Ivysyn's blog

Take Your Wall and Shove It

analysis of Trump's border wall

In Defense Of A/S: Unionism

A defense of labor unions in Anarcho-syndicalist revolutionary strategy

Communism Without Workers: An Anarcho-syndicalist Critique Of The Communisation Current

Anarcho-syndicalist critique of communisation

Global Capitalism, Empire, White Supremacy: The Mosque Shooting In Perspective

Analysis that situates recent white supremacist violence as a product of global capitalism and it's mechanisms of oppression.


Introduction to the theory and practice of self-management.

Anarcho-syndicalism and Anarchist Communism: Different, But Conjoined

outlining the difference and common causes of Anarcho-syndicalism and Anarchist Communism

Right-Wing Propaganda At Its Least Subtle

Tearing down a stupid Fox News article

The Capitalist Nature Of The Great Leap Forward

A Libertarian Communist analysis of the Great Leap Forward under Mao Tse-Tung and the Chinese Communists which aims to show that the Great Leap Forward was a capitalist project rather than a socialist, or communist one.

The Capitalist Nature of The Soviet Famines

Showing how the famines in Ukraine and elsewhere in the USSR in the early 1930s were the result of capitalism, rather than "communism".

Against Ballot Evangelism: The Political Uselessness Of The Vote

Why your vote is completely irrelevant.

How Pink Tide Failed Brazil

How the failure of the leftist Pink Tide movement lead to the right's victory in Brazil.

Anarchist Analysis of The Russian Revolution

Deriving lessons for the modern Anarchist movement from one of the most important revolutionary events in history.

In Defense Of A/S: Is Anarcho-syndicalism Outdated?

The first in a series of articles defending Anarcho-syndicalism, this time addressing whether Anarcho-syndicalism is outdated.

Revolution From Below In Syria? An Anarchist Analysis Of The Kurdish Movement For Autonomy In Rojava

The author of Rage Against Capital takes a critical Anarcho-syndicalist look at "The Rojava Revolution".

The Problem With Chomsky’s “Anarcho-Syndicalism”

A critical examination of Noam Chomsky's politics on the basis of whether he can really be considered an Anarcho-syndicalist.

Abolish ICE? Yea, but…

A critique of calls for the abolition of ICE that argues that in order to be effective the abolition of ICE must be paired with the struggle for the abolition of capitalism, states, and racism.

State Socialist Anti-Communism

Something of a reply to the essay by Michael Parenti, "Left Anti-Communism: The Unkindest Cut" and a retort to the tenancy of modern Stalinists to attack their left opponents by calling them "anti-communist". This article argues that state socialism as a project and ideology was/is effectively anti-communist.

“On Authority” Revisited

Fredrick Engels argues against Anarchism on the basis that authority is needed to carry out a revolution against capitalism and the organization of society. This article argues that he fundamentally ignored what Anarchists actually meant when they said they were against authority.

Anarcho-syndicalist Trans-Feminism

Cobbling together a linking up of Anarcho-syndicalism and Trans-Feminism.

The Peccadilloes of Gun Control Activism

I take a look at the problems with the Parkland sparked gun control movement and hint at a desired alternative to gun control activism.