Get Help

If you can't find the information you need in the documentation or you have a specific problem that needs solving, this page will help you find the best place to get your questions answered.

Ask a question

The best place to ask questions about using and developing with Google Analytics APIs, libraries, and SDKs is on Stack Overflow. This site is not run by Google, but you can sign in with your Google account.

Make sure and use one of the following tags when asking your question:

Problems and errors

If you're encountering an error with the API, you should start by thorougly searching the Analytics Developer Documentation, or posting to Stack Overflow as mentioned above. Try to isolate the problem as much as possible, and post only the revelant code and API calls.


If you've tried the above options and determined that the cause of the problem is due to a bug in the API itself, you can search our Issue Tracker to determine if it is a known issue. If it is, you can star the issue (click the star next to the issue number); we prioritize bugs that receive more stars. You can also add comments to existing issues, but you should only do this if you are adding context or additional information about the problem.

If the issue is completely new, you can report it on our Issue Tracker. If you do, please ensure you include the following information in your bug description:

  • A description of the problem, and the behavior you expected.
  • If practical, a list of steps that consistently reproduce the issue.

Resources for non-developers

If you're interested in extending and customizing Google Analytics, but don't have development resources, visit Google Analytics Partner Services and technologies to learn about Google Analytics Certified Partners (GACP) and Google Analytics Technology Partners (GATP). GACP provide implementation services, and GATP provide technologies that extend and integrate with Google Analytics.

For general information about Google Analytics features visit the Analytics Help Center.

To report a non-API problem with Google Analytics, use the "Send Feedback" option in the more_vert menu in Analytics.