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    • I don't need a law to remind me of my inequality

      I do not need the Jewish Nation-State Law to remind me that I am not equal to my Jewish friends. And yet, I was born here, I grew up here, this is my homeland. I have no intention of going anywhere. By Yasmeen Abu Fraiha Write it down, I am an Arab woman Born to this land I am Palestinian My parents are Palestinian And my ancestors are Palestinian My mother and her family were expelled from their home in 1967, when she was only eight, so that the army could use it as a military outpost. My grandmother was beaten by…

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    • When Israel planned 'fantasy' tours to Arab villages under martial law

      New documents reveal how Israel's leaders prepared to celebrate the country's 10-year anniversary: by bringing tourists to participate in orientalist 'fantasy' tours to Arab villages, then under military rule. If you’re a young Jewish person, chances are you or someone you know has gone on a Birthright trip. If you have gone on Birthright, chances are that as part of the program’s attempt to provide an “authentic” and pluralistic “Israel experience” you spent the night in a Bedouin tent and posed on a camel in the Negev Desert. In short, young Jews are sold a fantasy. [tmwinpost] That fantasy did not…

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    • Tisha B’Av and the mainstreaming of the Temple discourse

      The further Israel moves from a solution to the conflict, the more it finds itself in need of the symbols of the religious right. As long as liberal Israelis do not fully renounce the sanctification of blood and land, they will be unable to present a real alternative.   By Yudith Oppenheimer I have not adhered to halakha in my daily life for years now, but in spite of this I do fast on Tisha B’Av. I am often asked if I am mourning the destruction of the Temple and the answer is both yes and no. Yes, I identify with the…

    • LGBTQ Israelis hold mass strike, protests demanding equality

      A discriminatory surrogacy law sparks mass protests by LGBTQ Israelis, tens of thousands of whom take part in a nationwide general strike. Some 80,000 fill Tel Aviv's Rabin Square. By +972 Magazine Staff The Israeli LGBTQ community staged a nationwide strike on Sunday to protest discrimination and inequality, sparked by a new law to ease surrogacy regulations that left male gay couples without the ability to use a surrogate to have a child. [tmwinpost] An estimated tens of thousands of members of the community joined the one-day strike to protest the law, tying the action to the broader discrimination many members…

    • With new laws, Netanyahu is hijacking Judaism as we know it

      The leader of the largest Jewish population in the world is consciously abandoning modern Jewish identity in order to usher in a new Judaism. What kind? Just look to the Jewish Nation-State and Holocaust law. By David Sarna Galdi Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised the ire of the Jewish world earlier this month when he went on national television to announce his support for an amended version of the controversial Polish Holocaust Law, a gimmick invented by Poland’s anti-democratic government to gain favor with its right-wing base. [tmwinpost] The law effectively endangers free discussion about the Holocaust and presents a…

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    • 'A danger to humanity': Activists block Hungarian PM's convoy at Yad Vashem

      Dozens of demonstrators, including Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors, block Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's convoy outside Israeli Holocaust museum. 'He is a danger to humanity.' By Oren Ziv Dozens of demonstrators blocked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's motorcade as he left Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum, in Jerusalem Thursday, as part of his official visit to the country. The demonstrators were protesting Orbán's anti-Semitism, as well as his iron-fisted policies toward asylum seekers in his country. [tmwinpost] The demonstrators held signs in both Hebrew and Hungarian and yelled the word "shame" while blocking the convoy as it tried to leave the museum. Within minutes the crowd…

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    • A more sensible two-state vision for Israel and Palestine

      Political separation doesn't necessitate geographic and demographic separation. By Said Zeedani Just a few weeks into the al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, I was enticed by and attracted to a unique idea for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which continues to entice me 18 years later. The contours of the idea — acceptance of the two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, living next to each other in peace and security, on the basis of the June 4, 1967 borders  — remain valid provided the three following conditions are met: Separation between the two states would be – or should be – political in…

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    • Under Trump, Arab support for U.S. hits lowest point in years

      Polling in 11 Arab countries finds that only 12 percent of people in the Arab world have a positive view of U.S. foreign policy. Nearly 90 percent say they would oppose their country recognizing Israel diplomatically. By Derek Davison A year and a half into his presidency, Donald Trump’s two biggest beneficiaries in the Middle East have been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. To Netanyahu, Trump has been a revelation—a U.S. president willing to dispense with even the slightest pretense of support for the Palestinian people. For MbS, Trump has been far…

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