Real-world testing of BuddyPress WP-CLI commands

A few years ago, I started a wp-cli-buddypress project. I occasionally added commands that were useful to me personally, but didn’t pretend to have anything close to complete coverage. A few months ago, Renato Alves (@espellcaste) contacted me to see whether he could help flesh out some of the missing commands. We moved the repo to the official BuddyPress GitHub account, opened a BP ticket to track the potential integration of the commands into BP itself, and got to work.

Since that time, Renato and I have done extensive work to bring basic CLI commands to all the main components of BuddyPress. Specifically, we have CRUD commands for all major content types, as well as a few helpful utility methods. The list of supported commands is too long to list here – you can explore by typing <code>wp bp</code> and digging down through the tree – but here’s a very brief summary:

  • activity – CRUD commands, comment management, favorite management, spam/unspam
  • core – Component activation and deactivation
  • group – CRUD commands, member listing and management, invitation management
  • member – bulk generation
  • signup – CRUD commands, activation, resending
  • tool – commands for running any BP repair tool
  • xprofile – CRUD commands for groups, fields, and user data

While there’s more to build – and refinements to be made – we’re at a point where we need real-world testing and feedback. If you are a BP developer, or administer BP-powered sites, and if you use WP-CLI, please install wp-cli-buddypress today and start using it.

There are numerous ways to install a wp-cli package, but because this one is in development, we encourage you to get a repo checkout. Something like:

$ git clone ~/.wp-cli/commands

and then add the path to wp-cli-buddypress/wp-cli-bp.php to the commands subsection of your wp-cli config file

Questions to consider while using the commands:

  • Are the commands named in a way that makes sense? Note that in some cases, commands have aliases (eg wp bp group create and wp bp group add).
  • Think about argument patterns across the commands, and whether they are consistent and make sense. Some commands take certain positional arguments (wp bp group get my-group) while others require named arguments (wp bp xprofile data get --user-id=5 --field-id=10)
  • What major features are missing?

For specific issues, you’re encouraged to open a GitHub ticket: For high-level discussions, you can open a GitHub ticket, leave a comment here, or drop into the #buddypress channel on Slack.

And for the truly intrepid: Contributions are encouraged! We’ve worked hard to ensure 100% Behat test coverage, which makes writing new commands fun.


BP 2.9 Kick-Off Meeting – March 22, 2017

BP 2.9 Scoping/Wishlist

bp-nouveau Template Pack

@hnla, 2.9 Release Lead, will focus on getting bp-nouveau ready for integration into core this dev cycle. He noted, “bp-nouveau represents a clean break from those older templates, clean markup, new styles new file structure with include files and function files managing components and affords us the opportunity to build a better BP than ever before.”

@hnla encouraged all core devs to have a local install running the plugin version and to reconvene at next meeting for a renewed focus & to air any concerns. He has added the following guides to the project for all who want to contribute:

  • Milestones:
  • Project cards:

The major steps to get this project for inclusion are pretty much covered by the milestones but broadly fall into:
1. Core integration: adding the switching mechanism to core admin settings, working out the logic for default selection & some means of registering packs in use.
2. Testing the process for stylesheet building and testing the core files merged to trunk along with possible gruntfile adjustments required.
3. Testing of components by device( mobile/ desktop & browser versions) and testing.
4. Testing Accessibility.

@boonebgorges: “I share Hugo’s belief that the time has come to move beyond bp-legacy, and I think that a new set of templates is critical for the future of the project. I’m going to be working with Hugo over the next few weeks to develop some materials that’ll introduce the rest of the team to the workings of bp-nouveau, as well as more details on a plan for moving toward merge, with the idea of soliciting as much energy and contribution from the broader team as possible.” He will help to get bp-nouveau in for 2.9.

@mercime noted that per her initial a11y audit of bp-nouveau (last year), there were items which needed to be fixed in core first. Edit – Most items have been fixed, there are only a few remaining a11y issues which will affect template pack left in core.

@modemlooper likes the Template Pack UI in admin which he thinks will open up lots of customization … spawning child themes of bp-nouveau.

