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The SPLC and me
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The Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) published a hit piece last Tuesday attacking me, the Daily Caller for which I used to write and the co-founder of the Daily Caller, Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson.

SPLC piece

The target of the piece was Tucker, of course, and the Daily Caller. I was just the pretext they could use to smear the Daily Caller and Tucker as ‘anti-Semites’. They pulled up some memes I shared in 2016 as evidence, which incidentally were the same images used by the far left media outlets in Australia in 2017 to dox me and get my articles pulled from the Spectator Australia.… Read the rest

The synagogue of Satan
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The synagogue of Satan
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This post is a transcript of the video by the same name.

Judaism Satanism

Many people will be enraged at the argument I’m making in this video and will accuse me of mindless hatred of the bleeps. I have to call them bleeps, because Google has teamed up with the ADL to develop an AI which identifies keywords such as ‘bleep’ and censors content they don’t like. That should tell you something. This video will no doubt get me accused of ‘anti-Semitism’, as though I’m motivated by some irrational Freudian hatred of a successful group because I’m too lazy to clean my room.… Read the rest

Hawaii volcanic eruption 2018
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Why volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are increasing
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The eruption of Mt Kilauea in Hawaii has provided some stunning imagery for news reports. What is left out, however, is that the Kilauea eruption is part of a global trend of increased volcanic eruptions, and a harbinger of more to come.

Volcanic eruption Hawaii

Also omitted from news reports on the eruption is an explanation of the cause. According to a team of Japanese astrophysicists, however, the cause is not a mystery. They demonstrated conclusively in 2011 that explosive volcanic eruptions are triggered by cosmic rays.

volcanoes triggered by cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are high-energy radiation which originates from outside our galaxy. They travel in streams from intergalactic sources, like rivers through the cosmos fueled by supernovae. Read the rest

Crazy kid anti-semitism
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Where did all these crazy anti-Semites come from?
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We’ve all noticed it over the last few years. Comments sections on news sites being shut down. Social media groups becoming toxic echo-chambers. Formerly sane and well-balanced individuals suddenly becoming unhinged fanatics, obsessed with ‘red-pilling the normies’ about their pet topic:

The Eternal Jew.

The Eternal Jew

Despite all the best efforts of intellectuals, the media, the education system, Hollywood, the courts, publishing companies, government and advocacy groups like the ADL and SPLC in America and the ECAJ in Australia, young men are being brainwashed into this old-as-time cult of hate by historical revisionist YouTube videos and fringe blogs like The Daily Stormer.… Read the rest

Nuke Cairo
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Gulf Stream
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Global cooling alert: Gulf stream weakest in 1600 years
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The Gulf Stream is shutting down. That’s bad news for Europe.

Nature article

That’s because the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water up from the Caribbean and runs it along the western coast of Europe, is the only thing that makes London and Berlin not have the same weather as Moscow and Montreal.

The imminent shutdown of the current is happening right in time for Harvard scientists to bring woolly mammoths back from extinction though, which is cool.

Woolly mammoth

The findings were published in establishment science journal Nature. All researchers know that if you contradict the establishment line on man-made global warming, you don’t get published, you don’t get funded, you don’t get invited to conferences with nice sandwiches and name badges and you probably don’t even get your PhD in the first place.… Read the rest

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The Problem Of Democratic Sovereignty
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This post appeared first on XYZ.

This is the second in a series looking at sovereignty and political legitimacy in Western countries today. The first piece explored the problem of democratic legitimacy under socialism.

The mood among the establishment media has shifted noticeably since the French election. Gone is the post-Trump melancholia. Lovers of the globalist status quo seem to have convinced themselves that Brexit and Trump were just anomalies, and that the new world disorder of open borders, cultural Marxism against whites and unfettered corporate neoliberalism is back on track.

They’re wrong. Macron is a puppet of the globalists, sure, yet the establishment parties which have ruled France for decades were roundly rejected.… Read the rest

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No Representation Without Taxation
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This piece appeared first on XYZ.

There is an anecdote in Augustine’s great work ‘City of God’ of a conversation between Alexander the Great and a famous pirate named Diomedes. It was written 700 years after the events were supposed to have taken place, by a man living in North Africa under the Roman Empire just before the lights of civilisation went out permanently there.

In the exchange, Alexander asks Diomedes why he plagues the seas. The pirate contemptuously responds, ‘The same reason as you do the world, but while I operate with one boat, I am called a robber; but since you have a great fleet, you are called emperor.’

This exchange goes to the heart of what makes governments legitimate.… Read the rest

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Academics: Smug High Priests Of The Establishment
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The establishment media are scrambling these days. Not only are they floundering financially as the internet destroys their business model, they are also losing their century-long control over the narratives that people use to interpret the world. This is the true power of media – to frame the perceptions that the people of a nation use to determine reality. It is the power to direct the herd, to write the history of the future beforehand and determine the boundaries of the Overton Window of socially acceptable speech, and therefore thought.

In democratic political systems, this might be the greatest power of all.… Read the rest