The State Of The Right!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! These be confusing times for the far right and for those us who try to make sense of the infighting, insanity and wobbly ideology. The ‘World Famous’ EDL and Britain First have been drastically diminished by their stupidity, criminality and lack of intelligent or articulate leadership. But the massive demos by the Football Lads Alliance (FLA), the smaller ones by splinter faction the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA), and the ‘Tommy Robinson Is Innocent Even Though He Pleaded Guilty’ Campaign are increasing support.

‘Free Tommy’ Demo: Tons Of Support!

But there is a clear lack of sobriety, cohesion and orderliness: 2 weeks ago the far right organised a commemorative march in Manchester to honour the victims of the Arena bombing but sober and dignified it was not. As soon as they set off there were rowdy drunken chants of ‘Free Tommy Robinson’ even though the demo had nothing to do with that money grubbing little convict. These antics were criticised by others on social media later. There have been several demos of various sizes in Leeds, Manchester and London supporting Robinson which, like so many EDL demos, turned into a bad tempered drunken shambles. These are likely to continue.

Stagnant Waters

Before his 7th incarceration, Tim Brooke Robinson had been sniffing round the petty cash box of Ann Marie Waters’ racist groupuscule For Britain. Titchy Waters had a big PR boost last week when former singer Mosley, said he would raise money by re-recording his classic song with The Smiths, The Boy With His Head Up His Arse.

Morrissey & Ann Marie Waters

For Britain’s only councilor was banned from council meetings for 3 months for being a pissed-up booze drinking toilet fudge but no one actually noticed. Someone else who hasn’t been noticed for a while is Jayda Fransen of Britain First who will be out of the majesties priz soon. Whether she will have to reside in a scummy bail hostel like erstwhile lover Paul Goldinger is uncertain but she maybe allowed home to feed her tortoise.

Although the UK far right at the moment is unlike Poland or Hungary, there are 1,000s of supporters ready to get on the streets, desperately looking for leadership which is not forthcoming. Although many on these marches may support UKIP the party is a mess with few articulate, blunder free spokes-people and the leadership being passed around like bad coke at a funeral. Unpleasant shouty types like Waters or Fransen are unlikely to appeal to many people whilst the leadership of the D/FLA have failed to impact on any national media. So, politically the UK far right are a serpent’s tail looking for a head, but like so many serpents, they may just grown a new one.

Be Seeing You!

About malatesta32

Malatesta aka M. Testa, undercover anti-fascist blogger, has analyzed the changing fortunes of the British far right for nearly a decade. He has given lectures on anti-fascism, published articles in Anarchist Studies and Freedom magazine and wrote Militant Anti-Fascism: 100 Years Of Resistance (AK Press 2015) which the Morning Star called a '‘Potent Primer On Europe’s Anti-Fascist Struggle … a useful source of information about the fight against fascism.’
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