@dcavins volunteered to help with bp-nouveau. @hnla mentioned his concerns with group creation wanted it more a one step process that we could then paginate if we wanted to but accessing certain meta is hard such as group ID at some points where you need it. @dcavins: “I also have some feelings about group creation. (Like change it to one step then redirect to the new group to setup.)”

@boonebgorges will be working on a summary document about bp-nouveau’s status plus user-facing and developer-oriented features over the next week or so.


@rayisme would like to see where we’re currently at and what we can accomplish in this dev cycle. @boonebgorges responded, “it needs someone to take the lead – there was some initial work done on the Members endpoint but it needs to be seen through.” Redesign

@hnla brought up the redesign site/mockups by @modemlooper and @karmatosed and wanted to know the best way to get the redesign implemented.

@rayisme: “There are elements I like about both. modemlooper’s orange header + iconfont section and karmatosed’s “Are you a user / developer” section. At first, I didn’t like the orange header, but I like that it’s a little in-your-face.”

@modemlooper‘s design was à la and said, “the design reboot started because I thought the homepage lacked alot of marketing points.” @karmatosed thought that doing original design is good. She’s happy to noodle some more.

@johnjamesjacoby: “Naturally, I have opinions, but mostly I really want all of y’all to feel like these themes are yours to create/enjoy also. It seems like everyone is still in the “I wonder what this or that might look or feel like” which is totally fine. No rush, no agenda, and if something naturally suddenly clicks into the place, we should head that direction.”

Dev Chat Schedule

This is a friendly reminder that starting Wednesday, March 29, dev chat at the #buddypress channel on will be at 19:00 UTC through the end of Daylight Savings Time for both U.S. and Europe.

Slack log:
(Slack account is required)

#bp-nouveau, #dev-chat

REST API (re)kickoff meeting: Tuesday, December 13

Hey, remember REST API endpoints? Let’s build some for BuddyPress.

We’ll be holding a one-hour discussion to reignite the BP REST API project, at 1900 UTC on Tuesday, December 13, in #buddypress on Making WordPress Slack. A rough agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • What work has already been done on building endpoints? See eg
  • Assuming that we can’t build every endpoint at once, how should we prioritize? Some possible topics for discussion:
    • Which component is most representative of BP content, such that we should use it as a blueprint for other component endpoints?
    • Do we start with read only, vs read-write? How does the authentication problem affect this question?
    • Where can we start using the API in BuddyPress itself? bp-nouveau? The Dashboard?
    • What are some other projects that might serve as prototypes for the API in progress?
  • What kind of architectural planning needs to happen before we can start building? Things to think about:
    • Certain actions, such as the CRUD actions, are common to various BP content types. BP core functions are not always consistent in naming conventions about them (‘insert’ vs ‘create’, etc). Here we have a chance to standardize.
    • We should strive for a consistent parameter vocabulary across components. For example, if you pass a user_id parameter to bp_has_groups(), you get a list of groups of which the user is a member. But if you pass a user_id parameter to bp_has_activities(), you get a list of activity items created by the user. What concepts are shared across the components?
  • What kind of model for development and integration into BP core should we pursue? How much do we try to develop as a plugin before merging?
  • Who’s in? 🙂

This is more than we can solve in a single session, but it should give you some ideas of the questions we ought to think about before we dive into crushing code.

See you next Tuesday!

Call for Components Maintainers

All the BuddyPress development takes place in Trac. All the tickets, most of the feature discussions and confirmed bugs, are all managed via Trac. For better tickets management, we use milestones, components, keywords and other ways to categorize everything. So far we have 24 components:

Component Tickets Maintainer
Activity 87 @lmoffereins
Administration 17  @slaFFik
Blogs 15 Sites 26
Build/Test Tools 8 @netweb
Core 157 @boonebgorges
Emails 17 @djpaulgibbs
Extended Profile 58 @lmoffereins
Forums 6
Friends 9 @henry.wright
Groups 58
I18N 10 @slaFFik
Media 13
Members 32 @espellcaste
Messages 16
Navigation 2
New User Experience 2
Performance 4
REST API 2 @espellcaste
Registration 6
Route Parser 7 @boonebgorges
Settings 4
Templates 55  @hnla
Toolbar & Notifications 22

WordPress (as well as some other OSS) uses an interesting approach where a person or a group of people are responsible for a specific component of a software project. The contributors have a specific interest in their chosen component, and enjoy or see the need to focus most of their contribution time on it.

