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Fire from the Gods on Evildoers

Let us call to them to enter into, as is Their mandate, this iteration of the never-ending fight against the Powers of Wrongness; the stealing and imprisoning of children. Send down Your power to help us stand for Right Action.

Questions of Water

As a heatwave continues to scorch the UK Lorna Smithers poses questions about water use, the sources of our water and who controls them.

The Songs I Know

“The Spirit of the Depths had shown me how to awaken the dead, How to bring forth the lost memories […]

Lessons From Martial Arts – Part Two

fighting is fighting, whether it's a physical fist fight or fighting against the power that is, the capitalist state, and the destruction of the wild places  left in the world it creates, sustains and promotes.

Anarchism ›

The Factory Floor & The Witch’s Stake

From Rhyd Wildermuth: To accept Empire is to deny the dead, the tortured witches of our past and the tortured rebels dying in Empire's prisons. To not fight Empire is to defy our own bodies, defile the land and destroy the bodies of others. To accept Empire is to become Empire.

The Police Aren’t Here For You

The police are an increasingly militarized arm of an increasingly fascist state, hired thugs for capitalist oligarchs, the modern-day version of slave catchers, a terrorist organization. When I came to see this, then abolishing the police didn't seem so crazy anymore.

It Is Impossible To Be “Anti-War”

"When there are no politicians capable of challenging the decision to kill, when there are no soldiers to convince not to fire...what exactly will you be hoping to do?"

Paganism ›

The Songs I Know

“The Spirit of the Depths had shown me how to awaken the dead, How to bring forth the lost memories […]

Solstice Musings

As I write this, the solstice is almost upon us. I always think that this time of year takes on an almost dreamlike quality, and time seems to warp into something else so that the New Year and Imbolc seem  like distant memories and like yesterday all at the same time. 

Capitalism ›

Lessons From Martial Arts – Part Two

fighting is fighting, whether it's a physical fist fight or fighting against the power that is, the capitalist state, and the destruction of the wild places  left in the world it creates, sustains and promotes.

Editorial ›

This is America’s Enslaver Culture

It's no surprise that even though chattel slavery was formally abolished throughout the Americas over 100 years ago, enslaver culture is still very much alive. (From Mirna Wabi-Sabi)

The Factory Floor & The Witch’s Stake

From Rhyd Wildermuth: To accept Empire is to deny the dead, the tortured witches of our past and the tortured rebels dying in Empire's prisons. To not fight Empire is to defy our own bodies, defile the land and destroy the bodies of others. To accept Empire is to become Empire.

Environmentalism ›

The Factory Floor & The Witch’s Stake

From Rhyd Wildermuth: To accept Empire is to deny the dead, the tortured witches of our past and the tortured rebels dying in Empire's prisons. To not fight Empire is to defy our own bodies, defile the land and destroy the bodies of others. To accept Empire is to become Empire.

It Is Impossible To Be “Anti-War”

"When there are no politicians capable of challenging the decision to kill, when there are no soldiers to convince not to fire...what exactly will you be hoping to do?"

The Ways We Breathe

A meditation on breathing as participation in a vast realm of beings who are imperilled by the smoke of the Anthropocene.

Gods&Radicals Publishing ›

Long-Form Essay ›

Binding the Wolf

Practical steps that universal/independent Kindreds and Heathens can take to: Combat the overall appearance of collusion with the Odinist racist ideology by no longer keeping a shameful silence.

A Standing Rock Story Part 2

"We [White people] have no sense of shared identity with our neighbors, and no sense of shared purpose. We have no notion that our wellbeing is tied up with that of the people we live next to or share a building with. It is the ultimate in alienation. So much else flows from that." (From Lisha Sterling)

Questions of Water

As a heatwave continues to scorch the UK Lorna Smithers poses questions about water use, the sources of our water and who controls them.

The House of Cold Rain

To join our essence and consciousness with the world was once the common inheritance of humanity. Now, it can only be found in the hinterland, the lands beyond. Beyond techno-industrial society. For what is there to join with in concrete and steel?

The Ways We Breathe

A meditation on breathing as participation in a vast realm of beings who are imperilled by the smoke of the Anthropocene.

The Police Aren’t Here For You

The police are an increasingly militarized arm of an increasingly fascist state, hired thugs for capitalist oligarchs, the modern-day version of slave catchers, a terrorist organization. When I came to see this, then abolishing the police didn't seem so crazy anymore.

Binding the Wolf

Practical steps that universal/independent Kindreds and Heathens can take to: Combat the overall appearance of collusion with the Odinist racist ideology by no longer keeping a shameful silence.