1 August 2018

Trump plans a $100 billion tax bonus for the rich

By Niles Niemuth, 1 August 2018

The Trump administration is preparing to change the calculation of the capital gains tax so as to funnel billions more to the top 10 percent.

As US workers’ wages continue to fall
Oracle CEO pockets $250 million after Trump tax cut

Seven months after Trump’s tax cut
Corporate tax collection rate at historic low

$3,000 per second for Bezos, poverty wages for Amazon workers

German Ryanair pilots ready to strike

By Marianne Arens, 1 August 2018

Every Ryanair pilot who voted cast his or her ballot for strike action, but the Cockpit trade union is seeking to collaborate with management.

Protest in Munich against attacks on refugees, poverty and war

By our reporters, 1 August 2018

Despite pouring rain, tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Munich against right-wing agitation, increasing military spending, poverty and war.

UK Parliament “fake news” report demands sweeping internet censorship

By Robert Stevens, 1 August 2018

The report calls for a crack down on individuals and political organisations, social media and alternative media sources that expose the plans of the imperialist powers.

TSA tracks unsuspecting passengers under “Quiet Skies” program

By Kevin Martinez, 1 August 2018

The program allows federal air marshals to follow and report on American citizens not suspected of a crime, not under investigation, and not on any terrorist watch list.

Florida’s “stand your ground” law under heavy scrutiny following shooting

By Matthew MacEgan, 1 August 2018

Two weeks ago, a white man shot an unarmed black man over a parking spot at a convenience store but was not arrested.

France sets aside €300 billion for military in 2019-2025 budget plans

By Kumaran Ira, 1 August 2018

The massive increase in military spending underscores the fact that a fundamental aim of European austerity policies is to finance large-scale imperialist wars.

Dawn Sturgess funeral held in UK as unanswered questions mount in novichok crisis

By Thomas Scripps, 1 August 2018

The Conservative government is desperate to contain and control a story in which not a single word from the authorities can be believed.

UK: Memorial event held 25 years after Joy Gardner’s killing

By Steve James, 1 August 2018

The event last Saturday marked 25 years since the 1993 murder of Jamaican mother Joy Gardner by the British government’s Alien Deportation Squad.

Australian governments illegally sailed refugee boats to distant reef

By Max Newman, 1 August 2018

Successive governments flouted the law to declare asylum seekers “offshore arrivals.”

Australian government pursues prosecution of East Timor espionage whistleblower and lawyer

New in Arabic

المجلس العسكري المصري یمد حالة الطوارئ ويسيطر على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعیة

٢٢ تموز يوليو ٢٠١٨

بعد خمس سنوات من الانقلاب العسكري الذي وقع في 3 یولیو / تموز 2013 ضد الرئیس الإخواني محمد مرسي والمذبحة التي راح ضحیتها أكثر من 1000 تابعا له في شوارع القاهرة ، یقوم النظام العسكري للدكتاتور عبد الفتاح السیسي ، المدعوم من القوى الغربية ، بتكثیف إرهابه المعادي للثورة.

New in Italian

Cos’è la “nostra democrazia”?

Eric London, 31 luglio 2018

Al centro dell'isteria anti-russa guidata dal Partito Democratico è l'affermazione che la Russia e il suo presidente, Vladimir Putin, minacciano la “nostra democrazia”.

New in Spanish

La derecha alemana exige “armas de exterminación masiva” nucleares

Por Johannes Stern, 1 agosto 2018

El Welt am Sonntag, uno de los principales periódicos alemanes, ha publicado un artículo demandando la creación de un arsenal nuclear.

Cinco meses después de la huelga, los maestros de West Virginia dicen que "nada ha cambiado"

Por Nancy Hanover, 1 agosto 2018

Los sindicatos traicionaron a los docentes de West Virginia, terminando su lucha sin haber asegurado fondos para el PEIA, el cual apoya su seguro de gastos médicos.

El sindicato Camioneros culpa a los “trolls de internet” por la oposición al contrato claudicante

Por Will Morrow, 1 agosto 2018

La campaña del sindicato recuerda las denuncias del United Auto Workers de las revelaciones de su contrato claudicante de 2015 como “noticia falsa”.

Política de mala fe: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hace campaña en Michigan

Por Andre Damon, 1 agosto 2018

La campaña de Ocasio-Cortez es un intento cínico de dar un barniz “izquierdista”, “progresista”, orientado a la juventud y multicultural al derechista y belicista Partido Demócrata.

