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DemocracyOS is a web platform that allows transparent and collective decision making.

Democracy must reinvent itself in the Internet era.

DemocracyOS is an open source platform: free, independent and replicable. It aims to promote the participation of all in the political decision making industry, at a time when the Internet has changed almost every aspect of our daily life ... except the way our democracies work.

Our mission is to support civic movements, institutions, start ups, associations and any type of organization that is ready to embrace online participatory democracy by using a free, simple and powerful tool.

We promote a new culture of citizen involvment and favor the emergence of a civic tech ecosystem in France.

Who uses DOS? In France and elsewhere

City of Nanterre, city of Paris, #MAVOIX and many more. Local governments, associations, citizen movements, start ups... DemocracyOS is designed for any type of collective that requires consultation and transparent decision making.

Get involved with the community

DemocracyOS is an open source platform: anyone can take part in its development process. If you're a programmer, a translater, a designer, or have any other area of expertise, you're more than welcome to bring your support. If civic tech sounds interesting to you and you'd like to get involved more deeply, meet our team and join us!

Because the platform's development also depends on the association's financial resources, donations help DemocracyOS go forward.

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Focus sur les cas d'usages :...
L'interview d'Emile Meunier, membre de Halte à l'Obsolescence Programmée


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DemocracyOS France dans les médias:

Latest articles available on the blog

Charte éthique pour les démarches de...

Focus sur les cas d'usages :...
L'interview d'Emile Meunier, membre de Halte à l'Obsolescence Programmée