In the long run, this helps that contributor quickly triage tickets in their preferred component, as they specialize in it and build up a knowledge advantage. The overall project benefits by faster review and prioritisation of new tickets.

I propose to implement BuddyPress component maintainers, with the hope that this will help move development even further and faster.

Some components, like Activity, Extended Profile, and Groups, need special love, as the number of tickets there is 50+. These components will benefit from having multiple component maintainers assigned to them.

Component maintainers don’t need to do anything special – just consider reviewing Trac tickets for your component, when you have a will and time to contribute to BuddyPress. You will be expected to look through all existing tickets, as well as new ones, provide feedback and help the larger project prioritise bug fixes and new features.

If you have any thoughts about this, or want to volunteer to become a component maintainer – please write in comments. And remember, it’s good to have several people per component, so join in even if you see someone’s mentioned your favorite component!


General Summaries for May 11, 2016

This post covers the BP Template Pack meeting @ 18:00 UTC and Dev Chat @ 19:00 UTC along with the upcoming BP 2.5.3 and BP 2.6.0 releases.

BP Template Pack

Participants: @dcavins, @im4th, @hnla, and @mercime.

  • @im4th: created a new ticket for the Activity post form for the new Template Pack currently hosted on Github
  • @hnla: added some preliminary notes in the Template Pack Wiki
  • @im4th:  already using Ajax actions returning JSON replies.
  • @hnla: requested that for this new pack or new templates, “please, please, no mention of backpat as it concerns us not, it’s a dirty word and we don’t suffer it for this project.”
  • @dcavins: we should focus on the Messages screen and the Activity Post form for next week.
  • @im4th: with this new template pack, an important thing will be to check we’re accessibility-ready and include this in the roadmap.
  • @mercime: a new Template Pack Trac Ticket for good fortune when ready.
  • @dcavins proposed a weekly meeting to step up discussions. This was seconded by the other participants.

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 18, same time (18:00 UTC), same #buddypress Slack channel (Slack account is required).

Dev Chat (#6812) @tw2113 has set up a sample site at to get things rolling. @djpaulgibbs: “Once the theme is done and any custom plugins, Boone, John, or I will code review it, and push it out. We’ll then need to talk to meta and figure out how to run the initial import or parsing.” @djpaulgibbs created a new repository in Github at and @tw2113 has already uploaded a local copy for review.

A new API to manage single items navigation (#6534) Update: @boonebgorges has committed the awesome new nav API which replaces the old `bp_nav` and `bp_options_nav` system to trunk the day after the chat. Check out his illuminating commit message for particulars. This commit also fixes another trac ticket (#5103 Group slug and user’s subnav parent_slug trouble).

Group Types API (#6784) @boonebgorges got the consensus to ship the new Group Types API without a UI in the front end for the first release.  Update: @dcavins has uploaded the patch to add a metabox in the wp-admin Group edit screen for changing group type per discussion in chat.

BP Users front.php (#6769) @im4th followed up on feedback for his patch. @hnla said that he will be looking at this. Update: @hnla has posted feedback and @im4th has uploaded a new patch.

Emails: Passing an email address to `bp_send_mail()` does not render `{}` token (#7044) @rayisme has patch and unit tests. @djpaulgibbs has posted feedback and mentioned during chat that this would probably go into BP 2.5.3.

Emails: Allow a custom `unsubscribe` token to be set directly in `bp_send_email()` (#7045) @rayisme noted that this ticket can be closed in favor of #6932 (Emails: real unsubscribe functionality).

BuddyPress Embeds for activity, user profiles, groups (#6772) @im4th mentioned that there are problems with iframe within iframe, i.e., when one embeds a video in the activity stream then embed this activity in a post.

