Sorry mam!

15 06 2010

I’ve been testing out a posterous account over past couple of days (hence posts on un-NI related stuff like Chinese sinkholes and AT&T hackers).

Add to that a general lack of posting (due to starting small business), and it’s all looking a bit higgildy-piggildy at the moment.

Needless to say, there was a huge outcry from readers about this (I said I was sorry mam!) but rest assured I’ll get the blog back on track in a day or two…


‘Guy in boxer shorts’ behind @BPGlobalPR offers BP some PR tips…

15 06 2010
See Leroy’s open letter at

Leroy reckons PR and social media strategy are all moonshine in the absence of an ethical business model. He says PR people shouldn’t be keeping the press at bay, they should be opening up access and involving the maximum number of people in fixing the problem.

Mmmmm…. wonder if he might be on to something here?

AT&T on that iPad security breach

14 06 2010

‘Rest assured, you can continue to use your AT&T 3G service on your iPad with confidence.’


Are there any reasonable explanations for spectacular sinkholes in China? – Telegraph Blogs

13 06 2010

Surely we saw something similar in The Fastastic Four?

Watch out for a well-polished bald guy and the destruction of planet Earth…

This week’s blog column from Bel Tel…

8 06 2010

My round up of the blogging week (plus gigantic cranium) can be found on the Bel Tel website here. Have pasted it up below as well…

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Stop the world, I want off…

5 06 2010

Gonzo with an, erm, arresting blog post over at Slugger.

Can this be right?

Tsk. Time to dust off the ol’ Australia emigration immediate action plan again…

This week’s blog column from Bel Tel…

1 06 2010

My round up of the blogging week (plus gigantic cranium) can be found on the Bel Tel website here. Have pasted it up below as well…

(PS. Posting has been rubbish here over the past few weeks. I started up my own PR business and am trying to avoid #FAIL. Back to posting properly over next day or so…)

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