New in French

Les appels de pied d’Obono aux néo-fascistes soulignent le rôle anti-ouvrier de La France insoumise

Francis Dubois, 31 juillet 2018

Après l’alliance gouvernementale de Syriza avec l’extrême-droite grecque, La France insoumise mène elle aussi une politique populiste et anti-ouvrière compatible avec la répression policière.

Égypte: la junte militaire condamne à mort 75 personnes ayant manifesté contre le coup d‘État

Chris Marsden, 31 juillet 2018

Le sang sur les mains de Sissi colle aussi aux mains des leaders politiques de tous les principaux partis des États-Unis, d‘Europe et des autres puissances impérialistes.

Pendant qu’UPS et les entreprises de l'acier et des télécommunications exigent un gel des salaires
Les travailleurs des États-Unis confrontent une montée de batailles de classes

Jerry White, 31 juillet 2018

Non seulement les employeurs s’opposent à toute augmentation des salaires, mais ils redoublent leurs efforts pour obtenir de nouvelles concessions sur la santé, les pensions et les normes du travail.

New in German

Ägyptens Militärjunta verurteilt 75 Demonstranten zum Tode

Chris Marsden, 31. Juli 2018

Das Blut an Sisis Händen klebt zugleich an den Händen der politischen Führer aller großen Parteien in den USA, Europa und anderen imperialistischen Staaten.

USA bereiten Regimewechsel und Krieg gegen Iran vor

Peter Symonds, 31. Juli 2018

Nach Trumps kriegslüsternen Drohungen gegen den Iran wurde in Washington ein Treffen der nationalen Sicherheit einberufen, um das nächste Stadium der Konfrontation auszuarbeiten.

1.500 Tote im Mittelmeer: EU treibt Abschottung voran

Martin Kreickenbaum, 31. Juli 2018

Mit der Einstellung der Seenotrettung auf der zentralen Mittelmeerroute ist die Zahl der ertrunkenen Flüchtlinge sprunghaft angestiegen. Immer mehr Flüchtlinge weichen auf die gefährliche Route über Marokko nach Spanien aus.

Arbeitskampf bei Halberg Guss: IG Metall setzt Schlichtung durch und bricht Streik ab

Dietmar Henning, 31. Juli 2018

Just zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem der Streik ernste Auswirkungen auf breite Teile der Auto-und Fahrzeugindustrie für Bau- und Landwirtschaftsmaschinen zu zeigen begann, würgt die IG Metall den Streik ab und springt den Unternehmen zur Seite.

„Autoarbeiter müssen sich an eine Kultur der Armut gewöhnen“

Marcus Day, 31. Juli 2018

Am letzten Mittwoch starb der Fiat-Chrysler-Chef Sergio Marchionne, der gemeinsam mit den Gewerkschaften auf der ganzen Welt brutale Angriffe auf Arbeitsplätze, Löhne und Arbeitsbedingungen umgesetzt hat.

Other Languages


California’s burning: The social and political background of the deadly infernos

1 August 2018

For the second year in a row, the US state of California is the scene of death and destruction, as wildfires surge throughout the state and drive thousands from their homes.

Earlier Perspectives »

Arts Review

Ronan Farrow’s latest #MeToo “bombshell,” directed against Leslie Moonves of CBS

By David Walsh, 1 August 2018

The New Yorker magazine has posted Farrow’s new article, detailing allegations of sexual misconduct against Leslie Moonves, the chairman, president and CEO of CBS Corporation.

Geoffrey Rush’s lawyers argue newspaper’s allegations “motivated to harm” the actor

By Richard Phillips, 1 August 2018

Rush’s amended submission documents ongoing detrimental reportage by Murdoch publications.

Annie Swynnerton—a Victorian artist rediscovered but misinterpreted
An exhibition at the Manchester Art Gallery

By Paul Mitchell and Margot Miller, 31 July 2018

Unexpectedly restrained: Matteo Garrone’s Dogman
Based on a horrific 1988 murder in Rome

By Emanuele Saccarelli, 30 July 2018


German right demands nuclear “weapons of mass extermination”

By Johannes Stern, 31 July 2018

Far-right Identitarian movement attempts to disrupt IYSSE meeting in Dresden

Acquittal for right-wing extremist Identitarian movement in Austrian court

Politics in bad faith: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaigns in Michigan

By Andre Damon, 31 July 2018

Ocasio-Cortez, DSA seek to give “left” cover to right-wing Democratic Party

Benalla affair destabilises Macron government in France

By Francis Dubois, 31 July 2018

French police scandal exposes Mélenchon’s ties to the police state

By Anthony Torres, 31 July 2018

Egypt’s military junta condemns 75 coup protesters to death

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2018

German Left Party leaders prepare to form new right-wing movement

By Ulrich Rippert, 24 July 2018

David Harvey’s Jacobin interview on Marx’s Capital
A promotion of the “life-style” politics of the pseudo-left