Upcoming Releases

BuddyPress 2.5.3

  • There are currently 5 tickets slated. (Closed: 2. Active: 3.)
  • Release Date: TBA

BuddyPress 2.6.0

  • There are currently 95 tickets slated for this dev cycle. (Closed: 56. Active: 39.)
  • Beta 1: May 25, 2016
  • Release Candidate 1 (string freeze): June 8, 2016
  • Release Date: June 15, 2016


#5103, #6534, #6769, #6772, #6784, #6812, #6932, #7044, #7045, #buddypress

General Summaries for April 27 – May 4, 2016

This post covers the following meetings:
1. BP Template Pack on April 27 @ 18:00 UTC,
2. Dev Chat Summary on April 27 @ 19:00 UTC, and
3. Dev Chat Summary on May 4 @ 19:00 UTC.

BP Template Pack Meeting

Participants: @dcavins, @hnla, @im4th, and @mercime

  • @im4th: will open a new task about the activity post form to summarize what he has in mind so that we can discuss it.
  • @mercime: Google spreadsheets with screenshots of pages with current UI and how we would address each one of the component pages … then attach images of screens addressed in the next-template-pack for comparison
  • @hnla: has a draft of basic outline on bpdevel (not for publication at this time).
  • Use the Github repo Wiki pages for documentation
  • Review some wireframes made by @karmatosed in 2012 which already have feedback from the community as shown in BP Trac, bpdevel, and Github. We have to decide whether any of those can still be used or whether it would be better to make new wireframes.
  • Process: Discovery -> Design -> Development -> Launch.

Next meeting: Wednesday, May 11, same time (18:00 UTC), same #buddypress channel in Slack.

Dev Chat, April 27

A new API to manage single items navigation (#6534) @im4th has patch. Dev feedback requested. “The patch is replacing nav arrays with a new class. and make sure the nav is attached to an item ID. The user id for the displayed user nav or the group ID for the current group. Group nav and displayed user nav are separated – meaning there are no more slug collisions.” @boonebgorges and @im4th had a long discussion on the implementation in this Slack log. @im4th and @rayisme have uploaded patches after the meeting.

BP Users front.php (#6769) Kudos to @im4th from @rayisme and @boonebgorges for the mystery group avatar. @dcavins and @hnla said that they will test the patch and post feedback.

Dev Chat, May 4

A new API to manage single items navigation (#6534) @boonebgorges will be checking out the progress and at “how much we need to support old ways of reaching into the `bp_nav` and `bp_options_nav` globals and spending some time formalizing the various compatibility breaks with unit tests” Update: @boonebgorges has uploaded a new patch with unit tests.

BP Users front.php (#6769) @im4th has patch. Positive feedback during dev chat, testing welcome.

Audit all DB fetch methods to return integers where appropriate (#6977) @rayisme has patch. Work on this is about 90% done.

bp_send_email function not working with numeric string for $to argument (#7042) Will leave decision of ticket status to @djpaulgibbs.

BuddyPress Embeds for activity, user profiles, groups (#6772) @rayisme requested feedback on the display of the embeds in the template as well as the embeds template. Update: @mercime has posted feedback and @im4th has uploaded revised patch.

Screen notifications settings page (#6712) @rayisme: “I need to refresh #6712. @djpaulgibbs‘ feedback in the ticket was quite helpful for future iterations. I’m not sure if this can make 2.6 or not.”

Use WP page names for BP directory pages headings (#6765) Discussion between @hnla, @johnjamesjacoby, @im4th, and @boonebgorges resulted in the decision that this enhancement would require an migration for existing installations when they upgrade while new installations will get the shorter page names.

BuddyPress Style Modules: @hnla has provided the example one so it’s clear how they work and are formatted etc. at Update: A new Style Modules repo has been added to the BuddyPress account at

Slack log:

#6534, #6765, #6769, #6772, #6977, #7042, #buddypress, #dev-chat

General Summaries for April 13 – 20, 2016

This post covers the following meetings:
1. New Template Pack, April 13,
2. Dev Chat, April 13,
3. BuddyPress Work Party, April 14, and
4. Dev Chat, April 20.

New Template Pack

We held the first meeting to discuss the new template pack an hour before our regular Dev Chat as scheduled. Members of the core team shared expectations and observations about the new BuddyPress template pack based on what @im4th has accomplished so far in his next-template-pack plugin. The plugin already has an option for end users in the back end to either use bp-legacy templates or use the new template pack and it uses handlebars templating but like email tokens, you can only work with what you have in the JSON payload.

