Welcome to Gentoo, a flexible, source-based Linux distribution that becomes just about any system you need—and much more.

Github Gentoo organization hacked - resolved (Jun 28, 2018)

2018-07-04 14:00 UTC

We believe this incident is now resolved. Please see the incident report for details about the incident, its impact, and resolution.

2018-06-29 15:15 UTC

The community raised questions about the provenance of Gentoo packages. Gentoo development is performed on hardware run by the Gentoo Infrastructure team (not github). The Gentoo hardware was unaffected by this incident. Users using the default Gentoo mirroring infrastructure should not be affected.

If you are still concerned about provenance or are unsure what solution you are using, please consult https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Portage/Repository_Verification. This will instruct you on how to verify your repository.

2018-06-29 06:45 UTC

The gentoo GitHub organization remains temporarily locked down by GitHub support, pending fixes to pull-request content.

For ongoing status, please see the Gentoo infra-status incident page.

For later followup, please see the Gentoo Wiki page for GitHub 2018-06-28. An incident post-mortem will follow on the wiki.

Gentoo accepted into Google Summer of Code 2018 (Feb 19, 2018)

Students who want to spend their summer having fun and writing code can do so now for Gentoo. Gentoo has been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code.

The GSoC is an excellent opportunity for gaining real-world experience in software design and making one’s self known in the broader open source community. It also looks great on a resume.

Initial project ideas can be found here, although new projects ideas are welcome. For new projects time is of the essence: there is typically some idea-polishing which must occur before the March 27th deadline. Because of this it is strongly recommended that students refine new project ideas with a mentor before proposing the idea formally.

GSoC students are encouraged to begin discussing ideas in the #gentoo-soc IRC channel on the Freenode network.

Further information can be found on the Gentoo GSoC 2018 wiki page. Those with unanswered questions should not hesitate to contact the Summer of Code mentors via the mailing list.

New packages more at the Gentoo packages database

tup A file-based build system
jrommanager A Mame and Retrogaming Rom Manager, Java alternative to ClrMamePro
fatresize Resize FAT partitions using libparted
burrow_exporter Prometheus exporter for Burrow
python-consul Python client for Consul

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Fuse started by Expeditioneer
Binary package guide/it started by Alogim
Hard dependancies on systemd started by Naib
PORTDIR/fr started by Cyxae
Eudev/Network device names/fr started by Cyxae