
As #August21 prison strike approaches, repression against organizers escalates

A look at the co-ordinated clampdown targeting a number of prominent prison organizers in the run-up to the national prison strike set to begin on August 21st.

Support the Flemingdon Park Rent Strike!

On August 1st, more than 200 tenants in Flemingdon Park, Toronto, will launch a rent strike against their landlord's attempt to raise the rent.

IWW Couriers Network: Our Network, Our Struggle

Only 7 months on from a meeting between a couple of disgruntled couriers in a dingy pub in Cardiff the IWW Couriers Network is growing across the UK and Ireland.

Glasgow SDL Demo Confronted by Anti-Fascists

On Saturday the 21st of July, a coalition of militant anti-fascists came together to oppose the Scottish Defence League in Glasgow. This is an account of the day's events.

Mass protests continue in Baghdad and Southern Iraq

This is a short report covers the current situation in Iraq, now in their third week. So far the protesters have been able to protect their own independence and none of the political parties or regional governments have been able to tame or control them.

The Poverty of Student Unions

Institutions exist to do the exact opposite of their stated aims. The police force don’t exist to protect you and stop crime, but instead to keep you in line and to facilitate a unilaterial class war.

Schools don’t exist to educate people and teach them how to think independently, but rather to indoctrinate and create obedient workers.

Governments don’t exist to enact the political will of the people but to frustrate it.