 The initial discovery phase touched on the following items:

  • modularized template pack with some theme goodies sprinkled in
  • put all the new features in next-template-pack including improved UI, compatible with latest BP/WP versions, and all the accessibility baked in.
  • modern JS and CSS, works really nicely with the idea of the CSS snippets library, too … making the whole experience more flexible and easily customizable
  • general agreement that the new template packs don’t have to be beholden to bp-legacy backward compatibility
  • core files  still have to honor the parent theme styles
  • modular CSS – BP  pattern library
  • make a list of the kinds of things we need to output, so we can work to unify styles as much as possible, see
  • planning documents: Google Docs, bpdevel, Trac tickets
  • identifying core markup to use/move
  • move next-template-pack to BuddyPress github account
  • manifesto with project scope and implementation plan
  • Shoot for the moon. “I’d say let’s not be circumspect (with anything). Let’s go for it, then throttle back what we have to,” per @dcavins

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 27,  same time (18:00 UTC), same #buddypress channel in Slack.
Update: See additional notes in the April 20 Dev Chat at the bottom of this post for the Template Pack meeting next week.

Dev Chat

BuddyPress 2.5.3

  • There are three tickets in queue with improvements to BP Email.
  • Release date: TBA

Email Subject special characters display problem with token (#6966). This is the only ticket left open for this minor release. @dcavins, @djpaulgibbs, and @rayisme discussed about the feasibility of adding emoji support in BP Emails. Need to check which email providers and mobile clients show emojis. @rayisme has volunteered to work on this ticket.

BuddyPress 2.6.0

  • There are 115 tickets currently slated for this cycle (32 closed. 83 open)
  • Beta 1: May 25, 2016
  • Release Candidate 1 (string freeze): June 8, 2016
  • Target Release Date: June 15, 2016

Route `/me/*/` to `/members//*/` (#6325) @rayisme has patch for the redirection.

Minimum WP version bump for BP 2.6 (#7013) @dcavins reminded all re @boonebgorgespost: BP 2.6.0 will require WP 4.1 or higher.

filter for $after_member_slug in bp-core-catchuri.php (#6694) Has patches by @dcavins, @boonebgorges, and @rayisme. Needs testing/feedback.

Use “Mystery Group” avatar when group avatar not available (#6372) Has patches by @abweb and @boonebgorges. Feedback welcome.

Activity post form template improvements (#6680) Has patches by @rayisme and @mercime. @dcavins has posted before and after-patch screenshots of the Twenty-* themes and premium themes to address some backpat concerns. Comments on the ticket are welcome.

Re backward compatibility from @boonebgorges: “I think we should try to differentiate between different kinds of (potential) backward compat breaks for templates. some are minor, while others are debilitating. some will simply be a case of a custom template not receiving new features, while others will break markup so that stuff like JS no longer works.” Weigh potential gains from the break “on a case-by-case basis . If we were never willing to break compatibility, we’d never fix any bugs 🙂 “

Accessibility: Update Heading Structure in Template Files (#6871)  @mercime asked for the consensus of the team.  @boonebgorges, “My position is that if we can demonstrate that the styling changes are minimal in the Twenty themes, it’s fair evidence that it’s a change with fairly low negative impact. This also assumes that the a11y benefits are meaningful, which I’m relying on your judgment for.” @djpaulgibbs noted, “BuddyBoss and a UK agency have both told me that the heading changes that have gone into 2.6 will require them to update all their sites/themes. I am not trying to be against improvements. But it’s a fine line.  I am just saying if we are committing to making such significant changes to the main markup, we need to communicate that NOW and way better than we ever have before. Because honestly we’ve always changed stuff and broken it. It has had little to no documentation, generally. As Boone said, we need to look at the impact of each change on its own basis.”

BP Template Versioning (#6642) @djpaulgibbs and @hnla discussed  @im4th‘s work in documenting template changes in the file header in ticket as well as versioning of the template files like Woo does.

Add BP top level menu and Admin Page to Improve User Experience (#6827) @mercime will upload new patch.

Creation of (#6812) @tw2113 would like to get this going sometime soon, “Essentially we need to get a final destination set up, run a parser scan on the latest stable version, and then comb the website for inconsistencies and things needing changed also work on any sort of triggers/automation to update the source there and re-parse.”

