Accessibility Plugin

Allow people with disabilities to enjoy the same things that people without disabilities make


Why your website should be accessible ?

Improving results in search engines: SEO

Accessibility of our website improves and helps bots that are crawling our site to find information, tags, names and additional information which is more important to promote the site, as a result, we are getting more exposure in the search results and are promoted to higher positions in search engines

Increasing the volume of traffic to our site

One of the most prominent is the amount of new traffic coming to the site as a result of the accessibility of the site, as a results of helping search engines better reading the site in an easy and convenient way

Expanding the potential audience information

Accessibility of the site significantly increases the access to a new audience for the site which could not have access to  all service before making adjustments. As a result, the volume of traffic has increased, and as a consequence, also the number of conversions carried out on the site

More Actions

Quite a few times we faced many situations that we find certain things on the site, or we do not know how to perform certain actions, studies show that the number of operations carried out by people with Accessibility took tens of percentage more compare to sites that are Accessible.

Improving Site Conversion Rates

As a result of greater use of the site, longer staying time of the user, the more operations are performed, are made more visits to pages and conversion percentage increases amazingly activities especially on sales.


The final result

Now that your site is accessible, you can publish to the world, your customers and potential new audiences that anyone who is relevant to your site accessible and meets international standards Accessibility, the plugin has been installed and users can consume content easily and simply.

Prices are for one calendar year. All licenses must be renewed after one calendar year for continued software updates and support access. Discounted renewal rates available for a limited time

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