By Nick Beams, 21 July 2018

Workers Struggles

Five months after strike, West Virginia teachers say “nothing has changed”

By Nancy Hanover, 31 July 2018

Lessons of the West Virginia teachers strike

More on US teachers struggles »

New Zealand Defence Force nurses deployed during strike

By John Braddock, 31 July 2018

After nationwide strike: The way forward for New Zealand health workers

As UPS, steel and telecom companies demand wage freezes
Workers in US face growing class battles

By Jerry White, 30 July 2018

Teamsters union blames opposition to sellout contract on “internet trolls”

By Will Morrow, 30 July 2018

Autoworkers Struggles

Mobilize the working class behind Indiana autoworkers
Kokomo Fiat Chrysler workers: Form a rank-and-file strike committee to fight for jobs and safety!

By the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter, 30 July 2018

“US autoworkers have to accept a culture of poverty”
Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne, global cost-cutter, dies

By Marcus Day, 28 July 2018

UAW corruption scandal reaches the top

By Shannon Jones, 27 July 2018

Top aide to former UAW vice president makes plea deal

Widow of UAW vice president Holiefield, guilty of corruption, gets token sentence

25 years ago: Clinton declares war on social spending programs

In a nationally televised speech, US President Bill Clinton declared war on what he called the “politics of entitlement,” reaffirming his pledges during the 1992 election campaign to “end welfare as we know it.”

More »

50 years ago: Bratislava Declaration is signed in Czechoslovakia

Six representatives from the Communist parties of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland met with the leaders of Czechoslovakia and signed what became known as the Bratislava Declaration.

More »

75 years ago: Uprising at Treblinka extermination camp

Prisoners at the Treblinka extermination camp launched a heroic uprising against their Nazi jailers, which shook Third Reich forces and inspired workers and youth engaged in the struggle against fascism across Europe.

More »


100 years ago: French Socialist Party opposes anti-Bolshevik intervention

The national congress of the Section Francaise de l’Internationale Ouvriere rejected intervention by the imperialist Allies against the Bolsheviks in Russia.

More »

Defend Julian Assange!

Ecuador’s president ready to allow Julian Assange to be extradited to US

By Mike Head, 31 July 2018

Julian Assange and the betrayal of Latin America’s “left”

Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks editor: “I’ve not been able to speak to my son for four months”

By Richard Phillips, 24 July 2018

“I say defend Julian, not just because I’m his mother, but as a citizen and someone who believes in democracy and freedom.”

Ecuador refuses to give assurance of Julian Assange’s political asylum rights

By Mike Head, 27 July 2018

Imminent threat to Julian Assange underscores need for global defence movement

Protest in London against Ecuadorian President Moreno’s persecution of Julian Assange

By our reporters, 25 July 2018

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Socialist candidate for Congress Niles Niemuth submits thousands of signatures for ballot access in Michigan

By our reporter, 19 July 2018

Notes from the campaign trail
SEP volunteers in Michigan speak on powerful support from workers for a socialist perspective

Socialist Equality Party to run Niles Niemuth for Michigan’s 12th Congressional district

Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

Twenty-five years since the death of Joy Gardner

By Julie Hyland, 28 July 2018

Behind the actions of the police officers involved, Joy’s killing was the result of deliberate government policy.

The killing of Joy Gardner: A Workers Inquiry is needed

By the International Communist Party (July 1 1995), 28 July 2018

The World Socialist Web Site is republishing here the July 1, 1995 statement by the International Communist Party—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)—calling for the formation of a Workers’ Inquiry into the death of Jamaican mother Joy Gardner.


Evidence of liquid water lakes under polar ice caps on Mars

By Bryan Dyne, 26 July 2018

The previous 54 years of Mars space exploration have laid the groundwork for this remarkable discovery.

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lankan SEP member Mohamdiramlage Chandrasiri (1955–2018)

By Wimal Fernando, 19 July 2018

Retired bank worker Chandrasiri will always be remembered for his selfless dedication to Trotskyism, the rights of the working class and the building of the SEP.

SEP (Australia) holds Sydney meeting against new “foreign interference” laws

By our reporters, 17 July 2018

SEP in Sri Lanka holds powerful 50th anniversary meeting

By our correspondents, 27 June 2018

Featured Video

Coby Day: Hundreds memorialize fallen Detroit autoworker Jacoby Hennings

Friends and family of Jacoby Hennings (1995 - 2017) want answers about the circumstances surrounding the young autoworker's death at Ford's Woodhaven stamping plant.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.