Tag Archives: Worcester

‘Worcester council candidate under fire for “despicable” internet posts casting doubts over the Holocaust’


‘A WORCESTER City Council election candidate has sparked fresh fury by casting doubts about the Holocaust – on a sick website hosted in Russia.

We revealed earlier this week how Carl Mason, who is standing in the Nunnery ward in May, has quit as the city’s BNP organiser to launch a new right-wing group called the ‘British Resistance Party’.

But the controversial figure, who was questioned by police last Saturday after stickers linking the Labour Party to paedophiles appeared on lampposts, is now coming under fresh scrutiny for his online blogging.

The 50-year-old is a writer on a website called the ‘European Knights Project‘, which claims to provide a platform for people looking to “preserve Christian culture”.

On it Mr Mason, who boasts about waging “a one-man war against multiculturalism”, says many Germans were jailed for “doing little more than following orders”.

He also refers to the documented history of the Einsatzgruppen, where Nazi death squads were responsible for the mass slaughter of Jewish people, as wrong – saying “they did no such thing”, claiming the Germans instead shot “Communists” as a “revenge” for allied forces taking their farms, factories and homes.

Worcester Nazi Carl Mason

Worcester Nazi Carl Mason

He also cites doubts about several other elements of the Holocaust, before suggesting a conspiracy is at play to fool people.

“Could it be to control people’s voting habits, and in turn keep certain political parties in power, and in the money,” he writes.

“Is it being done in a manner so we feel sympathy towards the people that control our money supply, run our banks and media, so people are socially conditioned to hating people like me?

“Recall whenever a patriot is referred to as a ‘Nazi’, an image of shrunken heads and skin lampshades immediately pops up.”

Other online posts also bring up similar rhetoric, and on his official resistance party’s website he calls himself its “security adviser”, using the slogan: “Enough is enough – attack one of us, attack all of us – meet the British Resistance, our organisation and nation’s last line of defence.”

He also refers to wanting to “stand against Islamism, Zionism and British traitors”.

Mr Mason has told this newspaper he was “not denying the Holocaust” but admitted writing the posts because of doubts over the official narrative.

“If I wrote that in 53 countries I’d be arrested, that’s why the site is hosted in Russia,” he said.

“I’m not denying the Holocaust, as such but I’m asking questions – I think it did happen, but it was different to what history says.”

Worcestershire MEP James Carver, who is of Romanichal descent, has called it “despicable”.

“It’s disgusting, the historical facts about the Holocaust are clear,” he said.

“I know Holocaust survivors personally, this is just despicable – I know the stories and the heartbreak.”

West Mercia Police are taking no action against Mr Mason for the stickers linking the Labour Party to paedophiles, after he denied sticking them on lampposts.

He did, however, admit to printing off “around 2,000” to sell to other people.

Worcester Evening News

More local boneheads to look out for..




So-called “United Worcestershire” racists – soiling the streets of Dudley with their filth 7th February..

Faces of hate to look out for in Worcestershire..

Boneheads 1483437_1094730377216687_5996128828567151180_n 10366191_1094730373883354_1782516533346002727_n Stallard and his nazi mates

EDL “protest” in Worcester cancelled

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Oppose the EDL in Worcester!

On Saturday 22nd March the far-right protest group, English Defence League, are planning to hold a ‘national demonstration’ in Worcester.

They have randomly chosen the city to be the next host of their vile politics of racism and bigotry, only seeking to further divide communities in a time of brutal austerity measures by the Tories and their economic class.

We are calling for as many people as possible to come out and let them know that their politics of hatred and division are not welcome!

Keep the date in your diary, check back on this site for details and updates.

Worcestershire EDL division’s coach to Slough

“The EDL kicked off their year with a poorly attended short walk from Slough train station to the High Street and back again, on Saturday. They had very visible and vocal opposition all the way as locals and antifascists let them know that they were not welcome and attempted to block their march route.

The Worcester & Bromsgrove EDL divisions were spotted arriving in Slough in a coach hired from the Bromsgrove Bus & Coach Co. These divisions are to host the next EDL ‘national demo’ which is due to be held in Worcester on 22nd March 2014. Antifascists are organising to oppose them.

For anybody wanting to ask this company why they are happy to take a bunch of far-right racists to another town to attempt to stir up division and racial tension, you can contact them in the following ways:-

Bromsgrove Bus & Coach Co.

7 Sherwood Rd




01527 877754


Pics to follow…


Taken from Indymedia UK

Anti-fascists on the streets in 2014

Anti-fascists are getting organised to oppose the far-right on the streets in 2014.

On Saturday January 18th the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ are holding a demonstration in Lincoln. The East Anglian Patriots are yet another faction to the right of the EDL. Yes that’s right – to the right. Apparently the EDL which its founder left because it was infested with Nazis isn’t right-wing enough for them.

Last time the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ had a demo in Lincoln, back in June, they were opposed by a resolute crowd of locals, showing they were not welcome.

Last time the East Anglian ‘Patriots’ had a demo in Lincoln, back in June, they were opposed by a resolute crowd of locals, showing they were not welcome.

Although all the EDL splinter groups are relatively small they are all friends with each other, so with every East Anglian Patriots demo we can expect the usual ragbag of fascists – the Infidels, the South East Alliance, March for England, the English Volunteer Force etc etc. Speakers at their rally include Paul Pitt, AKA Prodromou (last seen at a rally for the openly Nazi Greek Golden Dawn – very patriotic!) and John ‘Snowy’ Shaw who recently proclaimed: “I am a radical bigoted intolerant extremist and proud of it”. A charming bunch!


Luckily Lincolnites are getting organised to oppose the racist rabble. Lincoln Against Racism and Fascism have called a counter demonstration.

As well as the EDL-wannabe alphabet soup of the NWI, EAP, MFE, SEA, EVF etc. the EDL proper have also announced 3 national demos for 2014.

On February 1st they will be in Slough for no obvious reason apart from Slough has a large Asian population. Berkshire Anti-Fascists have made a national anti-fascist call-out to oppose them.


On Mar 22nd the EDL have said they will be demonstrating in Worcester and in Sheffield sometime in May. Sheffield Anti-Fascist Network have already started organising to oppose them. They will be holding a public meeting in February as a preliminary. Email sheffieldafn@riseup.net for updates.

The EDL being surrounded and outnumbered on a previous visit to Sheffield

The EDL being surrounded and outnumbered on a previous visit to Sheffield

Support these counter-mobilisations to the far-right in 2014. Get to them if you can. Spread the word. Put the dates in your diary and start making plans. Let’s make this the year the far-right are finished as a force on the streets of the UK!

-More to follow soon on the planned EDL demo in Worcester on March 22nd-

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