According to the media, the coming federal election is shaping up as a class war contest. But it's the Liberals who are class warriors—for corporations and the rich.

Mag highlights

Australia wants to keep control as China encroaches in south Pacific

Since the beginning of 2018, the Turnbull government has renewed efforts to assert Australian control and dominance in the Pacific.

Trump retreats amid outrage at detention of migrant children

The Trump administration has been forced to partially back down on its “zero tolerance” immigration policy which resulted in the separation of children from their parents at the border. This reversal comes following mass outrage and protests.

Inequality and the class divide

It’s widely acknowledged that inequality is growing. Behind this is the enormous wealth and power of a tiny minority—the capitalist ruling class, argues Miro Sandev


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Left contests union elections at Sydney Uni

Union branch elections at Sydney University are seeing a political contest over strategy, led by the left activist network, Union Action.



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