LRB Cover
Volume 40 Number 15
2 August 2018

LRB blog 24 July 2018

Frederick Wilmot-Smith
Strong Reasons

23 July 2018

Moira Donegan
In Union Square

21 July 2018

Anne Orford
In the Hall of Mirrors


21 February 2013

Hilary Mantel
Royal Bodies

19 July 2018

Mahmood Mamdani
The African University

28 July 2011

Alan Bennett
My Libraries

In the next issue, which will be dated 30 August, Susan Pedersen on the Suffragettes, Adam Shatz on Netanyahu, Tariq Ali on caste, Marina Warner on women who fly, Inigo Thomas at the beach.

The London Review has a vacancy for an intern starting in September. More

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John Lanchester

A Story: ‘Love Island’

Iona headed out into the stairwell for a bit of an explore. This upper floor of the villa had six rooms leading off a gallery, with stairs running down one side and a skylight above and walls painted white. It was very bright. She knew without looking that the other rooms would be bedrooms, and that this meant there would be six of them in the villa. Three girls and three boys. She couldn’t see any cameras or mikes so whatever they did with them must be very very clever, super-clever, because she was certain she was being watched. More

David Runciman


Was he sufficiently spooked? As the person at the eye of the storm, he does his level best not to let it get to him. From the outset he remains determined not to get dragged down by the craziness that surrounds his every move. This attitude plays to his strengths: his sangfroid is formidable and his refusal to be baited is admirable. But it is also frustrating – Rhodes feels it and by the end the reader feels it as well. It comes too close to that side of Obama’s personality that ends up with him shrugging his shoulders and walking away. More

Ferdinand Mount

De Gaulle

Although he can’t be wholly blamed for the ructions that have repeatedly shaken the country, to claim that he bequeathed stable political institutions seems an exaggeration, to put it mildly. The Front National (recently rebranded by Marine Le Pen as the Rassemblement National, an echo of de Gaulle’s Rassemblement du Peuple Français) remains a menacing second force, requiring constant ingenuity to be kept out. My eye falls on a blog headlined ‘Macron is restoring France’s dignity.’ What sort of polity is it that needs to have its dignity restored so frequently? Is not the quest for grandeur insisted on by de Gaulle likely only to perpetuate a sense of always falling short? More

Joanna Biggs

Literary London

It isn’t that the sentences are difficult in Crudo, or the subject matter alien: it is rather that Crudo sits somewhere between a roman à clef and autofiction, the hip blend of fiction and memoir associated with writers like Knausgaard, Ben Lerner or Sheila Heti. If most of Crudo is true, then what does the novel gain by being a novel at all? At the back of the book, all the quotations are identified, providing a key of sorts. But Olivia Laing’s own Twitter feed is another key to the novel, as is the sort of knowledge of literary London that means you might know what the poetry prize being referred to is, or who Mitzi, Mary-Kay, Andy and the first owner of a plate that used to belong to Doris Lessing are. More

Short Cuts
William Davies

At Tate Modern
Brian Dillon


VIDEO Grenfell: The End of an Experiment?


Anthony Wilks investigates the history of Kensington and Chelsea Council. Watch  »

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AUDIO Neutral tones

Thomas Hardy

Seamus Perry and Mark Ford discuss Thomas Hardy’s poetry. Listen  »

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