Speakers Push Air

Narc April 2016

Quite a busy issue for me this month, and a real honour to interview Howe Gelb

Giant Sand picGiant Sand





Shonen Knife APril 2016Shonen Knife APril 2016 pic


white hills



NARC April 2015
March 28, 2015, 6:20 pm
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Horse LoomWire

Morton Hill


Albums Of The Year: 25-21

25. Cavern Of Anti-Matter – Blood Drums (Grautag)


A seemingly very low profile, German-only release from Tim Gane and Joe Dilworth off of out of Stereolab. 4 sides of instrumental rinky dink electro-motorik-retro-futurism. One idea stretched to breaking point, and often patchy but when it’s good – like on Acid Death Picnic – it’s absolutely amazing.

24. White Hills – So You Are, So You’ll Be (Thrill Jockey)


White Hills were a revelation. Tapping into psych in all its forms – 60s garage to 70s space rock to stoner metal, with nods to krautrock and punk along the way, they sounded like Death Valley ’69-era Sonic Youth might have done if they’d spent more time at peyote ceremonies in the desert than East Village art shows. Looking elegantly wasted and clearly loving it, the trio powered through a frazzled, fucked up set, heavy on last year’s Frying On The Rock album and heavy on the FX pedals. This was genuinely thrilling, uplifting stuff – glorious fucked up noise of the best kind – my review, Narc May

23. Matmos – The Marriage Of True Minds (Thrill Jockey)


Accompanied by some hokum about recording the album using telepathic techniques, this was the MOST Matmos album yet: the most melodic, the most bizarre, the most complete. A masterpiece of glitchy, twisted electronics but with real soul, somehow. And there’s even a Buzzcocks cover.

22. Wooden Wand – Blood Oaths Of The New Blues (Fire)


“In his myriad incarnations, James ‘Wooden Wand’ Toth has created one of the most uneven back catalogues to come out of the whole freakfolk / weird America scene, but this album sees him at the very top of his game. It’s a rich, expansive collection of songs, some little more than sketches, some – like the incredible No Bed For Beatle Wand – pushing 12 minutes with no sense of indulgence. You’d file this somewhere between Crazy Horse and Micah P Hinson, literate and haunting country rock, warm and laid back without ever being soporofic. But Toth’s lyrics are what takes this album to what I believe we’re supposed to call the next level and mark him out as a true original” – my review, Narc December / January

21. My Bloody Valentine – mbv (mbv)


There was no way this album was ever going to be worth the hype, the wait, the frustration, the gossip. It’s really really REALLY good – as good as Loveless in its own way – but it’s taken so long to come out, the rest of the world has caught up with, or even overtaken, Shields’ vision. You know what it sounds like, you probably knew if you liked it before you ever heard it. It would have been a wonderful thing 20 years ago; in 2013, it’s just a really good album, which maybe isn’t enough.

Narc Stuff April to September 2013

I realised I haven’t posted any of my Narc pieces for ages, since March in fact. Don’t have a scanner, too much hassle to dig out the original copy for six months, so have some crappy photos!! If you click on them, they get bigger. There’s a couple of months missing I’ll add those later. Dates refer to the issue..

Hey Colossus (April 13)

Hey Colossus – Cuckoo Live Life Like Cuckoo (April 2013)

Wire piece (September 13)

Wire interview (September 13)

Wire pic (September 13)

Jesu (September 2013)

Jesu album (September 2013)

Moon Duo (September 2013)

Moon Duo live review (September 2013)

Mudhoney (June 2013)

Mudhoney interview (June 2013)

Mudhoney (June 2013 pic)

These New Puritans (July 2013)

These New Puritans album (July 2013)

Tunng (July 2013)

Tunng album (July 2013)

Thee Spivs (July 13)

Thee Spivs album (July 13)

Marc Mulcahy (July 2013)

Marc Mulcahy album (July 2013)

Half Memory (May 2013)

Half Memory (May 2013)

Bo Ningen (June 2013)

Bo Ningen live (June 2013)

The Specials (June 2013)

The Specials live (June 2013)

Handsome Family (May 13 pt 1)

Handsome Family interview (May 13)

Handsome Family (May 13 pt 2)

Demos (May 13)

Demos (May 13)

Kid Congo Powers (May 13)

Kid Congo Powers album (May 13)

Savages (May 13)

Savages album (May 13)

Bob Log III (May 13)

Bob Log III live (May 13)

White Hills (May 13)

White Hills live (May 13)

Witch Hands (Narc CD Piece, April 13)

Witch Hands (Narc CD Piece, April 13)

Year Of Birds (Narc CD Piece, April 13)

Year Of Birds (Narc CD Piece, April 13)

Bob Log III (April 13, pt 1)

Bob Log III (April 13, pt 2)

Bob Log III interview (April 13,)

Flaming Lips (april 2013)

Flaming Lips album (april 2013)

Mudhoney (april 2013)

Mudhoney album (april 2013)