BuddyPress Work Party

Route `/me/*/ to /members//*/` (#6325) @rayisme has uploaded new patch. Dev feedback needed.

Comment notification NOT notified (#6057) @im4th has uploaded new patch. Dev feedback needed.

Cover Image location is incorrect for blogs other than the primary blog (#6931) @im4th has uploaded new patch. Dev feedback needed.

Extending Messages notification should be improved (#6750) @rayisme committed patch to trunk.

Profile Cover not working when we define a custom BP_XPROFILE_SLUG (#6962) @rayisme committed patch to trunk.

fatal error: bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs (#6940) @rayisme has closed the ticket in favor of #6370 below.

Blogs: Improvements to bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs() (#6370) Has new patch by @rayisme. @johnjamesjacoby has given feedback in ticket.

Add aria attributes for dashicons in Components screen (#7017) @mercime has committed patch to trunk.

Dev Chat – April 20

Notifications for activity stream comments and replies (#6057) @im4th has patch plus screenshots uploaded and would like to get this new feature in for 2.6. @boonebgorges has posted feedback in ticket. Feedback in Slack was very positive with some suggestions on inline documentation. Looks like this will be fixed soon.

BP Users front.php (#6769) @im4th has uploaded screenshots and the first patch for this new feature. @hnla and @dcavins have mentioned testing and providing feedback soon.

bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user() bug (#7020) @rayisme has patch.  Testing and feedback welcome.

Route `/me/*/ to /members//*/` (#6325) @boonebgorges has posted feedback for @rayisme‘s patch.

filter for $after_member_slug in bp-core-catchuri.php (#6694) Fix has been committed to trunk by @boonebgorges during dev chat.

BP Template Versioning (#6642) @dcavins: “Need to settle on the format/requirements for the template versioning, we could tag all of the templates, before we come up with our super jam for how to help site owners realize their templates are no longer up to the current high standards.” @boonebgorges “The minimum that needs to be decided for the process to start is what header format we’re going to use. Questions about how we inform users, how we assemble changelogs, etc – these can wait. On the other hand, Inline changelog + summary changelog with each version may be enough.”

Allow admin to select fields to display in user “excerpts” on Groups’ user list page (#4126) @boonebgorges mentioned the UX considerations in the ticket proposed by @oc2ps require admin-level tools (which we don’t currently have) for site owners to modify the way that BP content looks on the front end. Comments/thoughts about whether it’s the kind of thing we want to do are welcome.

@booneborges noted that “if we’re going to introduce something like this into BP, it would have to be an actual interface where you could customize things and it would extend to interfaces other than member directories, in the long run. I think the answer for this ticket is that it’s not a route we can comfortably go down given our current approach to templates.”

Date xprofile field enhancement (#5500) @boonebgorges mentioned that this ticket has a new patch which “has some promise, but will need extensive rewriting to fit with BP/WP standards (not just coding standards, but architecture). I will try to take some time in the next couple weeks to pore over it, but if anyone has time in the meantime, feel free.”

Screen notifications settings page (#6712) Has patches. @rayisme requested for dev feedback.

Additional notes for next week’s Template Pack Meeting

  •  @johnjamesjacoby: “I’d like to propose that in whatever new template pack is built, that no `do_action()` calls exist in template parts, and if we find ourselves wanting them, we architect a better solution inside of the API.”
  • Use “magic hooks” from @johnjamesjacoby, “anywhere we need `before/after` actions in templates, is a place where a new template part should exist, and `bp_get_template_part()` should fire its own `before/after` actions before & after every part is successfully pulled in.”
  • On the other hand, @boonebgorges noted, “Here’s another take on this. If you are a WordPress developer, you know that if you see a `do_action()`, you can make something appear there by calling `add_action()`. If we introduce micro-APIs for every little thing, it obfuscates what is currently a fairly simple process.” @im4th added, “without overriding the full template. That’s the good part of the `do_action` i agree.”


#4126, #5500, #6057, #6325, #6372, #6642, #6680, #6694, #6712, #6750, #6769, #6812, #6827, #6871, #6931, #6940, #6962, #6966, #7013, #7017, #7020, #buddypress