In Naples, in early June, a Malian man was shot by three youths in a drive by shooting. As they fired they chanted “Salvini, Salvini”. Matteo Salvini leader of the League (formerly the Northern...

This is a short report covers the current situation in Iraq, now in their third week. So far the protesters have been able to protect their own independence and none of the political parties or...

On Saturday the 21st of July, a coalition of militant anti-fascists came together to oppose the Scottish Defence League in Glasgow. This is an account of the day's events.

Striking West Virginia miner, 1921

Podcast episode on the West Virginia mine wars 1902-1922. We speak with Catherine Moore and others from the West Virginia Mine Wars Museum, as well as some striking West Virginia teachers about...


Training at Palestra Populare Palermo, Sicily.

A report from Brighton Anti-Fascists on their meetings with trainers from two of Italy's 'red gyms', part of the National Coordination of Popular Sport (CoNaSP), on their...