरणोपरांत)।

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  6. 22 Sep
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  7. 22 Sep

    22 Sep 1964 Jammu and Kashmir Lt Ujagar Singh Teje & Sub NB Gurung displayed commendable courage & determination of high order. Awarded .

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  8. 21 Sep

    21 September 1965 Battle of Dograi Maj Asa Ram Tyagi & Capt KS Thapa displayed indomitable courage against a formidable enemy in Battle of Dograi and made supreme sacrifice. Awarded (Posthumous).

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  9. 21 Sep

    21 September 1965 Khem Karan Sector Maj Ram Swarup Sharma, Naik Jagdish Singh & Lance Naik Bhanwar Singh displayed conspicuous courage & exemplary leadership in face of enemy. Awarded .

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  10. 21 Sep

    21 September 1965 Jammu & Kashmir Capt S Shah & Naik Chander Singh displayed commendable courage, determination and valour of high order. Awarded .

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  11. 21 Sep

    21 September 1965 Battle of Dograi Subedar Pale Ram, Nb Sub Chhotu Ram & Sepoy Lehna Singh displayed commendable courage, initiative & determination of a very high order. Awarded .

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  12. 21 Sep

    21 सितम्बर 1965 'आप की वीरता अनुकर्णीय है'। मेजर सुरेन्द्र ने असीम शौर्य और उत्तम युद्ध कौशल का परिचय दिया । सम्मानित (मरणोपरांत)।

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  13. 21 Sep
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  14. 20 Sep
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  15. 20 Sep

    20 September 1987 Siachen Naik S Jayaprakas displayed undaunted courage, dedication and leadership of a high order and continuously fired from his gun keeping with the highest traditions of the . Awarded (Posthumous).

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  16. 20 Sep

    College of Military Engineering located at imparts training on all relevant engineering aspects for emerging security challenges across the entire spectrum of conflict and peacetime challenges.

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  17. 19 Sep

    19 September 1965 Major M M Chopra, Major V Kumar & Lieutenant R S Samiyal displayed commendable courage, initiative & determination of a very high order. Awarded

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  18. 19 Sep

    19 सितम्बर 1965 'आप की वीरता अनुकर्णीय है'। मेजर भूपिंदर सिंह ने असीम शौर्य और उत्तम युद्ध कौशल का परिचय दिया । सम्मानित (मरणोपरांत)।

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  19. 19 Sep

    कर्तव्यपरायणता एवं कर्तव्य के लिए सर्वोच्च बलिदान हमारी परंपरा है। हमेशा हम कर्तव्य के प्रति समर्पित रहते हैं, चाहे सर्वोच्च बलिदान ही क्यों न देना पड़े। जय हिंद।

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  20. 18 Sep

    18 Sept 1961 Congo Lieutenant O P Bangia led his men with commendable leadership, courage and devotion to duty and displayed grit and valour. Awarded .

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