
A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 5

Last part of our series - find the collated articles in the attached PDF

Living The Dream with the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Latest Living The Dream podcast - this episode is on the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Living The Dream is hosted at The Word From Struggle Street

Back to the Future: Rebranding Social Democracy

There are two ways to read Inventing the Future. One is a fairly innocent critique of the “post-68 left”, and an outline of how to build a desirable post-capitalist future through a flawed Gramscian framework. The other is a critique of working class self-activity, and a call for a benevolent class of technocrats who can gradually reform capitalism for the masses.

Anti-Semitism – rooting out oppression or ruling class hypocrisy?

Those who see the need to eliminate anti-Semitism should involve themselves in the struggle for a classless and nationless world. The current media circus about Parliamentary factions is totally removed from the necessary struggle to root out anti-Semitism through the struggle to destroy capitalism.

#marchforourlives: From liberal discourse to class analysis

How can a class perspective help to shed light on the ongoing debate over gun control?

Tragic events in Russia

Exactly a week after Putin’s “landslide” victory in the Russian Presidential election (March 18) a terrible fire broke out in the “Winter Cherry” shopping and entertainment centre of the Siberian city of Kemerovo. It killed more than 80 people, at least 40 of whom are children. Some are still missing. Appalling though Kemerovo was, it was not an isolated incident.

Education Strikes from West Virginia and Kenya to the UK

On Sunday March 25 the CWO held a meeting in Newcastle focussing on the recent educational strikes across the world. It was attended by students, academics and other university workers (some in the CWO, some not) who had participated in the recent pickets of Newcastle, York and Durham universities. A CWO comrade gave the following introduction.

The Poverty of Luxury Communism

Fully Automated Luxury Communism

A spectre is haunting Europe and the US, the spectre of... productivist national protectionism from the Left. QQ and Mike Harman respond to Novara Media and Jacobin Magazine.

Notes on Soviet Attitudes to Homosexuality

Fragments of information concerning the attitudes of the Bolshevik government in its early years to homosexuality.

Italian Elections: there’s nothing more depressing in a desert of ideas and perspectives

Given the current programmatic poverty of the bourgeoisie, not voting is a duty. However, today, that isn’t enough.

Why is Gibraltar a focus of European conflict?

The Irish-UK stand-off is not the only dispute over borders following Brexit.

The settler-colonial control of Treaty in Aotearoa

An article which critiques treaties as a formalised mechanism legitimising settler-colonial control in Aotearoa, instead positing autonomous insurrection as an alternative means of collective emancipation.

Anarcho-syndicalist Trans-Feminism

Cobbling together a linking up of Anarcho-syndicalism and Trans-Feminism.

The Peccadilloes of Gun Control Activism

I take a look at the problems with the Parkland sparked gun control movement and hint at a desired alternative to gun control activism.

Announcing our new affiliate: LibCom Venezuela

Following on from our long-term informal co-operation with international communist and anarchist publishing collectives, we're proud to announce our first official international affiliate, LibCom Venezuela.

The working class doesn’t need borders in Ireland – or anywhere else

The ruling class in Britain is mired in problems of its own making. Ditching its own long-embedded choices, it stumbles towards Brexit and is abandoning half a century of its preferred strategy. [1] Predictably, an exceptionally intractable problem has developed about the national border in Ireland. The political factions that arranged and delivered the Brexit decision blithely ignored the fact that the border would become the frontier between the Irish Republic, a member of the EU (European Union), and the post-Brexit non-EU United Kingdom.

Living The Dream in the feminist moment

Interview with feminist writer Eleanor Robertson. This podcast is host at The Word From Struggle Street

A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 4

The penultimate in our women's interview series: Meena talks about the sexism she has had to deal with in an overwhelmingly male work environment and the links between how a workplace is organised and sexual harassment.

Rosa Luxemburg’s The Russian Revolution - Onorato Damen

To mark the anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg's birth 147 years ago (5 March) we offer this translation of Onorato Damen's introduction to the Italian translation to her famous work on the Russian Revolution.

A series of interviews with working class women from west London - Part 3

We spoke with our friend Kulbir, a women worker originally from India, who has to survive below the radar.