
Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis

Bidh sgoil-àraich a’ dùnadh aig 12f air an latha mu dheireadh 29mh den t-Òg mhios 2018.

The school closes for Summer break at 12noon Friday 29th June 2018.


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Highland Hustle

Bha sinn a’ dannsadh le Cheryl seachdain ‘s a chaidh!

We were dancing with Cheryl from Highland Hustle last week!

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Fiosrachadh an sgoil-araich/information

Beagan de na rudan a tha a’ tachairt teirm 4. Some of the upcoming events term 4.

Share a lunch for parents and children moving to P1.

Share a lunch 18

Copy of the newsletter issued. Please see for dates for the diary!

Cuairt Litir Sgoil teirm ceithir

Sgoil-araich information evening reminder

Oidhche fhiosrachaidh postair

P1 information evening for children moving to P1

Oidhche fhiosrachaidh p1

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Partaidh Garraidh Sgoil-àraich

Mòran taing airson ar taic aig a’ Phartaidh Garraidh againn.  Chruinnich sinn £550 airson The Highland Hospice.

Bha a’ chlann uile air bhioran  a’ feitheamh airson am partaidh ri toisicheadh.   Chaidh an là seachad cho luath ach abair là.   Bha a’ ghrian a’ dearrsadh, bha gu leòr biadh ann ri itheadh agus bha ceòl sgoinneil againn.  Shuidh a’ chlann agus choimhead iad air an draoidheachd spòrsail.

Many thanks to you all for your support at the Sgoil-àraich Garden Party.  We raised £550 for The Highland Hospice.  We couldn’t have done it without the many people who donated tremendous prizes for the raffle (Mrs Sanderson’s family & Mrs MacDonald’s husband, who painted a beautiful Hebridean sunset) as well as Tesco, Asda, Dobbies & The Kingsmills Hotel.

The children were so excited waiting for the party to start.  The day just flew by but it was just fantastic! The sun was shining, lots of food to eat and good music to listen to.  The children sat and watched the Magician while eating their ice-creams.


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Partaidh a’ Ghàrraidh 18-5-18

Chruinnich sinn £550 airson The Highland Hospice!  Mòran taing dhuibh uile airson ur taic agus fialaidheachd!

We raised £550 for The Highland Hospice. Many thanks to you all for your support and generosity.

Luchd-obrach Sgoil-àraich


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A’ cluich anns a’ mhadainn

Abair là an-diugh.   Bha sinn a’ cluich a-muigh airson fad na madainn agus ghabh sinn ar biadh a-muigh cuideachd!   Tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn flùraichean an-drasta agus ciamar a bhios  iad a’ fàs.   Chuir sinn sìolan dhan talamh agus bidh sinn a’ coimhead orra a h-uile là .  Saoil, ciamar a bhios iad coimhead  a-maireach!

What a lovely day.  We were out playing  for the whole morning and we had our beans on toast outside too.  We have been learning about flowers just now and how they grow.  We planted some wild flowers seeds and will be watching them every day to see how big they get.   I wonder, how will they will be looking tomorrow……


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Turas ‘s a choille 27-3-18

Turas ‘s a choille

Chaidh sinn a-mach airson turas ‘s a choille  air 27 Am Màirt.   Abair spòrs a bh’ againn, a’ cluich anns a’ choille, a’ coimhead  airson bioran airson taighean a dheànamh!   Bha an t-sìde cho math cuideachd.  Taing Mhòr ri na pàrantan airson ur cuideachadh!

We went out for a trip to Culduthel woods on 27 March.  We had such a good time, looking for sticks to make dens and playing in the woods.  The weather was lovely too.  Big thank you to all the parents who came along to help us.

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Saor-laithean na Caisge

Bidh Diciadain 28mh Am Màirt an là mu dheireadh aig Sgoil-àraich airson na saor-laithean na Caisge.

Sgoil-àraich will be closed at 545pm Wednesday 28th March for the Easter Holidays.

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Bidh an càfaidh againn air Dimàirt 20mh an àite Diciadain 21mh Am Màirt. Bha an talla “double booked”

The date for the cafe has now been changed due to double booking. It will be on Tuesday 20th March instead of Wednesday 21st March!

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Go!Gaelic air Youtube

Tha làrach Go!Gaelic air youtube.  Tha e uabhasach math agus tha prògraman ann mu dheidhinn beathaichean, a’ bhodhaig, aodach, biadh agus tha tòrr diofar prògraman eile ann cuideachd.    Seo an link airson am prògram mu dheidhinn Beathaichean.

There is a channel on Youtube called Go!Gaelic.  It is very good and it would be great for the children to watch it at home.  There are quite a few different programs on the channel about the body, animals, food and drink, as well as many others.

The link is above.




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